Jalen A ntonio P earson
**** * ********* * *, F ort W orth T X 7 6123
Phone: 2-51-509-****
Email: j *************@*****.***
To o btain a p osition w here m y s kills o btained v ia m y e ducation m ay b e u tilized t o t he f ullest. T o c ontinue t o grow i n t he w ork e nvironment a nd g ain v aluable e xperience w orking f or a q uality c ompany. Education
ITT T echnical I nstitute M obile, A labama
● Graduated: 1 2/2013
● Obtained a n A ssociate o f A pplied S cience D egree, D rafting a nd D esign T echnology
● GPA: 3 .25
● Dean’s L ist: S eptember 2 011
Microsoft O ffice W ord Microsoft O ffice E xcel Microsoft O ffice P owerPoint AutoDesk A utoCAD 2 012 Manual D rafting a nd H and D rafting Entry l evel A utoDesk R evit Geometric d imensioning a nd t olerancing
3D M odeling
Forklift T raining - F ort W orth H ope C enter
- Ride o n F orklift
- Standup/Reach F orklift
Mobile, A L Z axbys 0 5/2013-Present
● Working i n a t eam e nvironment
● Restaurant e xperience c ooking a nd m onitoring t he k itchen t o e nsure t hings f low s moothly f or o ptimum customer s atisfaction.
● Stock I nventory I tems, a nd p erform v arious a ssignments t o e nsure c ompliance w ith F ood s afety standards.
● Using c ommunicating s kills e ffectively t o a scertain t he n eeds o f b oth t he t eam a s w ell a s r estaurant customers.
References a re a vailable o n r equest.