Shelley D . W alter 8-32-398-****
***** * ****** * *. H ouston, T X 7 7065
OBJECTIVE Experienced O ffice M anager & E xecutive A ssistant s eeking a p osition i n which m y o rganizational p rowess, c omputer s kills, t ime m anagement, a nd strong w ork e thic c an b e p ut t o u se i n h elping m aintain a s mooth, enjoyable o peration.
SKILLS Computer s kills, i ncluding p roficiency i n: M ac O S, W indows, i OS, A ndroid, Microsoft O ffice, G oogle D ocs, G oogle H angouts, G S uite, S lack, QuickBooks, I nstagram, F acebook, W ordPress. T ime m anagement, a bility to m ulti-task a nd p roblem s olve w ith s ound a nd s wift j udgement, a ttention to d etail, s trong w ritten a nd v erbal c ommunication, T yping: 8 0 W PM. CURRENT September 2 011 – P resent
EMPLOYER Office M anager/Executive A ssistant a t B est F inishing C ompany
● Act a s l iaison b etween i nsurance a djusters a nd c lients t o r esolve moving d amage c laims a nd r epairs f or h ousehold g oods.
● Process w eekly p ayroll; m aintain a ll a ccounting a nd b anking, including p aying a ll b ills, m anaging a ccounts, p reparing a nd processing i nvoices, p reparing f inancial r eports, f iling a ppropriate taxes.
● Schedule a ppointments f or f urniture i nspections a nd r epairs.
● Manage o ffice, i ncluding o rdering s upplies, c reating a nd implementing o rganizational s ystems.
● Manage w orkshop, i ncluding o verseeing a ll e mployees, a ssigning tasks, f inial a uthorization c heck o n f inished w orkshop i tems, keeping i nventory a nd o rdering a ll w orkshop s upplies.
● Operate m ulti-line p hone s ystem.
● Manage a nd m aintain b usiness e mails, r eply t o a djusters a nd clients, f iltered a nd p rioritized e mails f or b usiness o wner.
● Transcribe a nd s end d etailed r eports f or i nsurance a djusters f rom inspection r ecordings.
● Provide p ersonal a ssistance t o b usiness o wner, i ncluding scheduling a ppointments, m aintaining r ental h ouse r ecords a nd payments, b ookkeeping, m aking t ravel a rrangements. PREVIOUS February 2 011 – F ebruary 2 012
EMPLOYMENT Personal A ssistant / C hef ( Independent C ontractor)
● Created f orms a nd d ocuments u sing G oogle D ocs a nd M S O ffice.
● Completed b iweekly p ayroll, a nd m ade b ank t ransactions.
● Scheduled a ppointments a nd o perated p hone l ines.
● Maintained c alendars.
● Contacted b usinesses f or m arketing p urposes.
● Organized o ffice, a nd i mplemented f iling s ystem. Shelley D . W alter’s R esume, P age 2 o f 2
● Maintained h ousehold a nd b usiness e xpenses.
● Shopped f or & c ooked w eekly p ortion c ontrolled d inners a nd snacks.
● Catered w ine t astings a nd d inners.
July 2 010 – F ebruary 2 011
Executive/Personal A ssistant t o O perating P artner a t S nap K itchen
● Maintained E xecutive’s d aily s chedule a nd c orrespondence.
● Took m eeting m inutes, s ent t o o ther o perating p artners.
● Managed E xecutive’s h ousehold e xpenses.
● Completed b iweekly p ayroll; m ade w eekly b ank t ransactions.
● Set u p v endor a ccounts.
● Performed d aily d ata u pdates; c reated E xcel s preadsheets.
● Trained a ll n ew e mployees i n d aily o perations. April 2 009 – J uly 2 010
Assistant t o t he C ity M anager a t S ho-link H ouston ( Temporary C ontract)
● Created d ocuments a nd m emos i n M S O ffice.
● Completed p ayroll f orms.
● Answered p hones.
● Scheduled c ontract l abor f or t rade s hows, i ncluding f or O TC.
● Managed p urchasing a nd f low o f s upplies p rior t o a nd d uring t rade shows.
● Acted a s a l iaison b etween C lients a nd C ity M anager
● Provided e stimates a nd i nvoices t o C lients.
● Assisted C ity M anager o n c onvention c enter f loor. January 2 009 – A pril 2 010
Executive C hef a t T able 7
● Promoted f rom S ous C hef t o E xecutive C hef.
● Prepared r ecipes f or l unch a nd d inner s ervices.
● Performed d aily i nventory a nd p laced v endor o rders.
● Created o riginal p late d esigns.
● Managed o pening/closing o f h ot a nd c old s tations.
● Selected d aily s pecials.
● Managed s taff.
EDUCATION B.S., C ommunication S tudies, S ociology S am H ouston S tate U niversity GPA: 3 .7 E xpected G raduation: D ecember 2 018 Core C lasses, L one S tar C ollege
Associate o f A pplied S cience – C ulinary A rts, T he A rt I nstitute o f H ouston GPA: 3 .3 G raduated: M arch 2 008
References a vailable u pon r equest