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italian Teacher

San Antonio, TX
October 22, 2017

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GiorGio Zambon

**** ******* ***. **** [San Antonio], 78230, [Texas]

T: [210-***-****]

E: [*********@*****.***]



II level Professional Master’s Programmes - 2012 / 2013 Second level Professional Master’s Programmes: specialization in Content Management and Publishing 2.0. I passed the final examination on 09/25/2013. CA’ fosCArI UNIversIty of veNICe

Specialistic degree - 2010 / 2012

I passed the final examination on 06/18/2012 with an overall classification of 110 of 110 e lode (magna cum laude - full marks with honors) and the academic qualification of Dottore Magistrale in Italian Philology and Literature (LM-14 - Modern philology). CA’ fosCArI UNIversIty of veNICe

Bachelor’s degree - 2005 / 2009

I passed the final examination on 10/28/2009 with the academic qualification of Dottore in Lite- rature (5 - Humanities).

Arts (speCIAlIzed) HIgH sCHool “eNrICo gAlvANI” of CordeNoNs Degree - 1999 / 2004

I passed the final examination on 10/15/2004 with the academic qualification of Master of the art of printing and graphics.


ItAlIAN teACHer - “lANgUAgeBIrd” lANgUAge sCHool

Los Angeles, U.S.A. - August, 2017 / Present

Italian teacher for high school and college students. edItor - “Il polIgrAfo” pUBlIsHINg HoUse

Padova, Italy - July, 2013 / May, 2014

Management of the publishing Web communications, events and advertising campaigns. Ac- complishments: Development of publications. Graphic design and editorial line. prIvAte teACHer

Northeast, Italy - 2012 / 2016

Private lessons and tutoring of Italian Literature, Latin, History and literary criticism for university and high school students. Lessons cycles of forty hours of European poetry history program addressed to high school students. Research and consulting for literary conferences. Art dIreCtor - “ApeMoN edIzIoNI”

Venice, Italy - December, 2009 / Jaunary, 2012

Publishing - Cultural information. Development of publications. Proofreader. Graphic and Edi- torial line setting.





• dIreCtor ColUMNIst, for the university newspaper. Literary criticism publications. Venezia, Italy

- December, 2009/January, 2012.

• CIvIlIAN volUNteer, National Civil service. Assistance to disabled students during the university educational activities. Venezia, Italy - December, 2007/January, 2009.

• WrItINg CoNtest, “Premio Calvino” - Jury mention for the debut of the novel “37 Primavere & poi muori”. Torino, Italy - May, 2014.

• pHoto CoNtest, Competition Dis’Arte - Section Photography - Third Place . Venezia, Italy - March, 2009.

• WrItINg CoNtest ANd plANNINg, ATMA - Furniture Industries “From design to communication” - First place. Pordenone, Italy - May, 2003.

Editorial and



• seNIor tHesIs, Giorgio Zambon, Papini, Critico della modernità. Appunti di teoria critica, Re- latore Prof. Rolando Damiani, Correlatori Prof. Attilio Bettinzoli e Prof. Aldo Maria Costantini. Anno Accademico 2011/2012.

• trANslAtIoN of poeMs lAWreNCe ferlINgHettI, «Apemon», n 1, Anno I, June 2010, “Lawrence Ferlinghetti: 5 poesie, Allen Ginsberg dying, The Light, Come lie with me and be my love, Dove sta Amore Poet as Fisherman”, pp. 26-30.

• trANslAtIoN of poeMs gregory Corso, «Apemon», n 2, Anno II, March 2011, “Gregory Corso: Frammenti di traduzione, How not to die”, p. 8.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 3, Anno II, May 2011, “Quella (non) critica o, psicologia politica su H.P. Lovecraft”, p. 10.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 3, Anno II, May 2011, “Nascita de’ «Lacer- ba»”, pp. 14-17.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 3, Anno II, May 2011, «Circe Vs Orfeo» “Nel segno dell’Arte”, pp. 18-19.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 1, Anno I, June 2010, “Il reale - (è) fantastico in Michele Mari”, pp. 15-19.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 2, Anno I, August 2010, “Alla maniera di Landolfi”, pp. 3-6.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 1, Anno II, January 2011, “Giovanni Papini, Indizi di un cambiamento”, pp. 8-9.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 3, Anno II, May 2011, Circe Vs Orfeo “La Peste scarlatta, di Jack London / Bravo! Burro, di John Fante”, pp. 14-15.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 2, Anno II, March 2011, “Una generazione dei 150 anni”, pp. 20-26.

• feAtUre story of lIterAry CrItICIsM, «Apemon», n 2, Anno II, March 2011, Circe Vs Orfeo

“Schegge di Vita / Io sono Schiele”, pp. 18-19.

• froNt pAge-NeWs IteM of soCIAl CrItICIsM, «Glindomabili», “Meritocrazia all’italiana”, September 2011, n 1, Anno I, p. 2.

• NeWs IteM of soCIAl CrItICIsM, «Glindomabili», “Manifesto d/nel Segno”, September 2011, n 1, Anno I, p. 5.

• froNt pAge-NeWs IteM of soCIAl CrItICIsM, «Glindomabili», “Italia indignata - l’Italia dei travesti- menti e del carnevale culturale”, October 2011, n 2, Anno I, p.1 and 8.

• MoNogrApHIC Art CrItICIsM, «Kairos», “Tommaso Bet”, May 2011, n 1, Anno I, pp.1-12.

• MoNogrApHIC Art CrItICIsM, «Kairos», “Edoardo Veneziano”, September 2011, n 2, Anno I, pp.1-12.

• poetry ANtHology, (a collection of contemporary Italian poems). AA. VV., Spiragli 65, Milano, Editrice Nuovi Autori, 2007, pp.304-313. isbn 978-88-75-68-232-3.

• ColleCtIoN of poeMs, Giorgio Zambon, Incanti lunari, Venezia, Edizioni Apemon, 2011.

• ColleCtIoN of lyrIC poeMs, Giorgio Zambon, Odi di Ferro, Sangue, Guerra & China, postfazione di Mattia Ferrari, Venezia, Edizioni Apemon, 2013. isbn 978-88-90-93-631-9.

• Novel, Giorgio Zambon, 37 Primavere & poi muori, prefazione di Claudia Ruggiero, Venezia, Edizioni Apemon, 2014. isbn 978-88-90-93-630-2.



• ItAlIAN, Native language.

• freNCH, Good knowledge of French - B1.

• eNglIsH, Good working knowledge of English - B2. rEfErEncEs

• Prof. rolANdo dAMIANI, Associate Professor of the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari. Depart- ment of Humanities. +39-041-***-**** / *******@*****.**.

• Prof. rICCArdo drUsI, Associate Professor of the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari. Department of Humanities. +39-041-***-**** / ******@*****.**.

• Prof. rICCIArdA rICordA, Full Professor of the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari. Department of Humanities. +39-041-***-**** / *******@*****.**.

• ArIANNA CAttArIN, Office Director Stage and Placement of the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari.

+39-041-***-**** / *******@*****.**.

• dr. KAryN KoveN, Founder and Director of LanguageBird. / *****@************.***.

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