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Medical Quality

Milwaukee, WI
October 21, 2017

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Understanding Complexity Theory will transform the medical care of the future. My goal is to use my knowledge and experience in Continuous Quality Improvement, Medical Education and Medical Management to materially improve value innovation in the Complex Adaptive System of education in general and in healthcare in particular. Academic/Faculty History

Current Positions:

2016-present: Adjunct Faculty (Research Professor), School for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Arizona State University,

Researcher in computational analysis of health disparities and Complexity and Systems Sciences in healthcare and healthcare education 2006-present: Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin

Lecturer in Systems-Based Practice, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement and Communication

Past Positions:

2000-2005: Professor of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin

Clinical Oculofacial & Orbital Surgery

Director of Resident Education

Director of Clinical Quality

2009-2013: Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, The Uni- versity of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health.

Lecturer in Systems-Based Practice, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement and Communication

1996-2000: Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, The University of Wis- consin School of Medicine & Public Health

Research Advisor, Fellowship in Oculofacial Surgery (see presentations and pub- lications)

1992-1996: Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, The Univer- sity of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health

Research Advisor, Fellowship in Oculofacial Surgery (see presentations and pub- lications)

Russell S. Gonnering, MD,


Complexity Science in Health Care and Education

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 2

1981-1992: Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, The Univer- sity of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health

Research Advisor, Fellowship in Oculofacial Surgery (see presentations and pub- lications)

Medical Education Leadership Positions

2004-2005: Medical Director of Clinical Quality Improvement, Department of Ophthalmol- ogy (.25 fte).

Manage and report departmental clinical indicators to governing body (Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 434 staffed beds, 22,564 annual admissions, 435,283 outpatient visits.

Analysis of call center data (special cause variation as to time of day and day of week, reallocation of scheduling assets.

Analysis of clinic waiting times (significant cause variation as to time of appoint- ment and individual work habits of physicians).

2004-2005: Medical Director of Resident Education, Department of Ophthalmology

Transformation of teaching structure to meet competency-based requirements.

Formal curriculum established.

Program written (4th DimensionTM) to assess resident performance in cataract surgery.

Analysis of performance of residents over past 10 years showed our ranking cri- teria was flawed. Interview and application process changed to better predict performance.

1997-1999: Secretary of Education, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Recon- structive Surgery

Responsible for all educational activities (Graduate Medical Education and Con- tinuing Medical Education) of international specialty organization, 505 members, 32 training programs in the US and Canada.

Developed and oversaw administration of standardized written and oral examina- tions for subspecialty qualification.

Program written (4th DimensionTM) to numerically score training programs on multidimensional measures of performance and reduce variation in training.

Set groundwork for possible board certification or Certificate of Added Qualifica- tion of American Board of Ophthalmology.

1988-1992: Chair, Section 9 (Oculoplastics), Basic & Clinical Science Course, American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Developed the curriculum and testing material for oculofacial surgery used by all the GME programs in ophthalmology

Medical Management and Quality Improvement

Last Position:

2009-2017: Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI Quality Improvement Consultant to Chief of Surgical Services.

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 3

Application of complexity theory to patient throughput, clinical efficiency and quality improvement.

o Increased clinic access, decreased “over 30 day” appointment time from a backlog of @1000 to zero in 7 months.

o Increased resident supervision compliance @20% to @100%. o Demographic study to deal with new regional ambulatory center. Iden- tified the prospective loss of 30% patient volume and recommended alternatives to deal with excess capacity.

National Positions

2010-2015: Advisory Council, Children’s Brain Development Institute (Children’s Eye Foundation)


2010: Co-Chair, Vanguard Group Educational Committee, American College of Physician Executives

Co-chaired committee that formulated educational goals for Vanguard Group, and invited John Kenagy as keynote speaker.

2010: Moderator, healthcare presentations, World Conference on Quality and Improve- ment, American Society for Quality.

2006-2009: Appointed Member, Eye Care Technology Panel, National Quality Forum.

Provided in-depth background analysis and recommendation on PQRI initia- tives, which became the indicators used for vision-related Pay for Performance programs sponsored by CMS.

2005-2007: Co-Chair, Pay for Performance Committee, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

initiated Pay for Performance indicators submitted for evaluation of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

2004-2006: Chair Information Technology Committee, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.

The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (2000-2005) 2004-2005: EPIC Physicians Council

advise the implementation of enterprise-wide electronic medical record at an aca- demic medical center.

2004: Member Institutional Review Board.

2001-2003: Ophthalmology Delegate to Faculty Council Aurora Health Care, Milwaukee, WI (1983-2000)

2000: (.25 fte): Chief of Staff Elect/Vice Chief of Staff, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwau- kee, WI, largest private hospital in Wisconsin, flagship of Aurora Healthcare, largest med- ical system in Wisconsin. Tertiary care with Centers of Excellence in Cardiac, Neuro- sciences, Orthopedics and Oncology. 750 staffed beds, 500,000 outpatient visits, 65,000 ED visits, @ 1100 physicians on staff.

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 4

Chair of Credentials Committee.

Chaired Executive Committee in absence of Chief of Staff. 1996-2000: Physician’s Advisory Council, Aurora Health Care (system wide).

High-level physician relations in the development of an integrated health net- work.

1997-2000: Medical Management Committee, Aurora Health Care (system wide).

Oversight of delivery of care and care management in an integrated health net- work.

1995-1997: Clinical Quality Coordinating Committee, Aurora Health Care (system wide).

Application of methodology of Continuous Quality Improvement in an integrated health network.

1992-1996: (.25 fte): Secretary/Treasurer, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI.

Co-Chair of Quality Council-chartered all hospital-wide quality improvement ini- tiatives such as:

o Decreased wait time in Emergency Department.

o Decreased “Time to Cath Lab” for AMI.

o Decreased time to biopsy report for abnormal mammogram.

Implemented and Oversaw transition from Quality Assurance to Quality Im- provement Model.

Oversaw routine quality indicator monitoring of full-service, tertiary care medical center.

Investigated special cause variation, root cause analysis and medical staff risk management.

1983-1991 and 1997-1999: Chief of Ophthalmology, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwau- kee, WI

Seat on Executive Committee.

Managed and planned growth of department from 5 to 25 members.

Developed and recruited a full line of subspecialty ophthalmology in a private practice setting.

Additional Leadership Positions

Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI: 1989-1991 and 1995-1997- Surgery representative to Executive Committee; 1989-1994- Surgery representa- tive to Credentials Committee.

St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI: 1988-1990-Chair of Laser Safety Committee.

Milwaukee County Medical Society, Milwaukee, WI: 1987-1990 and 1993-1994- Delegate to Wisconsin State Medical Society; 1989-1994- Board of Directors.

Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society, Milwaukee, WI: 1989-1990-Treasurer; 1990-1991-Secretary; 1991-1992-Vice President; 1992-1993-President.

American College of Surgeons: 1997-2001-Council, Wisconsin Chapter.

Milwaukee Academy of Medicine: 1996-2002-Council; 1997-2002-Chair, Mem- bership Committee.

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI: 2004-Faculty Leadership Devel- opment Program, a 9 day seminar in medical leadership skills in conjunction with 1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 5

the business school of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Clinical Experience

2005-2017: Founding President, Gonnering Eye Consultants, SC, Brookfield, WI, a private practice

2000-2005: Professor of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wis- consin, Milwaukee, WI.

1999-2009: Consultant Care, Ophthalmology, Zablocki VA Medical Cen- ter, Milwaukee, WI

1981-2000: Founding President, Oculoplastic & Orbital Consultants, SC, Milwaukee, WI, a private practice.

Education, Certifications, Skills, Faculty Appointments, Honors 2016: SFI MOOC Agent Based Modeling

2014: SFI MOOC Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos 2013: SFI MOOC Introduction to Complexity

2012: Model Thinking, University of Michigan (Coursera) 2011: Short Course in Complexity, SFI, Albuquerque 2009: Accredited Practitioner, SenseMaker, Cognitive Edge 2007: Marshall School of Business, The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA: Master of Medical Management (MMM).

2004: Villanova University,Villanova, PA: Combined Certificate-Six Sigma Black Belt 1980-1981: The University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Fellowship, Oculoplastic Surgery. 1975-1980: The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI Residency, Ophthalmology 1977-1980.

Research Associate, Physiology 1976-1977.

1975-1976: St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI: Flexible PGE-1 1971-1975: The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, Doctor of Medicine 1971: Boston College,Chestnut Hill, MA: (Junior year at University of Vienna, Austria) AB (cum laude).


FACS – Fellow American College of Surgeons-1984.

ASOPRS Fellow American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery-1982.

CPHQ – Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality #12089-2005.

ABO – Board Certified (Life) American Board of Ophthalmology-1981.

MEDICAL LICENSE – Wisconsin, 20265-current.


Fluent in German

Database Programmer, 4th Dimension

Computer facility: Windows, Mac OS, Microsoft Office, iWork, Minitab, StatView, SenseMaker, NetLogo

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 6


Marvin H. Quickert Award, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Re- constructive Surgery, 1982; Research Award, The American Society of Oph- thalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1982; Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1990, Senior Achievement Award, American Acad- emy of Ophthalmology, 2001; Honorary Fellow, The Louisiana-Mississippi Oph- thalmological and Otolaryngological Society, 1991; A. D. Ruedemann Lecturer, American Academy of Ophthalmology/American Society of Ocularists, 1994; Director’s Citation, Medical Society of Milwaukee County, 1994; George Kam- bara Award, Department of Ophthalmology, the University of Wisconsin, 1997; Wisdom Award of Honor, The Wisdom Society, 1999; Merril Reeh Pathology Award, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1999; Wendell Hughes Lecturer, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2010; Biographical Inclusions : Marquis Who's Who in the World 1995-present; Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 1996-present; Who's Who in Health Care 1997 -present; Naifeh and Smith The Best Doctors in America, (National Edition) 1992-present; Milwaukee Magazine Best Doctors, 1987, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004

(Hall of Fame); Milwaukee Business Journal, Best Doctors SE Wisconsin, 2006; M Magazine Best Doctors, 2008.


Fellow, American Academy of Ophthalmology, (1981) Chair BCSC Section 9, 1988-1992; Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, (1981); American Medical Associ- ation, (1981); Medical Society of Wisconsin, (1981); Milwaukee County Medical Society,

(1981) Delegate to State Medical Society, 1987-1990, 1993-1994; Board of Directors, 1989- 1994; Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society, (1981) Treasurer, 1989-1990, Secre- tary, 1990-1991, Vice-President, 1991-1992, President, 1992-1993; Fellow, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (1982) Chair Technology Committee, 2004-2006, Education Committee, 1988-2000 (Assistant Chair, 1996-1998, Chair, 1998-2000), Nominating Committee, 1985, 1993; Fellow, American College of Surgeons, (1984) Council, Wisconsin Chapter, 1997-2001; International Society for Or- bital Disorders, (1985); Milwaukee Academy of Medicine, (1990) Membership Commit- tee, 1990-1992, Council, 1996-2002, Chair, Membership Committee, 1997-2002 ; Mil- waukee Academy of Surgery (2000); Associate Member, European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, (1991); European Society for Dacryology, (1992); International Society of Ocular Trauma, (1992); Medical Advisory Board, The American Society of Ocularists, 1987-2001; Medical Advisory Board, Wisconsin Chapter, National Society to Prevent Blindness, 1987-1988; Mensa (2002); Christian Medical and Dental Society, (2002); American Society for Quality, (2004); Project Management Institute,

(2004); National Association for Healthcare Quality, (2004); American College of Physician Executives, (2005).


2015-2017: Language Editor, Translational Surgery

1987 -1998: Editorial board of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Raven Press.

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 7

Reviewer, Archives of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology, American Journal of Ophthalmology, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Plastic & Recon- structive Surgery, Journal of Surgical Education, Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research, Open Access Surgery, Advances in Medical Education and Practice, MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports.


Publish or Perish Statistics (Harzing, A.W. (2007) Publish or Perish, avail- able from :

Google Scholar Profile: v2ooAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Papers and Posters

1. Gonnering R, Edelhauser H, Van Horn D, Durrant W: Effect of pH on corneal thickness and endothelial cell structure. Spring Meeting, Association for Re- search in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota, Florida, April, 1977. 2. Gonnering R, Edelhauser H, Van Horn D, Durrant W: The pH tolerance of the rabbit and human corneal endothelium. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1978.

3. Gonnering R, Harris G: Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia case histories. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical Col- lege of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1979. 4. Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Lemke B: Diagnosis and management of orbital lymphoproliferative disorders. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, March, 1981.

5. Lemke B, Gonnering R, Crennell I: Current concepts in soft-tissue closure. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, March, 1981. 6. Gonnering R: Recurrent orbital granuloma. G.D. Theobald Society Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April, 1981.

Query Papers Citations Years Cites_Year Cites_Paper Cites_AuthorPapers_AuthoAruthors_Paper h_index g_index gonnering!R:!all 101 2122 37 57.35 21.01 853.94 63.35 2.27 22 45 hc_index hI_index hI_norm AWCR AW_index AWCRpA e_index hm_index QueryDate Cites_Author_hI_Year annual 10 6.82 16 91.48 9.56 37.27 34.9 16.07 11/11/15 23.07 0.43 1780 San Fernando Drive

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R.S. Gonnering 8

7. Gonnering R: The sub-acute orbital abscess: A diagnostic challenge. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1981.

8. Dortzbach R, France T, Kushner B, Gonnering R: Silicone intubation for failed nasolacrimal duct probings in children. Twelfth Scientific Symposium, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1981.

9. Gonnering R: The anatomy, development and pathology of the bony orbit. Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society of Ocularists, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1981.

10. Gonnering R: The role of hyperbaric oxygen in ophthalmic plastic surgery. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wis- consin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1982.

11. Gonnering R, Erickson K, Kaufman P, Dortzbach R: The cynomolgus mon- key as a model for orbital research. International Symposium on eyelid, or- bital and lacrimal surgery, San Francisco, California, October, 1982. 12. Gonnering R: The anophthalmic socket: Its lining and contents. Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society of Ocularists, San Rafael, California, No- vember, 1982.

13. Gonnering R, Kindwall E: The role of hyperbaric oxygen in ophthalmic plas- tic surgery. Poster Session, Twenty-fourth International Congress of Oph- thalmology, San Francisco, California, November, 1982. 14. Gonnering R: Etiology and prevention of canalicular erosion in silicone intu- bation. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1983.

15. Gonnering R, Lemke B: Differential diagnosis and treatment of dermolipo- mas. Fourteenth Scientific Symposium, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1983. 16. Laubenheimer R, Gonnering R, Harris G: Mohs chemosurgery and eyelid reconstruction. Milwaukee Ophthalmological Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February, 1984.

17. Gonnering R, Lemke B: Differential diagnosis and treatment of dermolipo- mas. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1984.

1780 San Fernando Drive

Elm Grove, WI 53122

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R.S. Gonnering 9

18. Gonnering R: Local flaps for periorbital reconstruction. Poster Session, An- nual Meeting, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta, Georgia, No- vember, 1984.

19. Gonnering R: Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen in periorbital reconstruction. Fifteenth Annual Scientific Symposium, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1984. 20. Gonnering R: Secondary orbital implants: Indications and techniques. Cur- rent Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, March, 1985. 21. Gonnering R, Nathan D, Hatheway C: Successful treatment of hemifacial spasm with periorbital botulinum-A toxin. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1985.

22. Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Kaufman P, Erickson K: The cynomolgus mon- key as a model for orbital research. Fifth International Symposium on Orbital Disorders, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September, 1985. 23. Gonnering R, Carroll R: Cystic lesions of the lid following ptosis repair. Six- teenth Annual Scienttific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, San Francisco, California, October, 1985.

24. Lemke B, Gonnering R, Harris G, Weinstein J: Orbital cellulitis with perior- bital elevation. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, April, 1986.

25. Gonnering R, Bosniak S: Recognition and management of non-infectious lacrimal obstruction. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June, 1986. 26. Fuerste F, Gonnering R: Epibulbar osseous choristomata. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwau- kee, Wisconsin, June, 1986.

27. Angrist R, Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Crawford K: Bio-electric skin conduc- tivity potentials in albino rabbits. 17th Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans, No- vember, 1986.

28. Woog J, Dortzbach R, Gonnering R: The use of artifical skin in eyelid recon- struction. 17th Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans, November, 1986. 1780 San Fernando Drive

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R.S. Gonnering 10

29. Lemke B, Gonnering R, Harris G, Weinstein J: Orbital Cellulitis with perior- bital elevation. 17th Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Oph- thalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans, November, 1986. 30. Gonnering, R: Anophthalmic enophthalmos. 29th Annual Meeting, The American Society of Ocularists, New Orleans, November, 1986. 31. Gonnering, R: Orbital and periorbital dogbites. Alumni Meeting, Department of Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, June, 1987. 32. Gonnering, R: Orbital and periorbital dogbites. Second Annual National Eye Trauma Symposium, Los Angeles, June, 1987

33. Gonnering R, Bosniak S: Percutaneous removal of dacryoliths in acute non- infectious dacryocystic retention. 18th Annual Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dallas, November, 1987.

34. Kaltreider S, Wallow I, Gonnering R: The anatomy and histology of the anophthalmic socket-Is the myofibroblast present? 18th Annual Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dallas, November, 1987.

35. Gonnering R: Orbital dog bites. Grand Rounds, Department of Ophthalmol- ogy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, March, 1988.

36. Gonnering R: Periorbital dog bites. 12th Annual Current Concepts in Oph- thalmology Seminar, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, April, 1988. 37. Gonnering R: Facial Dystonias and the ophthalmologist. Current Problems in Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, June, 1988.

38. Gonnering R, Kindwall E, Goldmann R: Periorbital reconstruction in the face of ischemia: The role of hyperbaric oxygen. First International Symposium on Orbital Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, June, 1988. 39. Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Lemke B: Primary treatment of periorbital wind- shield injuries. Third Annual National Eye Trauma Symposium, Milwaukee, July, 1988.

40. Gonnering R: Eyelid reconstruction in anophthalmos. Annual Meeting, The American Academy of Ophthalmology, Las Vegas, October, 1988 41. Gonnering R: Orbital dog bites. Annual Meeting, The American College of Surgeons, Chicago, October, 1988.

1780 San Fernando Drive

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R.S. Gonnering 11

42. Gonnering R: The challenge of entropion/ectropion. Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology, St. Paul, November, 1988

43. Gonnering R: Orbital dog bites. Grand Rounds, Department of Ophthalmol- ogy, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, November, 1988. 44. Wells R, Sty J, Gonnering R: CT imaging of the eye and orbit in pediatrics. Annual Meeting, Radiologic Society of North America, Chicago, November, 1988.

45. Gonnering R: Periorbital dog bites. Fourth Annual National Eye Trauma Symposium, Philadelphia, May, 1989.

46. Massaro B, Gonnering R: Endonasal laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy. Current Problems in Ophthalmology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Mil- waukee, June, 1989.

47. Gonnering R: Orbital and periorbital dog bites. Association of Surgical Technologists, Milwaukee Chapter, Milwaukee, September, 1989. 48. Gonnering R: Trichiasis and distichiasis. Current Concepts in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Madison, October, 1989.

49. Gonnering R: Pediatric lacrimal probing and silicone intubation. Current Concepts in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Madison, October, 1989. 50. Gonnering R: Surgical management of benign eyelid tumors. Current Con- cepts in Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Madison, October, 1989. 51. Gonnering R, Kindwall E: Periorbital reconstruction in the face of ischemia: The role of hyperbaric oxygen. Fourth Symposium on Advances in the Theo- ry and Practice of Hyperbaric Medicine. Moscow, USSR, October, 1989. 52. Gonnering R, Taira J, Larson P: Primary pleomorphic adenomas of the eye- lid. 20th Annual Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans, October, 1989. 53. Kronish J, Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Rankin J, Reid D, Phernetton T, Pitts W, Berry G: The pathophysiology of the anophthalmic socket: Analysis of orbital blood flow and orbital fat. 20th Annual Scientific Symposium, The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, New Orleans, October, 1989.

54. Gonnering R: Pediatric lacrimal probing and intubation. 32nd Annual Meet- ing, The American Society of Ocularists, New Orleans, October, 1989. 1780 San Fernando Drive

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R.S. Gonnering 12

55. Gonnering R: Anatomic protection of the cornea. Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, January, 1990 56. Gonnering R: Orbital and periorbital dog bites. Annual Park City Multidisci- plinary Facial Plastic Surgery Meeting, Park City, Utah, February, 1990. 57. Gonnering R: Periorbital soft tissue windshield injuries. Annual Park City Multidisciplinary Facial Plastic Surgery Meeting, Park City, Utah, February, 1990.

58. Gonnering R: Secondary eyelid reconstruction. Fifth Annual National Eye Trauma Symposium, Dallas, April, 1990.

59. Lyon DB, Gonnering R, Dortzbach R, Lemke B: Canalicular stenosis follow- ing probing for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, May, 1990

60. Lemke B, Dortzbach R, Gonnering R, Stasior G: Eye removal in Wisconsin: Indications and methodology. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, Madison, Wisconsin, May, 1990.

61. Gonnering R: Traumatic eyelid reconstruction. Annual Meeting, American Association of Surgical Technologists, Chicago, Illinois, June, 1990 62. Gonnering R: New frontiers in lacrimal surgery. Visiting professor, The Mayo Clinic, July, 1990

63. Gonnering R: The anophthalmic socket: Myth and reality. Visiting professor, The Mayo Clinic, July, 1990.

64. Gonnering R: Pediatric probing and silicone intubation. Workshop in Ad- vanced Lacrimal Surgery, UCLA, Los Angeles, November, 1990. 65. Gonnering R: Endoscopic laser-assisted lacrimal surgery. Workshop in Ad- vanced Lacrimal Surgery, UCLA, Los Angeles, November, 1990. 66. Gonnering R: Practical orbital MRI for the clinician. Austin Ophthalmological Society, Austin, Texas, January, 1991.

67. Gonnering R: Evaluation of the cosmetic patient. Annual Park City Multidis- ciplinary Facial Plastic Surgery Meeting, Park City, Utah, February, 1991. 68. Gonnering R: Laser lacrimal surgery. Annual Park City Multidisciplinary Fa- cial Plastic Surgery Meeting, Park City, Utah, February, 1991. 1780 San Fernando Drive

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69. Gonnering R: The lacrimal frontier. Annual Meeting, The Louisiana-Missis- sippi Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society, Biloxi, April, 1991. 70. Gonnering R: Traumatic eyelid reconstruction. Annual Meeting, The Lou- isiana-Mississippi Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society, Biloxi, April, 1991.

71. Gonnering R: The challenge of entropion and ectropion. Annual Meeting, The Louisiana-Mississippi Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society, Biloxi, April, 1991.

72. Gonnering R: Practical orbital MRI for the clinician. Annual Meeting, The Louisiana-Mississippi Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society, Biloxi, April, 1991.

73. Lyon DB, Gonnering R: Laser-assisted endoscopic lacrimal surgery. Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, The University of Wisconsin, May, 1991. 74. Gonnering R, Lyon DB, Woog JJ, Metson R, Puliafito C, Fisher J: Endoscop- ic laser lacrimal surgery. Third International Symposium, Laser Technology in Ophthalmology, San Francisco, May, 1991.

75. Gonnering R, Lyon DB, Fisher J: Laser lacrimal surgery. Second In- ternational

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