Curriculum Vitae
Name: Mr. Jawwad Ahmad
Permanent Address Amrava Dis . Maharashtra
Mobile & Whatsapp (India): +91-973******* Email: **********@**********.*** Current Address: Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Mobile (UAE): +971-********* Educa on & Professional Affilia on:
• B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) from Nagpur University (L.I.T), India, June-2002, 71% Marks.
• Professional Membership: Member Indian Ins tute of Chemical Engineers (MIIChE). Employers and designa ons so far: listed most recent as first,
• M/s Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER)-Abu Dhabi UAE, as Energy Specialist (Refinery)
• M/s Kuwait Gulf Oil Company(KGOC)-Kuwait, as Senior Process & Facili es Engineer
• M/s Worley Parsons W.L.L.- Qatar as Senior Process Engineer
• M/s Engineers India Limited (EIL), New Delhi-India as Engineer(Process Design & Development)
• M/s L&T-Chiyoda Ltd. Baroda- India as Process Engineer.
• M/s Yajna Fuel Services, Thane (Mumbai)- India as Engineer(Energy Efficiency) The Experience Summary: Process Engineer with over 13 years of experience in the Process Engineering, Technical Services, Projects & Facili es and Energy Efficiency in the Oil & Gas. A) Process Engineering:
• Conceptual/Feasibility Studies, FEED and Detail Engineering of Oil & Gas Projects such as Gas & Condensate Export System, Three Phase Test Separators, Crude Oil Storage Tanks, Produced Water System, NGL Plants, LPG Loading and Export System, AGRU, SRU, CDU, Configura on Study for a Refinery, KTU, Naphtha Isomerisa on, Ammonia Feedstock Conversion, PVC Plant Expansion, Instrument/Plant Air Compressors etc.
• Prepara on & Review of various Process Engineering Deliverables such as Design Basis Memorandum, Site Survey & Data Retrieval, Process Simula on, PFDs, H&MBs, P&IDs, Hydraulics Calcula ons, Pumps Sizing, Relief Valves/Ven ng & Breather Valve Sizing, Equipment & Instrument Data Sheets, Line Lists and PTF Summary, HAZOP/HAZID/Value Engineering Par cipa on & prepara on of Close Out Reports, Opera ng/Control/Pre- commissioning/Commissioning/Shutdown Philosophies, Opera ng Manuals.
• Familiarity with HYSYS, FlareNet, HTRI, ProDraw, MS-Office, API, ASME, NACE, NFPA, GPSA, ShellDEP Guidelines
• Reviewing ITBs & raisings TQs, Prepara on of Process CTRs and Man-hour es ma ons, Prepara on of Scope of Work, Technical Bid Evalua on of Engineering Contractors, Short lis ng the manpower of engineering contractors, Responding to TQs of Bidders and Contractors, Par cipa on in the various Design Review Mee ngs B) Technical Services:
• Been seconded to ‘Technical Services Department’ of a reputed Gas Processing Plant in Qatar, was part of a team responsible for plant’s Management of Change (MOC) Processes, As a part assisted in prepara on of various Improvement Sugges ons (ISs), Facility Modifica on Proposal (FMPs) including alarm management, and Plant Change Request (PCRs).
C) Project Management/Coordina on:
• Technical coordina on with engineering contractors such as FEED Consultant, EPC Contractor and PMC Consultant, Par cipa on in Project KO Mee ng and other progress review mee ngs, Coordina on with various other stake holders and Govt authori es during project execu on. D) Energy Efficiency:
Energy Audi ng and Conserva on recommenda ons with respect to U li es and Process to Oil & Gas and Chemicals Industries, Monitor Plant performance of Steam Boilers/HRSGs/Furnaces, Steam Distribu on Network and Steam Users (Heat Exchangers). Performance evalua on of Cooling Water System, Compressed Air System, Pumps. Heat Recovery poten al and Implementa on of Energy Conserva on Projects. M/s Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company (TAKREER)-– as Energy Specialist in ‘Ruwais Refinery’ from Nov-2015 to Present
Responsibili es includes,
• Monitoring day to day Energy Performance of Major Energy Consumers such as Furnaces and Boilers per ISO-50001 for all the Units (Hydro Skimmer, Hydrocracker, Condensate Unit, Green Diesel Plant, Gasoline and U li es) of a Refinery
• Establishing the Energy Consump on Baseline for various consumers & Establishing Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs)
• Par cipate ac vely in formula ng Company objec ves, plan, strategies and policies to reduce energy consump on and coordinate for their implementa on.
• Review energy improvement proposals and associated techno-economic feasibility studies. Coordinate & conduct Energy awareness programs/ trainings/ workshops.
• Follow up proper implementa on of Energy Management System. Coordinate for energy audits on regular basis.
• Review the MOC from energy management aspect for minor projects. Develop procedures and guidelines on energy management as applicable to projects during study and FEED phase Coordinated the Feasibility Studies (Projects) such as 1) Applica on of VFDs for Air Fin Coolers for the Refinery and 2) Feasibility study for the installa on of Air Pre Heater (APH) for Heaters/Furnaces of the refiner. M/s Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC) – as Sr. Process & Facili es Engineer in ‘Projects & Facili es Team’ (Kha i) July-2013 to 29th January 2015 As a Client technical representa ve I have been tasked to supervise the work of Engineering Contractor, EPC Contractor and PMC Consultant. As a part, the major responsibili es were, Establishing the Scope of Work especially with reference to Process Engineering, Reviewing the Technical Bids submi ed by Engineering bidders and ra ng them based on technical acceptability, Responding to Technical Bid clarifica on, Reviewing and approving the CVs of Personnel's from EPC, FEED and PMC Contractors, Accompanying the Engineering Contractors for Site Visits, Assis ng Contractors retrieve the documents/data, Responding to various TQs submi ed by Engineering Contractors, Monitoring the work performed by engineering contractors, Reviewing and commen ng the process deliverables, Par cipa ng in KO Mee ngs, Progress Review Mee ng, Interface/ Coordina on mee ngs etc, Par cipa ng in the various Design Review mee ngs, HAZID/HAZOP/Value Engineering workshops, Lasing/interface mee ngs with various stake holders such as KOC, KNPC, KJO etc. I was associated with KGOC Gas & Condensate Export Program comprising of below Projects, 1) EPC for KGOC Gas & Condensate Export System Project (EPC Phase) (Project includes Compressors, Pumps,
@150km 12” Mul phase Pipeline, U li es and Associated Facili es) 2) Feed for KGOC New Slug Catcher & Associated Facili es Project (Project includes Finger Type Slug Catcher, @ 10km 10” Gas Pipeline, @ 10km 6” Condensate Pipeline & Pumps,, various U li es and Associated Facili es) 3) Feasibility Study for extending 12" KGOC Pipeline to KNPC MAA Slug Catcher. M/s Worley Parsons Qatar WLL – Sr. Process Engineer from Oct-2008 to June-2013 Experience as Sr. Process Engineer:
I worked as Sr. Process engineer on various oil & gas projects as men oned below, Project: Secondment to Process Engineering Section of Technical Services Department of Qatar Operations of M/s Dolphin Energy Limited-Qatar. (Feb’2013 to May’2013) Seconded to ‘Technical Services Department’ (TSD) of ‘Dolphin Energy Limited’ (DEL) and was involved with the Management of Change (MOC) process for the Gas Processing Plant at Ras Laffan. During deputa on I have prepared various ‘Improvement Sugges ons’ (IS) and ‘Facility Modifica on Proposals’ (FMPs). The major IS/FMPS worked are as follows,
• IS/FMP to prevent Control Valve bypass leakage associated with Sulphur Condensers’
• ISs for alarm management of 1st and 2nd Sulphur Condensers, Modify/Replace the Condensate & Water Filters
• FMPs for alarm management of the Condensate Stabilizer’ and De-Methaniser bo om low temperature trip
• FMPs for specific unit opera ons including trip management and replacement of PSVs for code compliance.
• FMP for ‘U116X-EGT Stripper Reflux Drum Gases Vent Line Rerou ng’ While at DEL I learnt to use Real Time Data Base (RTDB) using Citrix so ware for Automa on Interface applica on and comparison of parameters. As part of the requirement used Blue beam So ware for P&ID development. Project: Various Plant Change Requests (PCRs) for offshore facilities of Qatar Petroleum The major PCRs he has worked on are as below,
NFA Effluent Treatment Unit Produced Water Flow Metering: the objec ve of the project was to verify, confirm and eventually correct exis ng flow measurement to give a reading that is indica ve of the total treated water that is released into the sea. As a part of SOW I have performed conceptual study & detailed engineering. Modifica on of Inlet KO Drum PSV’s discharge header & piping (NFA): The Scope of Work for this detail design is to demolish 1” PSV bypass line and install instead 2” pipe as specified above. The main deliverables were the Sizing Calcula ons, Prepara on of Construct & Destruct P&ID, Line List etc. Drainers Reposi oning Plant Air Receiver & Instrument Air Receiver (NFA): Maintenance of condensate trap is difficult with the exis ng configura ons & objec ve therefore reroute the drainers of the air receivers. The scope was to prepare construct & destruct P&IDs etc.
‘FEED for Replacement of Old 3-Phase Test Separators at all Degassing Sta ons-Dukhan Field’ for M/s Qatar Petroleum- Qatar
The project scope involves exis ng OLD Three Phase Test Separators at all seven Degassing sta ons has to be replaced with NEW suitably sized Test Separators to accurately measure the en re range of flows from the Wells. I am currently working on this project as Sr. Engineer/Deputy Lead Process Engineer, my role involve establishing Design Basis, Simula ng and Sizing 3-Phase test Separators, Preparing Simula on & H&MB Report, reviewing hydraulic and equipment sizing calcula ons, relief valve & Blow Down Valve (de-pressuring) calcula ons, PFDs & P&IDs development. Co- ordina on with other disciplines, vendors and client.
Feasibility Study For Future Opera ons Plan of NGL-1 & 2 Plants in Mesaieed for M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar The objec ve of the Feasibility Study is to establish the op mum economic solu on for opera ng & maintaining the NGL Complex Plants for the foreseeable future (25 Years) with specific focus on NGL-1 & 2 Plants for declining Raw NGL feeds rates for NGL-112 in the next 15 years.
As a Senior Process engineer I was Responsible for site survey, data retrieval and as building of the process documents, analysing opera ng parameters vis a vis design parameters, establishing the basis of design, Analysing different op ons such as rou ng the feeds of NGL-1 and/or 2 to NGL-3 and/or 4 or analysing the availability of feeds in future to fed the NGL plants. Assis ng cost es mator for es ma ng the cost of each op on and project planner for preparing the project schedule for different op ons. Evalua ng different op ons based on technical, economic, environment & safety parameters and op on selec on.
EPIC for Replacement of LP and HP Air Compressors in PS-2 and PS-3 Offshore Pla orms for M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar Detailed engineering for installa on of new air compressors for two offshore pla orms for Qatar petroleum. The overall Project Scope is to upgrade the exis ng LP Instrument Air system and HP instrument air system by installing addi onal one 1X100% Screw Type new LP Instrument Air Compressor with Air Dryer Package and 2X100% HP Reciproca ng Air Compressor packages on each Produc on Sta on Complexes - PS2 & PS3. As Senior Process Engineer I was involved in prepara on of design basis, design philosophies, equipment and line sizing calcula ons, simula ons, equipment and line lists, equipment and instrument datasheets, control and opera ng philosophy, design reviews, HAZOP of P&IDs.
Feasibility Study for New crude oil storage tanks and up-grade of central crude manifold at Halul Island-Offshore (Qatar) for M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar
The scope of this study is to evaluate the adequacy of the storage capacity to meet opera onal requirements for various scenarios and combina on of scenarios like crude oil produc on forecast, field poten al forecast, various maintenance and repair scenarios, phasing out an exis ng tank to u lize the space for con nuous dewatering facili es, various loading /weather scenarios and any other emergency scenarios. As a Sr Engineer I was involved with preparing various Reports/Feasibility studies.
FEED for LPG Export & Loading facili es at Mesaieed for M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar The Project involved the addi on of new loading facility for the shipment of 4000 m3/hr LPG. The major components were adding dedicated 24" export headers for butane and propane products, Piggy back Marine Loading Arms
(Liquid & Vapour), Vapour balance line from ‘Vapour Return Arms’ to the tanks and/or flare, Dedicated circula on Lines to achieve cool down of the system during non-loading opera on and Fiscal Metering skid on loading lines. As Process Engineer I was responsible for site survey, data retrieval, inputs to the Design Basis Memorandum, prepara on of various studies l, Material balances and PFDs development, Hydraulic Calcula ons, P&IDs development, Co-ordina on with vendors, par cipa on in Design review mee ngs and HAZOP studies, prepara on of Opera ng, Control & Safeguarding Philosophy, Pre-commissioning Philosophy etc.
Design Revalida on of Exis ng (Onshore & Offshore) QatarGas Facili es for M/s QatarGas Opera ng Company Limited at Ras Laffan.
The project involved performing a design revalida on exercise on the Onshore (AGRU) and offshore facili es such as Inlet separa on, Condensate Trea ng, Gas Dehydra on, Glycol Regenera on, Chemical Injec on (Methanol, An foam, CI, and Demulsifier), closed drain system, Flare system, Fuel System& other u li es. The intent was to review and iden fy specific non-age related items which could impact the design integrity of the Plant. As a Sr. Process Engineer I was responsible for Site Survey, data gathering and as-building the process documents, analysing the current opera ng condi ons versus the original design condi ons, reviewing changes to opera ng philosophies, checking that HAZOP were carried out during significant design modifica ons, Reviewing specific problems iden fied during maintenance and inspec on such as corrosion etc and Provide a detail recommenda ons to the iden fied issues. I was ac vely involved in compiling all the findings in the form of report called ‘Study Basis Memorandum’ (SBM). I also prepared the Scope of Work documents for all the recommenda ons made in SBM and also the es mated the engineering man-hours required to execute the recommenda on in subsequent phase (e.g. FEED).
FEED for Produced Water System at Halul Island (offshore) for M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar Exis ng Produced Water Disposal System at QP Halul is not adequate for disposing 210000 BPD of Produced Water to UeR (Umm El Radhuma ) acquifier, which is the future requirement considering an increased produc on of crude oil and higher water content in crude oil. In order to meet this requirement for disposing a max design flow of 210000 BPD of Produced Water to UeR acquifier, a new Produced Water System shall be installed at Halul which shall dispose off all the produced water to UeR aquifer from crude oil storage tanks in North and South Tank Farms As a Process engineer I have been involved with prepara on of various documents such as H&MBs, PFDs, P&IDs, Equipment sizing calcula ons, Hydraulics & Simula on.
FEED for Sulphur Recovery Upgrade Project M/s Qatar Petroleum-Qatar This project involved FEED for upgrading of the exis ng QP sulphur recovery facili es at NGL-3 plant in Mesaieed to achieve a minimum sulphur recovery of 99.5% during normal opera on. As Sr. Process Engineer, I was responsible for upda ng the various process deliverables like PFDs, P&IDs, Process Equipment Datasheets (Heat Exchangers, Columns, Incinerators, and Pumps etc), Process Calcula ons, Lists and Summaries etc.
FEED for provision of Chemical transfer pump skid for wellhead pla orms for M/s QatarGas Opera ng Company Limited The project involved Preliminary and detail engineering for the provision of portable chemical transfer pumps for unloading Corrosion Inhibitor (CI), Kine c Hydrate Inhibitor (KHI) and Batch Corrosion inhibitor (BCI). The chemicals to be unloaded from ISO tanks placed on the supply boat to the storage tanks on pla orm. As a Sr. Process engineer I was Responsible for P&IDs development, Equipment and Line sizing calcula ons, and prepara on of Opera ng, Control and Safeguarding philosophy etc.
Experience as an Assigned Lead Process Engineer:
I have been assigned & worked as a Lead Process Engineer on couple of projects (mostly minor hydrocarbon projects or Infrastructure projects involving hydrocarbon scope); my responsibili es as a lead were to co-ordinate Process engineering design and dra ing, reviewing the documents generated by process engineer. Providing technical direc on, advice and monitoring the Process work, planning of man hour budgets & schedules & to ensure all Process work is carried out within established budgets and schedules. Liaison with other discipline Lead engineers, project manager & client on technical issues and engineering ma ers, Co-ordina on and prepara on of input to essen al process documents, Responsible for working within the provisions and guidelines of the Quality Assurance system & to ensure all design work is safe and carried out in a safe manner. Brief summary of the projects I worked as lead process engineer are,
New Port Project (NPP) for M/s The Government of the State of Qatar(New Port Project Steering Commi ee)-Qatar
Qatar Emiri Naval Forces Base (QENFB) for M/s The Government of the State of Qatar(New Port Project Steering Commi ee)-Qatar
The new facili es as a part of above projects will be equipped with Land Fuel, Marine Fuel, De-Fuelling and Compressed Air Systems. The new base includes fuel storage and distribu on system for Land and Marine fuel, as well as to collect, store & transfer the waste and contaminated fuel. Compressed Air system consists of a compressor with Air Receiver and distribu on network to all the quayside service points. Process Engineering ac vi es for the fuel & compressed air systems include process design and studies, reviewing the Master Plan, establishing the Basis of design, preparing the Design Report, carrying out the equipment (Fuel Tanks, Pumps, Compressor & Air Receiver etc) sizing calcula ons, carrying out hydraulic calcula ons for fuel distribu on network, carrying out the tank ven ng & relief valve calcula ons, par cipa ng in HAZOP studies, preparing Process Flow Diagrams and Piping & Instrumenta on Diagrams. M/s Engineers India Limited, New Delhi, India as Engineer (Process Design Development) Sep-2005 to Oct-2008
Detailed Engineering of Kerosene Trea ng Unit (KTU) for M/s Essar Oil Refinery, Vadinar, Gujarat, India The project involved the detailed engineering of MERICHEM Licensed 0.63 MMTPA Kerosene trea ng unit for sweetening the kerosene by removing salts, water trace, Organo-metallic compounds & par culate ma ers etc. As a Process Engineer I was involved with various process deliverables like PFDs, P&IDs, Equipment Sizing and Hydraulic calcula ons, Equipment/Instruments Data sheets prepara on, Lists and summaries etc.
Feasibility Report and configura on study for 9 MMTPA grass root Refinery for M/s Guru Gobind Singh Refinery, Bha nda, Punjab. Punjab-India.
As a Process Engineer I was involved in Mass balances and prepara on of data book to be used in the PIMS (Process Industries Modelling System) so ware for refinery configura on. I was also responsible for assis ng lead process engineer in incorpora ng various sec ons in the Detailed Feasibility Report.
Basic engineering of Crude Dis lla on Unit for M/s SKIKDA Refinery Algeria
Detailed feasibility/ Health Check Report for Revival of SRU for IOCL Mathura Refinery-India M/s L&T-Chiyoda Ltd. Baroda- India as Process Engineer from Jan-2005 to Sep-2005 The major projects I was associated with are,
Detailed engineering of PVC Expansion Project for M/s Sri-ram Fer lizers, Kota-India The project involved the detailed engineering for revamp of Poly Vinyl Chloride plant. It involved major retrofi ng in the exis ng plants in order to enhance the plant capacity from 115 MTPD to 175 MTPD maintaining the quality of the product as per specifica ons. Exis ng opera ng data was check rated and the validated data were used for design and engineering.
Detailed engineering of Isomerisa on Project Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd Project involved the detailed engineering of UOP Licensed Isomerisa on Project comprising of Light Naphtha Hydro trea ng unit-0.7 MMTPA, Benzene Satura on Unit-0.5 MMTPA and PENEX / DIH Unit -0.5 MMTPA.
Detailed engineering of Ammonia Feedstock Conversion Project for M/s Sri-ram Fer lizers Project involved the detailed engineering for 700 MTPD Ammonia Plant conversion of Feedstock from Naphtha to Natural Gas or Mixture of Naphtha & Natural Gas.
M/s Yajna Fuel Services, Thane (Mumbai)- India as Engineer (Energy Efficiency) from July-2002 to Jan-2005
Energy/U li es audi ng and recommending conserva on measures for Various clients such as Oil & Gas, Chemicals, Pharmaceu cals, Food, Dairy, Sugar etc.
Main job in this company was design and applica on engineering of thermal energy system, which involved visi ng the process industries, studying the Opera ng performance of the whole plants in general and Energy and U li es in par cular. By evalua ng the performance of u li es 'Generators' (Steam, Cooling water, Air etc), their
'Distribu on' (i.e. piping network) & 'Consumers'(i.e. Process Equipments). Implemen ng Energy Conserva on Projects.
• Carried out number of energy audit studies for varied industries right from Food (e.g. Cadbury India Ltd), Ceramics (e.g. Kajaria Ceramics Ltd), Chemical (e.g. Gharda Chemical Ltd) and Oil and Gas (e.g. Oil & Natural Gas Corpora on-ONGC Ltd.)
• Thermal efficiency evalua on of Boilers and their tuning for Air-fuel ra o. Implementa on of the boilers fuel conversion from F.O. to bagasse for energy & environment conserva on. Iden fying Heat recovery poten al from boiler /turbine exhaust.
• Performance evalua on of Gas-Turbines and HRSGs (Heat recovery steam generators) in the petroleum refinery and Co-genera on plant in sugar factory.
• Steam Trap Survey. Evalua ng the Performance of Traps & Sugges ng the most suitable one for the par cular applica on. Steam line tracing and Calcula ons of Fixed Distribu on Energy Losses.
• Feasibility of u liza on of Flash Steam collected from condensate drum or cooker (in food industries).
• Detailed Study of the Process equipments like Dis lla on Columns, Evaporators, Heat Exchangers, Furnaces, Rotary Kiln, Spray dryer etc. for the Energy conserva on opportuni es.
• Performance Evalua on of Cooling Tower for the Heat Rejec on capability, & reduc on in power consump on of Fan & Circula ng Pump.
• Diesel Generator/ Engine performance evalua on for the Heat Recovery Poten al and u liza on from the exhaust.
Personal Information:
Fathers Name: Mr. Abdul Sa ar.
Date of Birth: 26th June 1979
Marital Status: Married.
Permanent Address: Post Office: Nandgaon Peth,.
Amrava -444901, Maharashtra, India
Declara on:
The informa on provided in the aforesaid paragraphs is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Aug 2016 Sincerely Yours’
Place: Jamnagar-India / Abu Dhabi (Jawwad Ahmad)