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Kruttika Patel

Aurora, OH, 44202
October 17, 2017

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Kruttika M P atel

***** * ***** * **** • R eminderville, O H U nited S tates 4 4202 • 4-408****** • k *******.*****@*****.*** A C hemical E ngineer w ith f our s emesters o f m anufacturing a nd r esearch e ngineering experience. A h ighly m otivated i ndividual w ith a dvance s kills in p roject m anagement, implementation a nd excels i n f ast-paced e xperience. Education

2012 - 2 017 Cleveland S tate U niversity, C leveland, O hio U nited S tates Bachelors o f S cience i n C hemical E ngineering G PA: 3 .1 Technical S kills

● Competencies: AspenTech, C hemDraw, M initab, a nd MATLAB.

● Equipment: D istillation T ower, H eat E xchangers, M ulti-Pack B ed C olumn, Fuel C ells, a nd I R S pectroscopy

● Computer: M icrosoft W ord, E xcel, P owerpoint, a nd V isio.

● Language: F luent O ral a nd W ritten g rasp o f E nglish, Hindi, G ujarati, a nd Punjabi.

Work E xperience

05/2016 -


Swagelok, S olon, O hio U nited S tates

Engineering I ntern

● Conduct e xperiments t o i ncrease e fficiency o f a lkaline s oap u sed f or electroplating b y d ifferent c hemicals a dditives a nd e xperiment d esign

● Drafted t heory o f o perations f or s even wastewater t reatment p rocesses.

● Worked w ith s hop f loor a ssociate e valuating cycle t ime t o i ncrease m achine efficiency a nd p revents f uture b ackups.

05/2015 -


Swagelok, S olon, O hio U nited S tates

Research I ntern

● Performed v oice o f c ustomers w ith t he h elp o f d istributors i n o ver 5 0 countries.

● Contributed i n a n ongoing r esearch a nd p erformed a c ompetitive a nalysis o n medium a nd h igh p ressure v alves.

● Managed a nd c ompleted 1 3 p rojects i n 3 m onths. 08/2014 -


PolymerPlus, V alley V iew, O hio U nited S tates Research E ngineering I ntern

● Performed f ilm e xtrusion a nd b asic p olymer m aterial f abrication t rails.

● Worked w ith s enior e ngineering i n s etting u p a nd t earing d own o f p rocess experiments.

● Assisted s enior s cientist i n d eveloping/modifying p rocess f or e valuation o f new p roducts.

● Responsible f or t he e xperiment i ncluding the s etup, d ata c ollection, t ear down, c leaning o f e quipment a nd g lassware, a nd a nalysis. 05/2014 -


Swagelok, W illoughby, O hio U nited S tates Engineering I ntern

● Designed e rror p roof f ixture t o c ontrol s anding p rocess t o h elp i ncrease product q uality.

● Worked with s hop f loor a ssociate a djusting cycle t ime t o i ncrease m achine efficiency a lso prevents f uture b ackups.

● Worked o n 1 5 d ifferent m achines: r educed cycle t ime b y 1 5 s econds p er part p er m achine, r esulting i n 2 h ours o f saving p er m achine, p er d ay. Senior D esign - C SU

Results a nd A ccomplishments :

● Designed a f easible b iodiesel p roduction p lant f rom t he t ransesterification o f micro-algal t riglycerides.

● Designed a n o ptimum a nd c ost e ffective p lant t o p roduce d ifferent g rades o f liquid h ydrocarbon f uels f rom n atural g as t hrough t he F ischer-Tropsch Synthesis.

Performed m aterial a nd e nergy b alances; D esigned t he r equired u nits: H eat exchangers, D istillation s ystems, C hemical R eactors ( CSTR & P FR); E stimated the a ssociated c apital a nd o perating c ost f or t he p rocesses; R ecommended possible i mprovements t o t he p rocesses b oth i n t erms o f d esign a nd economics.

Licenses a nd C ertifications

● Member o f A merican I nstitute o f C hemical E ngineers a nd S ociety o f W omen Engineers

● SAChE® C ertifications: R isk A ssessment; I nherently S afer D esign; S afety i n the C hemical P rocess I ndustries; R unway R eactions; a nd P rocess S afety,

● Dean’s L ist S tudent a t C leveland S tate U niversity 2 012-2015

● Graduated w ith H onors R oll f rom S olon H igh S chool 2 012

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