Shelley F lynn
**** * **** * **** E dmond, O K **013 (405-*-**-**** j ********@*****.*** CAREER O BJECTIVE
To a cquire a p osition i n a g rowing a nd r eputable c ompany w ithin O klahoma C ity. I w ant t o apply m y o ffice m anagement e xperience t o a c ompany t hat I c an h elp m ake a d ifference w ithin. I a m e xtremely s elf-sufficient a nd a q uick l earner. EDUCATION
Bachelor o f S cience i n F inance f rom U niversity o f C entral O klahoma December 1 995
● Have o ver 1 8 y ears e xperience a s a l egal a ssistant a nd o ffice m anager
● Highly s killed i n a ssisting a ttorneys w ith m anaging l egal d ocuments
● Hands o n e xperience i n o rganizing a nd m anaging d ocument p roductions f or l itigation
● Have m anagerial s kills a nd c omfortable w ith m anaging a h eavy w ork-load a s a n o ffice manager
● Familiarity w ith w orkers c ompensation l egal t erminology a nd f iling p rocess WORK E XPERIENCE
Z lotogura a nd Z lotogura L aw, E dmond, O K
O ffice M anager, 2 017 ( Currently)- 2 006
● Prepare a nd r esponsible f or c lient b illing i n e xcess o f 4 00 f iles
● Set u p a nd o versee “ Time M atters” l egal p ractice m anagement s oftware
● Electronic b illing f or s pecific c lients o n i ndependent p latforms
● Managed a ll l egal a ssistant d uties, a s w ell a s o ffice m anager r esponsibilities
Z lotogura a nd Z lotogura L aw, E dmond, O K
L egal A ssistant, 2 006- 1 998
● Prepare s ettlements a nd v arious l egal d ocuments f or c ourt
● Compose a nd a dvise o n c orrespondence t o o ther a ttorneys
● Prepare a nd c ommunicate w ith c lients o n a r egular b asis
● Responsible f or a ll s cheduling f or ( 4) a ttorneys, i ncluding d epositions a nd m ediations McDivitt & C asey, P .C., E dmond, O K
Legal A ssistant, 1 998- 1 997
● Responsible f or a ccounts r eceivable f or a ll c lients
● Prepared E state P lanning d ocuments
● Set u p C orporations, L imited P artnerships a nd o ther l egal d ocuments
E nterprise R ent-A-Car, O klahoma C ity, O K Human R esources A dministrator, 1 997- 1 995
● Responsible f or c hanging e mployee t itles a nd h andling t ransfers
● Processed n ew h ires a nd t erminations
● Processing 4 01K l oans a nd p ulling v arious p ersonal r eports References A vailable U pon R equest