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Sales C

Detroit, MI
October 19, 2017

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*** * *****, * *******, M I * 8357 2-48-202-**** R ********************@*****.*** Vice P resident S ales & M arketing D irector o f S ales C orporate A ccount M anager ( CAM) Business D evelopment M anager D irector o f C ustomer S upport C hief O perating O fficer ( COO) Dynamic l eader d riving s ales, e mployee e ngagement, a nd p rocess i mprovement, r esulting i n growth i n r evenue, m arket s hare, a nd p rofits. E xperienced i n c reating, m anaging a nd p articipating in g lobal, m ulti-million d ollar o rganizations a nd b usiness u nits. P roven a bility t o s et s trategies t hat improve s ales, o perations, c ustomer s atisfaction a nd b ottom-line r esults. D emonstrated s uccess leading t eams a nd o rganizations r equiring e xtraordinary a nd s ustainable g rowth i n t ransformation, growth a nd t urnaround s ituations.

With d egrees i n b oth b usiness a nd t echnology, a nd a s trong e ntrepreneurial s pirit - p articularly skilled i n l eading m ulti-disciplined t eams i n m id t o h igh-tech i ndustries. A n a uthentic l eader w ith a keen a bility t o r elate t o a b road s pectrum o f p eople - c reating, d eveloping, a nd m otivating h igh performing t eams.


Visionary L eadership

Strategic B usiness P lanning

Mentoring & C oaching


Embraces N ew T echnology

Complex S ales C ycles

Trusted A dvisor

Sales P rocess D evelopment

Technology D evelopment

Program M anagement

Engineering M anagement

P&L M anagement

Competitive A nalysis

Marketing C ommunications

Solution S elling

Relationship S elling

Consultative S elling

Strong C omputer S kills


University o f M ichigan. M aster o f B usiness A dministration University o f I llinois. B achelor o f S cience i n M echanical E ngineering Sandler S ales T raining. L ifetime P resident’s C lub M ember Miller H eiman. S trategic S elling


American H eart A ssociation. B oard M ember a nd D evelopment C hair Boy S couts o f A merica. V olunteer L eadership Waterford U nited H igh S chools & U SSA. S ki C oach PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE:

Park P ower D istribution S ystems, D etroit, M I, 2 016 t o p resent Chief O perating O fficer / V P S ales & M arketing Transformational l eader o f P ark’s e ngineering, s ales & m arketing, a nd m anufacturing f acilities s erving a wide r ange o f c ustomers a cross t he U .S. a nd C anada, a s w ell a s s everal i nternational m arkets. P ark p rovides custom S witchgear, S witchboards, a nd B uss-way w ith i ndustry l eading d elivery t imes t o I ndustrial, Commercial, a nd E nergy G eneration c lients. I mplementing S hopTech E 2 M PR s oftware a s w ell a s Inventor 3 D C AD t o s trengthen P ark’s p osition a s a t echnology l eader i n t he p ower d istribution e quipment market.

Sequoia A pplied S olutions, A nn A rbor, M I, 2 015 t o 2 016 Director o f B usiness D evelopment

Chief b usiness s trategist a nd b usiness d evelopment e xecutive s erving t he a erospace & d efense a nd s pecialty vehicle i ndustries w ith F inite E lement A nalysis ( FEA), M echanical E ngineering & D esign, a nd, p roprietary software s olutions f or m echanical s ystem s tabilization. S equoia d evelops i nnovative s olutions a nd s ecure software b ased s olutions p rimarily f or c lassified a nd p roprietary p rograms. I mplemented C RM s ystem a nd improved s ales p rocess t o b etter p osition S equoia’s U nique S elling P roposition. Patti E ngineering, A uburn H ills, M I, 2 010 t o 2 015 Director o f B usiness D evelopment

Lead b usiness d evelopment a nd c ustomer s upport a t P atti E ngineering. Took f irm f rom $ 5 t o $ 9M i n s ales in o nly t wo y ears t hrough n ew c lient a cquisition, i mproved p roposal p rocesses, a nd s trategic p ositioning o f two a dditional s alespeople. P atti E ngineering i s a C ertified S iemens S olution P artner a nd d evelops l ifecycle solutions u tilizing S iemens l eading P LM a nd A LM s oftware. I mplemented M icrosoft D ynamic C RM system a nd c orresponding K PIs

Flow S oftware T echnologies, W indsor, O ntario, 2 002 t o 2 009 Vice P resident, S ales & M arketing

Responsible f or w orldwide s ales a nd m arketing o f F low’s I ndustrial R obotic S imulation a nd O ff-Line Programming S oftware s olutions. E xpanded c hannel t o i ncrease s ales. L ead I nternet m arketing s trategy. Directed t eam o f s ales m anagers i n U nited S tates, C anada, S outh A merica, E urope, a nd A sia t o g row s ales from $ 6M t o $ 15M. R esponsible f or m arketing d epartment i ncluding p roduct d evelopment r equirements, competitive a nalysis a nd s egmentation, a dvertising, t rade s hows, a nd w ebsite d evelopment. KUKA, a n I WKA C ompany, 1 999 t o 2 002

Director, C ustomer S upport, K UKA R obotics, S terling H eights, M I Profit a nd L oss r esponsibility f or $ 4M b usiness u nit s upporting U SA a nd C anada. R esponsible f or s ales, marketing a nd o verall m anagement o f a ll K UKA a fter-market s ervices i ncluding c ustomer c are, s oftware development & p rogramming, t raining, s ervice, t echnical s upport, a pplication e ngineering, s pare p arts, repair, o n-site s ervice e ngineers, a nd p erformance i mprovement. M anaged t eam o f f ifteen. Director o f S ales, K UKA D evelopment L abs, ( f ormerly T rellis S oftware) R ochester H ills, M I Responsible f or w orldwide s ales o f i ndustrial P Cs a nd p eripherals, m achine v ision, r eal t ime o perating system ( RTOS) s oftware f or m achine t ool a nd C NC c ontrol, m onitoring a nd c ontrol s oftware, a nd p rinted circuit b oards f or W indows C E r eal-time d evelopment p latforms. L ed t eam o f f ive t o g row s ales f rom $ 8M to o ver $ 12M i n t wo y ears.

ABB F lexible A utomation, I nc. A uburn H ills, M I, 1 996 t o 1 999 Business D evelopment M anager

Developed n ew b usiness c hannels f or A BB t hrough S ystem I ntegrators a nd O EMs. E stablished s trategic alliances a nd c reated C ertified S ystem I ntegrator r elationships w ith o ver t wenty e xternal i ntegrators. L ed team t hat i ncreased A BB's e xternal S ystem I ntegrators b usiness f rom 1 00 r obot u nits ( $6.5M) t o o ver 3 00 units ( $20M) i n l ess t han t wo y ears. G rew A BB's S ystem I ntegrator s ales f orce f rom o ne p erson t o o ver t en people t o b uild i n e xcess s ales c apacity f or a dditional f uture g rowth. Duke R ealty I nvestments, L ivonia, M I, 1 992 t o 1 996 Vice P resident & B roker

P&L r esponsibility f or t he M ichigan o perations o f D uke A ssociates. R esponsible f or l easing, s ales, property m anagement, a nd m arketing o f D uke's C ommercial a nd I ndustrial p ortfolio. W as a k ey p layer i n Michigan d uring t he v aluation a nd m arketing o f t he f irm t o W all S treet i n a $ 312M I PO. Modicon A EG ( formerly G ould E lectronics), 1 983 t o 1 992 Director, S ales a nd A pplication E ngineering, P ittsburgh, P A Managed t echnical s ales a nd e ngineering d epartment; r esponsible f or a pproximately $ 12M i n w orldwide sales o f s oftware b ased m otion c ontrol p roducts. I ncreased s ales 2 5% a nnually. S upervised d irect s ales a nd distribution s upport f or t he c ompany's m otion c ontrol p roducts. R esponsible f or w orldwide c hannel development a nd s upport. L ead b usiness-planning, b udgeting, s ales-reporting, m arketing, n ew-product introduction, e ngineering c oordination, a nd p roduction p lanning. D eveloped a nd i mplemented d ivisional business-plan.

Ford N ational A ccount M anager, T roy, M I

Directed t he F ord a ccount s ales f or a ll M odicon p rogrammable c ontroller ( PLC), m otion c ontrol, n etwork communication ( Modbus, M AP, E thernet, e tc a nd h uman-machine-interface ( HMI) p roducts w orldwide. Lead t eam t hat o btained a $ 14M c ontract f or t he F ord R omeo e ngine p lant; r esponsible f or a pproximately

$20M i n a nnual r evenues. S alesman o f t he y ear. C onsistently i n t he t op 5 % o f M odicon's s ales f orce . Eaton C orporation, S outhfield, M I, 1 982 t o 1 983 Sales E ngineer

Marketed a ll E aton C orporation, E lectrical D rives D ivision v ariable s peed d rives a nd s ystems t o a d iverse Michigan c ustomer b ase. R esponsible f or a pproximately $ 1.5M i n a nnual s ales.

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