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C Service Representative

Rochester, NY, 14621
October 18, 2017

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Felicia Horace

*** ****** * .

Rochester, N.Y ***21




A professional C ustomer Service Representative with problem solving and communication skills, both written and verbal. I am a people oriented person. Ability to productively manage heavy workloads while maintaining high quality standards. Adept at prioritizing to effectively multi-task while working with deadlines. K ey s kills i nclude:

● Effective C ommunication ● Needs A nalysis

● Motivating e mployees ● Creative P roblem r esolution EDUCATION

Urban L eague o f R ochester

GED, p ending


Microsoft O ffice ( Word, E xcel, P owerPoint), a nd O utlook, P eachtree, Q uicken, T urbo T ax PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE

A erotek

P ittsford, N Y

2 017 Customer S ervice R epresentative

S poke w ith c ustomers l ive w hen t hey n eeded a ssistance o n h ow t o c lear a nd r estart t hey t axes.

A ssisted a nd s poke w ith c ustomers o ver t he p hone o n h ow t hey w ould f ile t hey t axes u sing m icrosoft excel a nd h aving m ultiple w indows o pen t o h elp a ssist t he c ustomers m ore b etter.

● T ransferred c ustomers o ver t o d ifferent c ustomer s ervice s upport t eams l ike; T ax a dvice a nd t ax support.

● R esetteted c ustomers p asswords f or t hem w hen t hey w eren’t a ble t o g et b ack i nto t hey’re accounts.

● H elped c ustomers r eboot t hey’re c omputers a nd o r e xplained t o c ustomers, s howing e mpathy o n when t hey f ound o ut t hey w ere g etting a udited o r t hey w eren’t g etting t ax m oney b ack.

M acy’s

R ochester, N Y

2 016 Customer S ervice R epresentative

Open a nd c losed s even t o e ight c ash r egisters a d ay w hile c alculating t he p ercentage o f m oney that w as m ade i n m y d epartments.

Page 2

Dropped m oney f rom a ll r egisters i nto t he m oney d eposit b ox a t s tore c losing h ours.

● A ssisted c ustomers w ith t he p roper w are/fit f or t hem.

● H ung a nd f olded c lothes p lacing t hem b ack i nto t he r ightful c lothing d epartment.

● H elped a ssisted c ustomers i n o pening a nd c losing t hey’re M acy’s s tore a ccounts.

● C alled m y c lients t o l et t hem k now w hen t here w ere s ales g oing o n a nd t hen w ould p re

-order f or c ustomers s o t hey c an p ick t hey o rder u p a t a ny M acy’s d epartment s tore.

T im H ortons C afe a nd B ake S hop,

R ochester, N Y

2 015-2016 Team M ember

Trained/mentored n ew t eam m embers g etting t hem f amiliar w ith c ash r egistering a nd p reping f ood. Maintaining t o m ulti t ask b y t aking o rders 1 t he f ront e nd c ounter a nd a t t he d rive t hru.

● Making s andwiches a nd b rewing c offee.

● Serving a nd a ssisting c ustomers, r educing c ustomer w aiting t ime.

● Keeping t he s tore c lean a nd w ell m aintained

K ohl's D epartment S tore,

R ochester, N Y

2 012 Sales A ssociate

Provided s ales, m erchandising a nd c ustomer s ervice t o c lients i n t he m en a nd w omen c lothing department. P rocessed c redit c ard t ransactions a nd a ssisted c ustomers w ith n ew a ccounts.

● Coached n ew s ales a ssociates i n o peration o f c ash r egister r esulting i n f ewer t ransaction e rrors.

● Greet c ustomers e ntering e stablishments

● Maintain c lean a nd o rderly c heckout a reas a nd c omplete o ther g eneral c leaning d uties.

A untie F e’s D aycare,

R ochester, N Y

2 006-2013 Child C are

Advise p arents o n i ssues s uch a s h ygiene a nd n utrition r elated t o i nfant c are. P lan, d irect a nd m onitor care, p lay a nd e ducational a ctivities o f c hildren.

● Dress c hildren a nd c hange d iapers.

● Plan, s hop f or a nd p repare c hildren n utritious m eals.

● Keep r ecords o n i ndividual c hildren, i ncluding d aily o bservations a nd i nformation a bout activities, m eals s erved, a nd m edications a dministered.

M onroe C ounty D HS,

2 008 Page 2

Volunteer C leaner

R equisition s upplies o r e quipment n eeded f or c leaning a nd m aintenance d uties. C lean w indows, g lass partitions, o r m irrors, u sing s oapy w ater o r o ther c leaners, s ponges o r s queegees.

● Gather a nd e mpty t rash.

● Service, c lean o r s upply r estrooms.

● Clean b uilding f loors b y s weeping, m opping, s crubbing o r v acuuming.

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