Manuel M atos
631-***-**** ( Mobile)
Nashua, N ew H ampshire
Shipping/receiving c lerk, a nd M achine O perator w ith a 1 8+ y ear b ackround i n t he w arehousing, l ogistics i ndustry. Proficient i n t he o peration o f a ll m anner o f i ndustrial p owered t rucks, I ncluding b ut n ot l imited t o f orklift ( LPG a nd electric), p ower j ack, h i-low, a nd c herry p icker. WORK E XPERIENCE
July 2 016 - F ebruary 2 017
Resonetics N ashua, N ew H ampshire
Medical m anufacturing l aboratory.
•CNC L aser m achine o peration
•Catheter w ire s pool c utter o peration
•Daily d ata e ntry v ia M icrosoft w ord o f c ompleted a nd r ejected m aterials
•Routine Q uality I nspection o f c ompleted m aterials Construction W orker
November 2 014 - M arch 2 016
24-7 C onstruction L LC L itchfield, N ew H ampshire Drive t o j ob s ite a nd a ssist i n t he c onstruction o f b uildings ( steel a nd l umber) Operate b oom l ift p ersonnel m achine.
various p ower i ncluding, b ut n ot l imited t o: I mpact d rill, N ail g un, c ircular s aw, p ower d rill, l evels a nd m easurement equipment
Machine O perator
April 2 013 - F ebruary 2 014
3M T echnologies M ethuen, M assachusetts
Manufacturing - O ther
Touchscreen a ssembly a nd m achine o peration Assemble P rojective C apacitive T ecnology ( PCT) t ouchscreen e lectronics u sing m anual a lignment a nd h eat pressing m achine.
Operation o f L aser c utting M achine t o p recisely m easure a nd c ut l ayers o f e lectronically l aced p laced p lastic s heets for a pplication i n t ouchscreen a ssembly.
Manual A pplication o f C S3000 ( scratch r esistance c oating) t o r aw g lass b efore l oading i nto o ven f or h eating purposes.
Scribe a nd b reak r aw g lass t o p recise s pecificationsas i ndicated o n B ill o f M aterial ( BOM) u sing r olling r azor scribing m achines, a nd b reaking m anually.
Laser c utter O peration. D iagnostic t esting. H andling o f s ensitive f ragile m erchandise., Warehouse A ssociate
April 2 012 - J une 2 012
Hewlett P ackard A ndover A ndover, M assachusetts Manufacturing - O ther
• D e-box a nd r estack i ncoming C omputer a nd P C r elated m erchandise
• A ssist I T T echnicians o n r epurposing P Cs f or R esale
• M aintain a c lean a nd o rderly w ork e nvironment
• M eticulously s eparate v arious C omputer c omponents a s s hipments a re r eceived Recieving c lerk-Forklift O perator
August 2 011 - F ebruary 2 012
GT A dvance T echnologies M errimack, N ew H ampshire Operation o f L aser C utter f or S heet M etal M anufacturing
• U nload T rucks a nd T railers u sing m otorized p owered t rucks a nd j acks.
• P erform c ycle c ounts o f i nventory a nd f ullfill c ount r equests r egularly
• D ata E ntry o f i ncoming m aterial a nd d ocumentation
• v erify a nd s ign f or c ounts a nd m aterials a gainst p acking s lip a nd/or b ills o f l ading f rom s hippers
• U sing F orklift o r p owerjack, l abel a nd l ocate i n w arehouse a ll i ncoming m aterial a nd e xisting i nventory Forklift O perator
April 2 010 - S eptember 2 010
Step U p S caffolding Q ueens, N Y
Manufacturing - O ther
• L oad a nd u nload t rucks v ia L PG f orklift.
• I nventory r esponsibilities
• M aintain c leanliness o f y ard a nd w arehouse. Warehouse W orker
February 2 010 - A pril 2 010
Paramount P aper a nd P lastic Q ueens, N Y Manufacturing - O ther
• L oad a nd u nload t rucks u sing L GS p owered f orklift.
• M aintain i nventory c ontrol t hroughout w arehouse.
• P repare m aterials f or s hipment a nd d istribution t o v arious v endors.
• M aintain c leanliness o f w arehouse.
Full S erve w arehouse / l ogistics
November 2 009 - F ebruary 2 010
Ikea, B rooklyn B rooklyn, N Y
Manufacturing - O ther
• R esponsible f or t he r etrieval a nd d istribution o f m erchandise o rdered b y s tore c lients
• I nsure p roper i nventory p rocedures a re e xecuted c orrectly
• M aintain a isle a nd r ack e fficiency b y c ataloging r eplenishing n eeds o f m erchandise a nd k eeping warehouse a estheticly o rganized
• A ssist i n a ll a reas o f w arehouse o perations Professional C leaner
May 2 007 - J uly 2 009
M&E C leaning B rooklyn, N ew Y ork
Other/Not C lassified
• R esponsible f or c orporate a nd r esidential c leaning s ervices u sing s tate-of-the-art p ower c leaning t ools, and e arth c onscious c leaning m aterials a nd c hemicals.
• R esponsible f or t he u pkeep a nd m aintenance o f e quipment.
• R esponible f or p roper l oading a nd u nloading o f e quipment t o a nd f rom w ork v an.
• R esponsible f or t he o pening, a nd w hen f inished, c losing o f f acilities, o r r esidence. Shipping a nd R eceiving C lerk
September 2 000 - D ecember 2 006
Mailmen, I nc., H auppauge, N ew Y ork
Manufacturing - O ther
• T rain s taff i n t he s tandard o perating p rocedures o f t he w arehouse, i ncluding: s hipping/receiving, inventory c ontrol, a nd e xpedited o rder p ulling.
• C onduct c ycle c ounts o f i nventory, a nd c onsolidate o r o therwise o rganize s aid i nventory.
• O peration a nd m aintenance o f f orklift, p owerjack, h i-low, a nd o rder p icker.
• V erify a ll i ncoming m erchandise u sing a c omplex, c alibrated s cale w eigh-in s ystem.
• D ata e ntry o f i ncoming m erchandise u sing j ob n umbers f rom a ccount m anagers a nd W indows Inventory s oftware.
• P repare a nd p rocess p ackages f or s hipping i ncluding s pecial m essenger ( Fed E x, U PS or f rieght ( 21+ s kids).
• S ee t o t he t imely d elivery o f a ll i ncoming s pecial m essenger p ackages a nd i nteroffice m ail to a ll d epartments.
• P ick o rders f or f ulfillment a nd p roduction i n f ast p aced, e xpedited f ashion.
• K nowledgeable w ith W indows X P, V ista o peration. A s w ell a s n etworking f amiliarity.
• A ssist i n t he d ay t o d ay f unctions o f t he d istribution c enter. EDUCATION
High S chool o r e quivalent,
September 1 990 - J une 1 992
Central I slip P ublic H igh S chool
• O ver 9 y ears i n t he s hipping a nd r eceiving Industry.
Powered I ndustrial V ehicle O peration
18+ y ears o f e xperience o perating a v ariety o f p owered i ndustrial m achines w ithout i ncident o r a ccident.