Nguyen P han, P hD
Facilitating communications and conversations that results in improved
business value,sales,operations,or customer success and culminating in bottom-line growth.
Durham,NC 27703
Southeast T echinventure, D urham N C P roject M anager SEPT 2015 -PRESENT
Responsible f or f acilitating e xecutive m eetings, e xecute o perations, s trategic p lanning, lean l ab d esign, l aboratory m anagement, v endor m anagement, a nd o verall p roject management. M anage o perational w orkflow, i ncreasing e fficiency b y 2 0+% b y performing w aste r eduction a nd l ean p rocess i mprovement S erve a s p roject a dvisor t o Executive t eam..
Cap S cience L abs, R aleigh N C B usiness P roject M anager JAN 2016 -PRESENT (FRACTIONAL)
Developing p roduct m arketing, p roject m anagement, s trategic a lliances a nd b usiness development. F acilitate i n b usiness m eeting a nd n egotiations. I-Cubed A gency, R aleigh N C S ales A ccount M anager MAY 2014 -FEB 2016
Managed a 5 -person s ales t eam f or i nbound a nd o utbound s ales, n ew b usiness development; S upported m arketing a nd d eveloped s ales p rocess a nd m etrics r esulting in i ncreasing e ngagement b y a pprox 5 0% a nd r epeat c lients ( 20%+) Business/Management C onsultant, R aleigh-Durham N C Business a nd P roject L eadership
Responsible f or p roviding p roject m anagement, s trategic c onsulting a nd o verseeing sales/marketing/business d evelopment f or o rganizations. A uditing c ompanies a nd organizations t o h elp t hem d evelop, i nnovate a nd m aintain t heir c ompetitive e dge. Bringing l arge c orporate b est p ractices t o s maller b usiness. Provide a pplication o f lean m ethodology, p rocess w aste r eduction, c hange m anagement, a nd l eadership consulting.
University o f N orth C arolina, C hapel H ill N C R esearch Associate
MAY 2008 -OCT 2013
Supervise o ver 2 0 p eople. R esponsible f or d eveloping a nd e xecuting m ultiple r esearch projects f rom i nitiation t o c losing. S treamlined r esearch p rocess f low a nd i mplemented design p lanning r esulting i n 2 00+% i ncreases i n o perational e fficiency, a nd q uality data w ith r educed r edundancy
Iowa S tate U niversity, A mes I A R esearch A ssistant AUG 2001 -MAY 2008
Intangible D eliverables
Face-to-Face S ales
Phone-based S ales
Customer S atisfaction
Customer m etrics/KPI
Process M apping
Market R esearch
Lead G eneration
Relationship M anagement
Data a nalysis
Desktop P ublishing
MS O ffice s oftware
Lean M ethodology
Lean S ix S igma
Earned V alue M anagement
Process I mprovement
Change M anagement
Agile C oach ( 2016)
Academic A chievement
Award ( 2001-2003)
English, T agalog,
ASPE T raining, C ary N C I CAgile A gile C oach C ertification MAY 2016
StarSixSigma, R aleigh N C L ean S ix S igma B lack B elt NOV 2015
Iowa S tate U niversity, A mes I A P hD G enetics AUG 2001 -MAY 2008
University o f t he P hilippines, L os B anos B S B iology JUN 1994 -OCT 2000
National B usiness D evelopment M anager N ational A ssociation o f Asian-American P rofessionals
Community A ctivity S oup K itchen V olunteer & I nterfaith F ood S huttle Coordinator L ead T eaming f or T echnology ( United W ay - R TP)