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A&P technician

Grand Saline, TX, 75140
October 21, 2017

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Johnny H astings

Grand S aline, T X * **** ( 334-*-**-****

LinkedIn U RL h ***************@*****.*** Airframe a nd P ower P lant A viation M aintenance T echnician Helicopter S pecialty A &P C ertified 2 0-year e xperience Adept leader with expertise administering maintenance to variety of airframes in the field of aviation, with primary focus on helicopters. Skilled in commercial aviation and helicopters, with solid background working alongside U.S. Army at Fort Rucker, as w ell a s i n I raq a nd A fghanistan.

Performing C&D checks on

Commerical a ircraft

Quality C ontrol

Ground S upport e quipment


Manual L ogbooks

Electronic L ogbooks

Field m aintenance

Specialty T ools

Heavy p hase m aintenance

PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE O ct.2016 t o J uly 2 017 I h ave b een s elf-employed i n t he r estaurant business

DYNCORP I NT., P atrick, A FB F L July 2 010 – A ugust 2 016 A&P F light L ine T echnician

Deployed t o A fghanistan o n D epartment o f S tate I nternational N arcotics L aw e nforcement p rogram a s F light L ine Mechanic.

Supported 1 0 U H-IH I I S uper H uey’s, i ncluding d aily P MD i nsp. 2 5hr. u p t o 1 50hr. i nsp. W as a m ember o f t he D owned Aircraft R ecovery D ART t eam. A nd p erformed C rew C hief D utys d uring m aintenance t est f lights t racking a nd b alance of M ain a nd T ail R otor s ystems u sing t he C hadwick 8 500 a nd M icrovibe u nits,all u nscheduled m aintenance.

Also w orked i n P hase H anger o n D epot l evel m aintenance i ncluding r emoval o f M ain R otor s ystem, Hubs,spindles,swashplate,transmission.Inspection o f a ll b earings a nd c ontrol r ods f or w ear a nd c orrosion o n a ny f light controls. R einstall a nd a lign M ain X msn.Remove a nd r einstall t ailboom a nd t ail r otor d rive s hafts, b lades a nd crosshead.Performed 1 50 a nd 3 00 h r. I nsp. o n t he H oneyWell T 53 L 703 e ngine a lso o versaw t he r emoval r eintallation of e ngine a long w ith a ligning a nd r unout, r igging t hrottle c ontrols,setting g overnor,T1 a nd T 2 o n M OC o f a ircraft.

Maintained m eticulous r ecords o f l ogbooks, a ll m aintenance p erformed a nd t racking o f T BO i tems a nd I nspection dates

ARMY F LEET S UPPORT, F t. R ucker, A L, U H-60 B lack H awk November 2 004 – J uly 2 010 A&P M echanic

. F light l ine l aunch a nd r ecovery, u nscheduled m aintenance a nd p hase h anger h eavy m aintenance

. D uring 1 000 h r. I nsp. I w orked o n r emoving a nd I nspecting a ll f light c ontrol r ods o n t he m ixer u nit i nstalling c ontrol r ods and r igging o f M ain R otors.remove i nsp. a nd i nstall T ail R otor d rive s hafts a nd h anger b earings. A PU r emoval, s ervice a nd install, s ervicing m ain l anding g ear s truts.performed e ngine r emoval l eaving H i S peed s haft a ttached, i nspected a nd r einstalled and r igged e ngines.

. Experienced o n A lpha, L ima a nd M ike m odel U H-60 US H ELICOPTERS, O zark, A L April 2 000 – N ovember 2 004 A&P M echanic

Mod o n U H-1H t o U H-1H I I, h eavy m antenance o n B 212, a nd Q C i nspector o n O H-58D r eset p rogram.

Officiated r emoval o f m ain a nd t ail r otor s ystems, c arefully i nspecting a ll c omponents a nd b earings f or w ear a nd corrosion o n H uey M od.

Strategized a ssembly, s ervice, a nd r einstallation o f e ngine a nd r otors; r igged r otors a nd t hrottle c ontrols t o f light parameters.

Executed t rack a nd b alance o f r otors a nd M OC o f A /C. Additional e xperience a s A &P M echanic f or R eliance A erotech. Johnny H astings

Page T wo o f T wo


A&P C ertificate, D alfort A viation T echnical S chool, D allas, T X MFG E XPERIENCE, B ell H elicopters, S ikorsky, E ruocopter MODEL E XPERIENCE B ell 2 06 J etranger & L ongranger, B ell U H-1H I I-205 S uper H uey, B 212, OH-58D, S ikorsky S 76C+, U H-60 B lackHawk, E ruocopter, E C135, B 2&B3

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