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Accounting Clerk

Dallas, TX
October 21, 2017

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Lester B ailey

Dallas, T X * **** * **.***.****


Accounting C lerk

Ten y ears o f p rogressive e xperience i n a ccounting a nd f inance. Talented, dedicated professional with expertise in all aspects of accounting for a diverse range of companies, leveraged to succeed in a cash coordinator or payroll specialist capacity. Solid research acumen, readily solve problems to achieve favorable outcomes. Knowledgeable in cash application best practices. Display sound judgment in all areas, able to go above and beyond the call of duty where needed. Forge concrete business relationships with colleagues and vendors to foster a collaborative workplace. Fully accustomed to a dynamic, fast-paced work environment. Technical proficiency in MS Office Suite ( Word, E xcel, P owerPoint), S AP, A PEX, T PM, P ACMAN, a nd A MP.

Accounting Project M anagement Forecasting

Payroll Vendor M anagement Team C ollaboration

Account R econciliation Auditing Financial R eporting

GAAP C ompliance Budget D evelopment Change M anagement PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE

Results S taffing, Dallas, T X

Billing S pecialist

2017 - P resent

Interact with vendors, salespeople, and managers by phone, email, or videoconference. Field incoming calls and emails from management and clients regarding billing matters and resolve issues with professionalism. Partner with sales team and other personnel to resolve billing issues. Process billing, audit check stubs and edit existing reports on a weekly basis. Work with other departments to reach resolutions for customer concerns; research and adjust existing customer accounts where needed. G enerate i nvoices f or c ustomers, a nd r eview a udits t o u pdate t rackers a nd a ddress e rrors. Selected A chievements a nd A ssignments:

Held s ole r esponsibility f or w eekly b illing c lose-outs d ue t o n umerous d epartment a bsences, a nd h andled c lose-outs for D allas S outh, G arland, A rlington, F ort W orth, H ouston N orth, H ouston S outh, a nd D allas N orth l ocations, p ulling a ll 32-hour r eports t o g uarantee r eported o vertime a ligned w ith u nbillable o vertime.

Abacus, T rade S pend F ood S ervice V ending C oordinator, A ugust 2 017 P rocess i ncoming c ustomer d eduction a nd double-check r equest c laims f or d istributors a nd o perators, i n a ddition t o c laims u tilizing A MP, A PEX, T PM, S AP, a nd PACMAN. R esearch a nd r esolve d istributor d eductions t o m inimize a ccount w rite-offs. C onduct a udits f or d istributor and o perator c laims t o e nsure c ompliance w ith a ll c ontracts a nd g uidelines. o Established a nd m aintained a c onsistently s tellar a ttendance r ecord, i ncluding o n-time a rrival f or s cheduled work d ays.

Time W arner C able, Dallas, T X

Accounting C lerk

2016 - 2 017

Leveraged analytical acumen to research and immediately rectify misapplied payments. Processed credit card payments, refund checks, electronic, and returned payments. Reconciled all payments received. Managed all aspects of daily accounting activities, fostering productivity and efficiency. Teamed up with Banking Services personnel for tracking report updates and lockbox operations management. Supported department production activities on an as-needed basis. Investigated routine research r equests f rom i nternal a nd e xternal c ustomers a nd r esolved a ll m atters. Selected A chievement:

Earned r eputation o f p unctuality a nd d edication b y n ever m issing a d ay o f w ork, a nd a lways o n t ime. Borden D airy, Dallas, T X 2010 - 2 016

Lester B ailey

Page T wo o f T wo

Route S ettlement C lerk

Liaised with branch locations and Route Supervisors to resolve complex route discrepancies. Handled all areas of accounting within the company, including regular audits for all routes. Double-checked routes to guarantee all import files uploaded quickly and accurately, along with distributor ticket information processing for completeness. Reviewed all documentation pertaining to each route within the company. Drafted payroll deduction adjustment paperwork to address shortages in product a vailability o r p etty c ash.

Selected A chievement:

Regularly d isplayed a s olid t rack r ecord o f t imeliness a nd p unctuality b y a rriving o n-time f or s hifts a nd n ever m issing a day o f w ork.

Thomas R eprographics, Dallas, T X

Accounting C lerk

2007 - 2 010

Oversaw all areas of administrative and accounting activities, including check scanning and credit applications processing. Processed cash batches upon review, as well as refunds and adjustments. Balanced daily, weekly, and monthly transactions. Held responsibility for tax information adjustments. Leveraged problem solving skills to resolve complex and difficult customer service i ssues w ith p rofessionalism.

Selected A chievement:

Received r ecognition f rom a k ey c lient f or s teadfast d edication t o c ustomer s ervice. Additional e xperience a s A ccountant o n a c ontractor b asis w ith n umerous c ompanies ( 2004 t o 2 007) f or R em X A gency. EDUCATION A ND C REDENTIALS

Associates D egree i n C omputer I nformation S ystems, E xpected D ecember 2 017 El C entro J unior C ollege, D allas, T X

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