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Engineer Manufacturing

Mountain View, CA
October 20, 2017

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****-* **** **** ****** Mountain View, California 94041

650-***-**** **********@*****.***


A detail-oriented and analytical engineer with demonstrated expertise in medical device manufacturing, laser manufacturing, fiber laser development, semiconductor processing/metrology, and materials science. Established capabilities in microscopy, laser crystal/thin films metrology, fiber splicing, SPC analysis of devices, and medical imaging. A dynamic, forward thinker who utilizes exemplary interpersonal and organizational skills to work effectively with clients and structure operations, establish goals, and implement processes to achieve desired outcomes that benefit an organization.

ABCD matrix optical modeling software experience

Fiber Laser Prototype Setup and Life Test Monitoring

Wavelength Engineering

Laser System Failure Analysis

Laser Installation, Service, and Customer Training

Project Management

Hardware and software integration

Gage R&R, DOE, product specification analyses


Compound Microscope Defect Inspection

Semiconductor thin film ellipsometry

Ultrahigh Vacuum Skills, Helium Leak Detection / Pump Service / Cryogenic Experience

FMEA, DFx, SPC, 6-Sigma, Value Stream Mapping, Lean Manufacturing, 5-S Implementation

Oscillosope, Autocorrelator, Spectrum Analyzer

Collaborative TEM Data Acquisition Skills

4-point probe, C-V/I-V Extraction

Semiconductor Tool Service

Semiconductor Tool Recipe Development

Plasma Thin Film Deposition

PET, fMRI Neuroimaging Data Analyses


VELODYNE LiDAR, Morgan Hill, California

Manufacturing Engineer, 2016-2017

Wrote and consolidated work instructions. Created and improved test fixtures. Released ECOs and Performed DOEs.

Collaborated with automation suppliers to implement solutions for high-volume manufacturing.

As the subject matter expert for two optical attach steps, increased yield and efficiency and solved production issues.

Worked with Contract Manufacturers to transfer production processes, improved yield, and implemented cost-savings.

CLARITY MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC., Pleasanton, California

Senior NPI Manufacturing Engineer, 2015-2016

Implemented new products into manufacturing: laid out work flow, generated manufacturing documentation, created fixtures. Resolved technical issues, reduced costs, improved production efficiency and quality, and maintained regulatory compliance.

Worked closely with R&D engineers to understand device requirements and integrate designs into production.

Functioned as the subject matter expert for the system calibration and two production assemblies that utilized MEMs and liquid lens technologies.

Verified, enhanced, and rolled out production test tooling fixtures to facilitate accurate and expedited build process.

Worked closely with manufacturing engineers, technicians, assemblers, and R&D to resolve production floor issues.

ALTOS PHOTONICS, Bozeman, Montana

Laser Service Engineer & Project Manager, 2014-2015

Installed and serviced high-energy pulsed nanosecond and picosecond lasers and OPO, OPA, and PG laser systems in the field.

Performed root-cause failure analyses on laser systems in the field and at the home office.

Trained customers on laser system usage and preventive maintenance.

Wrote installation and service reports.

For large multi-laser projects: (i) researched and purchased supporting equipment to meet laser specification requirements (ii) organized order information, requirements, specifications, and laser factory data, and (iii) attended meetings to stay current on laser factory production and customer progress.


Staff Manufacturing Engineer, 2011-2014

Implemented continuous improvements via ECOs gleaned from direct experience with product line and suggestions from management, engineer, and production staff. Provided input and worked collaboratively on FMEA analysis of new product introductions. Partnered with development and reliability engineering to resolve a laser lifetime problem and retain a customer. Resolved supply chain delay by ordering alternate parts and facilitating internal preparation.

Worked with Supplier Quality Engineers and Incoming Inspection group to return non-conforming material and ensure suppliers and contract manufacturers adhere to specifications, best practices, and standard protocols.

Created two electrical test beds to screen out and capture yield percentage of supplier parts with intermittent issues -- returned defective parts, requested root-cause analysis, and submitted Supplier Corrective Action Requests.

Wrote, coordinated, and implemented deviations and performed DOE to investigate problems and validate prototypes.

Performed failure analyses and directed repair on customer returned lasers, plotted root cause failure modes in Pareto charts, and redesigned assemblies to improve component robustness and integration where necessary.

Updated and consolidated instructional work instructions with changes and improvements.

COHERENT INCORPORATED, Santa Clara, California

Senior Fiber Laser Development Engineer, 2009-2011

Promoted twice to manufacturing supervisor and fiber laser development engineer. Worked on deep UV fiber project and met deliverables, yielding NRE payments. Gave a company-wide engineering seminar presentation on photodarkening effects in fiber lasers and fiber laser amplifiers. Attended an ultrafast laser international conference.

Built fiber laser life tests for feasibility investigations and comparative studies -- measured polarization extinction ratio, M2, power, pulse width, and noise level and presented data in weekly meetings.

Modeled the optical cavity and beam propagation of a Q-Switched DPSS laser and wrote a detailed summary report.

Assembled and integrated prototype positional stage assemblies and tested their performance and robustness to assess their functionality against design requirements.

COHERENT INCORPORATED, Santa Clara, California

Senior Manufacturing & NPI Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer Senior Supervisor, 2004-2009

Drove continuous improvement in weekly teleconferences with crystal and coating suppliers by discussing yield, improvement projects, and direction. Managed two Materials Lab technicians to optimize expertise, equipment, and measurement protocols to improve production yield and reduce cycle time.

Gained program management experience by directing the Materials Lab direction and scope which encompassed how the provided services added value to the manufacturing and production groups.

Accomplished root cause failure analysis with teams to rectify line-down situations.

Collaborated with team to develop new material coatings and specifications for new projects.


BOXER CROSS INCORPORATED [Later APPLIED MATERIALS], Menlo Park, California, Development Scientist, 2002. Developed a semiconductor optical metrology capital equipment tool to detect minute resistance changes and voiding in copper damascene structures, such as via and line arrays, and improved copper void detection sensitivity from 8% to 2% changes in cross-sectional area. Collected field data, provided face-to-face customer training, field service, applications support, and wrote collaborative project reports. Measured customer samples, performed tool Gage R&R, and reported internally on tool feasibility and published conference proceedings and white papers.

INTERNATIONAL SEMATECH, Austin, Texas, Philips-sponsored Front-End Processes Integration Postdoc, 2000-2001. Directed and streamlined development of CoSi2 process by designing experiments to demonstrate viability and robustness as well as fit requirements of ITRS roadmap for transistor criteria. Performed electrical testing, analyses, and exploratory experiments with multidisciplinary team to determine and correct cause of transistor failure, halting fabrication line for month and saving company $500,000 in downtime.

SILICON VALLEY COLLEGE, Emeryville, California, Mathematics Instructor, 2003.

MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Massachusetts, Research Assistant, 2003.

Participated in a research project in neuroimaging at Harvard Medical School’s Massachusetts General Hospital under the direction of Dr. Dougherty and Dr. Ottowitz. Analyzed data from research studies imaging brain activity, using PET and fMRI. Obtained HIPAA certification prior to participating in this research. Identified regions of interest (ROI) in study participant brain scans. Extracted ROI data and performed neuroimaging statistical analyses. Skills: UNIX/Linux, MarsBaR.

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, Austin, Texas, Graduate Research Assistant, 1994-2000. Developed, tested, and took data with an ultra-high vacuum low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM) experiment studying the high-Tc superconductor, YBa2Cu3O7-x. Obtained detailed atomic resolution images and spectroscopy on the CuO chain layer. Collaborated with UC Berkeley low-temperature STM group, verifying and further elucidating previous results.

DoEd Fellowship Recipient, awarded by THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN PHYSICS DEPARTMENT, 1993-1994.



Ph.D., Physics, 2000


B.A., Physics, 1992


VLSI Fabrication Techniques

VLSI Fabrication Techniques Lab Course

Submicron Device Physics and Technology

MOS IC Process Integration

Solid State Electronic Devices


Project Management, 2009 -- Skills for Success, 2008 -- Social Styles, 2007


HIPAA, 2003


14 major technical publications (list available upon request).


Ph.D. Dissertation Defense--A Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of YBa2Cu3O7-x.

International Conference Poster Session: "Low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of the CuO chains in YBa2Cu3O7-x."

UT Austin Physics Course--Special Topics in Scanning Probe Microscopy Presentation: "Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Applications in Biology.”


SolidWorks, LabVIEW, PhotoShop, MS Word, Excel, Power Point, XFEMA by ReliaSoft, Oracle, SAP, Agile, Filemaker Pro, AutoCAD, FastCAD, MathCAD, Mathematica, MATLAB, Linux/UNIX, MarsBar

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