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Bonneau, SC, 29431
October 21, 2017

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Dianetta B . F ayall

*** * ***** * **

St. S tephen, S C 2 9479

Telephone: ( HM) ( 843-*-**-**** o r ( Cell) ( 843-*-**-**** *******@*****.***

Career O bjective

Responsible a nd d edicated i ndividual s eeking a p osition a s a n a dministrative s pecialist, i n a progressive o rganization w here m y 1 5 y ears o f a dministrative s kills c an b e f ully u tilized. Profile S ummary

A h ighly d ynamic p rofessional w ith a t rack r ecord i n s ituations w here e xceptional a chievement and q uality p erformance a re k eys t o s uccess.

Self-motivated a nd a chievement o riented w ith p roven b ase o f k nowledge u pon w hich w ill benefit o rganization a nd m eeting o bjectives.

Offering o ver 1 5 y ears C ustomer S ervice e xperience. Education

Francis M arion U niversity

Florence, S outh C arolina

(Degree) B usiness A dministration – ( Major) G eneral B usiness August 1 996 – D ecember 2 000

Charleston S outhern U niversity

N. C harleston, S outh C arolina

Masters o f B usiness A dministration

June 2 009 – M ay 2 010

Strayer U niversity

N. C harleston, S outh C arolina

(Degree) M asters o f H uman R esource M anagement October 2 010 – S eptember 2 012

Employment H istory

Timberland H igh S chool, G uidance S ecretary/SRC S tudent R ecords C lerk St. S tephen, S outh C arolina

June 2 016 – A ugust 2 017

Gathers a nd e nters i nto c omputer a ll i nformation t hat i s e ssential t o s tudent i nformation a nd r ecord keeping, i ncluding b ut n ot l imited t o d emographics, a cademics, a ttendance ( including d aily a bsences a nd tardies), r eport c ards, s chedules, f unding i nformation, h omebound d ata, s chool l unch s tatus, e tc., u sing the a utomated s chool m anagement s ystem.

Adds a nd d eletes s tudents t o / f rom p roper c lass r olls a nd s chedules.

Processes a nd r ecords s tudent t ransfers.

Enters, m anages, v erifies a nd r esponds t o q ueries a bout a ll s chool-based s tudent d ata f or a ll r eporting processes u se t he a utomated s chool m anagement s ystem.

Audits s chool f iles f or E FA a nd E IA c oding, e nsuring t he a ccuracy a nd c onsistency o f i nformation.

Generates a nd c ustomizes c omputer f orms a nd r eports u sing a v ariety o f s oftware p rograms.

Coordinates t he e lectronic t ransfer o f s tudent g rades f rom t eachers; c ollects g rades f rom t eachers i n a timely m anner; c alculates G PA f or h onor r olls.

Coordinates t he t ransfer o f d ata b etween s chools a nd t he D istrict.

Ensures c omputer d ata s ecurity a nd i ntegrity. C loses o ut c omputer d atabases f or a cademic y ear a nd s ets up n ew d atabase f or n ew a cademic y ear.

Assists w ith p aperwork f or s tudents o n H omebound. P rocesses t eacher t imesheets f or h omebound services. A nswers t he t elephone; p rovides a ccurate i nformation t o c allers. G reets o ffice v isitors a nd performs c ustomer/public s ervices d uties a s r equired.

Attends m eetings, t raining, w orkshops, e tc. a s a ppropriate t o e nhance j ob k nowledge a nd s kills. Timberland H igh S chool, M edia A ssistant

St. S tephen, S outh C arolina

October 2 008 – J une 2 016

Assumes g eneral s ecretarial r esponsibilities.

Compiles s tatistics s uch a s; r ecords c irculations s tatistics a nd A ssists i n a ll s tatistics

r elevant t o t he e nd o f y ear r eports.

Processes p rint a nd n on p rint m aterials.

Maintains i nventory o f a nd g enerates o rders f or s upplies

Maintains l ibrary m edia d atabase

Palmetto P rimary C are P hysicians, A dministrative A ssistant Bonneau, S outh C arolina

June 2 005 – M ay 2 008

Scheduled a ppointments f or p rimary d octor u sing M edformatix a nd Medwork s cheduling s ystems.

Performed c lerical d uties s uch a s t yping, a nswering p hones, f axing, e tc.

Medical c ollections a nd M edical i nsurance v erification.

Called i n m edications t o d ifferent p harmacies f or p atients i n a t imely m anner o nce a pproved b y doctor.

Medical U niversity o f S outh C arolina, P atient A ppointment R epresentative I Charleston, S outh C arolina

August 2 001 – J une 2 005

Patient R epresentative s erves a s t he i nitial c ontact p erson f or i ndividual s eeking m edical c are a t MUSC.

Schedules a ppointments f or p hysicians u sing a n a utomated s cheduling s ystem, K EANE.

Performs a ctivities w hich e nsure t he e ffective o perations o f t he c linic.

Acts a s a l iaison t o r eferring p hysicians b y p roviding a ccurate a nd c onsistent i nformation i n a timely m anner.

Timberland H igh S chool, S pecial E ducation A ssistant T eacher St. S tephen, S outh C arolina

February 2 001 – A ugust 2 001

Assist t eacher w ith c lassroom a ssignments s uch a s g rading p apers, d rafting l etters f or s tudents, and h elping s tudents c omplete d aily l iving s kills.

Clerical d uties s uch a s t yping, c opying, a nswering p hones, e tc. References u pon R equest

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