**** * ****** * ******* R oad Telephone ( 301-*-**-**** Laytonsville, M aryland 2 0882 Email: m ********@*****.*** Summary o f Q ualifications
● Involvement i n a ll p hases o f a pplication d evelopment l ifecycle i ncluding r equirements, logical/physical a rchitecture m odeling, d esign, d evelopment, i mplementation, a nd s upport,
● Over 1 8 y ears o f e xperience d esigning a nd d eveloping a pplications u sing J ava/J2EE a nd C #,
● Experienced i n u sing t echnologies s uch a s S ervice O riented A rchitecture ( SOA), X ML a nd Web S ervices,
● Experience w ith O bject O riented D esign ( OOD), d esign p atterns a nd a gile d evelopment. Technical S kills
Languages: J ava/J2EE ( 1.5,, 1 .8), J avaScript ( angularjs 1 .5 & 4 C S QL Operating
Systems: W indows, L inux
Databases: O racle, M S S QL S erver 2 005/2008, M ySQL, M ongoDB SOA: W eb S ervices, S OAP, X ML, J MS
IDE: E clipse, I ntelliJ, W ebStorm, Frameworks: S truts, S pring ( Boot, B atch, D ata, M VC, S ecurity H ibernate Application
Servers: W eblogic ( 6.1, 8 .1, 9 .2), G lassfish, T omcat, J Boss Professional E xperience -
FAA, G aithersburg, M D
Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith t he m aintenance a nd e nhancement o f F AA f light d irection software.. A pplication e nhances t he o peration o f F AA c ontrol t owers g round t racking s ystem. Key c ompetencies i nclude:
● Development u sing J ava, S pring, H ibernate, R ESTful w eb s ervices,
● Developed t esting s upport s ystem u sing J ava/J2EE a nd a ngularjs,
● Version c ontrol u sing G ithub,
● System d evelopment u sing a gile m ethodology. 1
NFL.Com, R eston, V irginia
Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith t he m aintenance a nd e nhancement o f N FL.com. T he p ublic facing w eb s ite a llows u sers t o v iew g ame s cores a nd i nformation o n N FL t eams. K ey competencies i ncluded:
● Development u sing J ava, J Unit, M aven, S pring(Data), H ibernate, R ESTful w eb s ervices,
● User I nterface(UI) d evelopment u sing J avascript a ngular,
● Testing u sing J Unit a nd S elenium,
● Version c ontrol u sing G ithub,
● System d evelopment u sing a gile m ethodology. Capital O ne, M cLean, V irginia
Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith t he d evelopment o f a w ebsite u sed i n C apital O ne C afes. T he public f acing w eb s ite a llows u sers t o r egister f or e vents p ut o n b y C apital O ne. K ey competencies i ncluded:
● Backend d evelopment u sing A mazon W eb S ervices ( AWS), M ongoDB, J ava, M aven, Spring ( Security, I OC, D ata), H ibernate, R ESTful w ebservices,
● Utilized A WS L ambda a nd A PI g ateway f or d evelopment o f R EST s ervices,
● UI d evelopment u sing a ngularjs,
● Application d eployment i n T omcat r unning u nder A WS/EC2,
● Automated t esting u sing C ucumber a nd S elenium,
● Version c ontrol u sing G ithub,
● Continuous i ntegration u tilizing J enkins,
● Development o f S plunk d ashboard,
● System d evelopment u sing A gile m ethodology. Extractiva, H erndon,Virginia
Software A rchitect/ T eam L ead(Contractor)
Software A rchitect r esponsible f or t he d evelopment o f a n e -discovery s ystem t o s upport t he searching o f d ocuments i ndexed i n H adoop ( Hive/Solr). T he s ystem a llows l aw f irms t o s earch large n umbers o f d ocuments w ith t he i ntent o f u sing i t a s e vidence i n c ivil o r c riminal l egal cases. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● API d evelopment u sing J ava, M aven, S pring(Boot,Security, I OC), n odejs, H ibernate, RESTful w eb s ervices, M ongoDB,
● Application d eployment i n T omcat r unning i n a D ocker c ontainer,
● Utilized D esign P atterns f or a pplication d esign, 2
● System d evelopment u sing A gile m ethodology,
● Team l ead f or g roup o f 4 d evelopers. Sable S ystems, A rlington, V irginia
Software A rchitect/Senior D eveloper ( Contractor) 10/13-01/15
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith d evelopment o f a n o rder p lacement s ystem. T he s ystem provides c ustomers w ith t he a bility t o c onfigure a nd o rder c abinets b ased u pon d ynamic r ules developed b y t he c ustomer. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Backend d evelopment u sing J ava, W eblogic, R ESTful w eb s ervices, M aven, H ibernate, MS S QL S erver,
● Utilized D esign P atterns f or a pplication d esign,
● Custom r ules e ngine d evelopment,
● Utilized S plunk f or s ystem m onitoring,
● System d esign u sing U ML,
● System d evelopment u sing A gile m ethodology,
● UI d evelopment u sing J avascript a nd a ngularjs,
● Team l ead f or 4 d evelopers.
PayPal, T owson, M aryland
Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith d evelopment o f s ystem t o a utomate t he r unning o f p erformance tests u sing J Meter. T he s ystem p rovided c ontrol o f a gents w hich m onitored l oad a nd s aved t he results f or s tatistical p rocessing. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Backend d evelopment u sing J ava/J2EE, O racle 1 0g, W eb S ervices a nd M aven,
● UI d evelopment u tilizing a ngular.js(1.5),
● Perform a pplication l oad t esting u sing J ava a nd J Meter,
● System d evelopment u sing A gile m ethodology,
● Scripting u sing P erl.
National I nstitute o f H ealth, B ethesda, M aryland Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
Senior D eveloper a ssisting w ith t he r eengineering e ffort o f t he U nified M edical L anguage System ( UMLS). U MLS i s a n a pplication w hich p rovides a m apping s tructure a mong vocabularies u sed i n m edical r esearch a nd b iomedical c oncepts. T his a llows u sers t he c apability to p erform d ata m ining, d evelop p ublic h ealth s tatistics r eporting a nd t erminology r esearch. Key competencies i ncluded:
● Assess c urrent s tate a nd d evelop f uture s tate s trategic d ata i ntegration p latform architectures b ased o n b usiness a nd t echnical r equirements, 3
● Utilized D esign P atterns f or a pplication d esign,
● Software d evelopment u sing J 2EE, M aven, O racle, W eb S ervices ( SOAP) a nd H ibernate,
● Perform l oad t esting o f e xisting a pplication u sing J ava, J Meter a nd J Profiler. Visionary I ntegration P rofessionals, N ew Y ork, N ew Y ork Software A rchitect ( Contractor)
02/08– 0 2/09
Software A rchitect a ssisting w ith t he d evelopment o f e nterprise a pplication a nd d atabase d esign artifacts f or s everal N ew Y ork C ity g overnment a gencies i ncluding T ax C ommission, L andmarks Preservation C ommission, a nd T axi L imousine C ommission. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Consult w ith s enior m anagement t o d efine s trategic p lans o f b usiness a nd s ubsequently develop p roject m ilestones, t asks, a nd r oad m aps a nd i dentify c ritical s uccess f actors,
● Develop high level architecture documents, including system components, interaction, data flow diagrams and logical data models for systems to be built in J2EE, SQL Server and S harepoint,
● Define high-level interfaces between proposed systems and third party external interfaces from o ther c ity a gencies a nd p rivate o rganizations,
● System d esign u sing U ML a nd E RWin.
Software A G, F airfax, V irginia
Software A rchitect/Senior D eveloper ( Contractor) 7/07-02/08
Architect/Senior Developer assisting with the development Business Activity Monitoring Solution (BAM) for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). BAM is a Web Portal that enables DFAS to specify, execute, monitor and coordinate the workflow cases relating t o t he I ntegrated A ccounts P ayable S ystem. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Designed and implemented Weblogic 9.2 cluster architecture which offered high-availability w eb a pplications a nd W eb S ervices ( Axis) t o e xternal a pplications,
● Application d eployment i n J ava,
● Application p erformance t uning u sing J Probe a nd O ptimizeIt,
● Worked w ith s ubject m atter e xperts f or U se C ase d evelopment. DTI T echnologies, A lexandria, V irginia
Software A rchitect/Senior D eveloper ( Contractor) 04/05-7/07
Senior Developer assisting with the development of software systems related to the automotive industry. Systems include internal and external (public facing) websites for tracking and ordering p arts a nd b ackend d evelopment o f d ata e xchange s ervices. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Software d evelopment u sing, A SP.Net, C # . Net, N Cache, O DBC, S QL S erver 2 005, 4
● Design and implementation of application infrastructure using Web Services, Microsoft Internet I nformation S erver ( IIS), S QL S erver 2 005 a nd V istaDB,
● Integration o f C # f ront e nd u sing W eb S ervices,
● Worked w ith s ubject m atter e xperts f or U se C ase d evelopment. College B oard, R eston, V irginia
Senior D eveloper ( Contractor)
12/02 - 0 4/05
Senior Developer responsible for the development of a customer support application for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The system allows students to register for SAT tests via phone and t rack t he s tatus o f s cores s ent t o i nstitutions. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Software development using WebLogic 8.1, Java, Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), Web Services, REST, Ajax, XML, Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), JDBC, Oracle 9i, A nt, J Unit a nd O ptimizeIt,
● System d esign u sing U ML m ethodology,
● Worked w ith s ubject m atter e xperts f or U se C ase d evelopment. Battelle, A rlington, V irginia
Software A rchitect ( Contractor)
Software Architect and lead developer responsible for the design and implementation of a system used in collecting vote totals in national elections. This system was used by television networks for f orecasting e lection r esults. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Designed and developed distributed web application using WebLogic 6.1, Sun Solaris, Java, XML, Java Message Service (JMS), Oracle 9i and IPlanet Lightweight Directory Access P rotocol ( LDAP),
● Developed E JB's r unning i n W eblogic 6 .1,
● Performance t uning o f i nfrastructure s ervices u sing L oadRunner a nd S itescope,
● System d esign u sing U ML m ethodology a nd R ational R ose,
● Worked w ith a nalysts f or U se C ase d evelopment u sing R equisite P ro,
● Technical l ead r esponsible f or m anaging a nd m entoring o f t he d evelopment t eam. PHH H unt V alley, M aryland
Software A rchitect ( Contractor)
Software A rchitect r esponsible f or r e-engineering e xisting a pplications u sing W ebSphere. Applications a llow u sers t o p rovide e -commerce c apabilities f rom e xisting s ystems. K ey competencies i ncluded:
● Software architecture and development using Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, WebSphere, 5
Sun S olaris, J ava, M icrosoft C M apInfo, i Planet L DAP, X ML, E JBs a nd A pache,
● Development o f s ervlets a nd S wing a pplications a nd E JBs,
● System d esign u sing R ational U nified P rocess ( RUP). Additional J ob H istory
Software E ngineer
Software developer responsible for the design and implementation of various systems to public and private c orporations. K ey c ompetencies i ncluded:
● Software development in support of 1400 node 3Com Network using Microsoft C v5.1 and M S-DOS v 3.0,
● Software development in Borland C++ v3.0, OWL, Microsoft Windows v3.1, WindowsMaker P rofessional, a nd P oet O bject D atabase M anagement S ystem,
● Software coding and development using Microsoft Windows v3.11, the Software Development K it ( SDK) f or M icrosoft W indows, V isual B asic v 3.0, V isual C v 1.0,
● Construction o f d esign s pecifications,
● Software d evelopment u sing M icrosoft V isual C 4 .2/5.0, C OM, C ORBA a nd M FC,
● System d esign u sing U ML m ethodology a nd R ational R ose. Education
University o f M aryland, U niversity C ollege, C ollege P ark, M aryland 1987-1990, S tudent
Majored i n C omputers a nd M anagement I nformation S cience ( CMIS). S tudies i ncluded:
● CMIS 4 50 S tructured A nalysis a nd P rogram D esign
● CMIS 3 35 O bject O riented P rogramming i n C ++
● CMSC 4 22 O bject O riented D esign
● IBM: D eveloping A pplications i n W ebSphere L eve1 1 (11/01)
● IBM: D eveloping A pplications i n W ebSphere L evel 2 (11/00)
● Bea S ystems: D eveloping A pplications u sing W ebLogic ( 04/00)
● Developing E nterprise J ava B eans ( 09/01)
● DevelopMentor -
Essential J ava ( 03/00)
Essential M TS ( 11/98)
● Cambridge T echnology P artners, R apid S olutions W orkshop ( 04/94) 6