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IT / Telecom Account Manager

San Jose, CA
October 16, 2017

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Jimmy B aird

Boulder Creek,CA 831-***-**** ***********@*****.*** LinkedIn

IT Project Manager


Accomplished technology professional possessing outstanding leadership, project management and creative problem-solving skills in both strategic and tactical areas. Detailed oriented. Outstanding commitment to customer service. Ability to analyze complex situations, develop associated action plans and lead teams to achieve key objectives. Analytics and metrics driven work style. Ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non technical individuals. Ability to work across departments. Passion for ecommerce and new technology.

C ore S trengths & T echnical S kills: I T M anagement A ccount M anagement P roduct T raining E scalation Management M icrosoft T echnologies S C RM L inux b ased U I T raining S ecurity S aaS experience W eb T echnologies D NS D HCP F irewalls PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE

Proofpoint – S unnyvale, C A 2 008 - 2 017 Product M anager

Balanced a wide variety of daily tasks and adjusted priorities on the fly in a fast-paced environment over multiple engagements. Demonstrated technical aptitude by quickly learning new concepts. Delivered exceptional written and verbal communication skills through email, conference calls, presentations, and internal meetings. Leveraged ability to work independently or in a team environment while effectively applying excellent t ime m anagement s kills.

● Served as the primary point of contact for clients while collaborating with Sales, Customer Success, and Product to ensure the existing customer base received the value they expect from their implemented s olutions.

● A dvocated f or c ustomers, d riving r elationships w ith k ey c ustomers a nd c reating n ew c hampions.

● Identified whitespace in accounts and created value based presentations to promote upgrades and cross-sells.

● Consulted w ith e xisting c ustomers t o r ecommend a dditional s olutions f rom t he P roofpoint p ortfolio.

● Provided high touch customer service, including escalation and coordination of support issues as needed.

● Delivered feedback to the Product Management team on new feature requests and product enhancements f rom t he c ustomer b ase. S an J ose, C A

Project M anager

● Served a s M anager f or t he m igration o f h osted c ustomer t o a nd f rom c o-location f acilities.

● Coordinated t he i nstallation a nd p rocurement o f c ustomer h ardware, t echnical d etails a nd requirements.

● Served a s t he p rimary p oint o f c ontact f or c ustomer e nd u ser c ommunications f or a ll m oves a nd migrations.

● Managed d ay t o d ay a ctivities a nd c ontracts w ith c o-location v endors.

● Coordinated a ll c ommunications b etween H VAC/Fire s uppression s ystem v endors a nd i nstallation. Jimmy B aird **********@*****.*** 8-31-419-**** p age 2 INSIGHT G LOBAL/VMWARE – S an J ose, C A 2 007 Program/Project M anager

Recruited by this global leader in virtual infrastructure software for industry-standard systems to coordinate all areas of the software sales procurement process for the Sales Operations group. Created and implemented operational p rocesses a nd p rocedures, f acilitation o f p roject t imelines, s taff t raining a nd c ontractor h iring.

● Streamlined internal procurement process within the Sales Operation group to realize a 75% savings on c ontractor l abor c osts a s w ell a s a n i ncrease i n o verall e fficiency.

● Developed new product training that enhanced performance in the sales software procurement process by 75% per transaction, increased contractor labor force productivity and improved customer satisfaction.

● Created daily productivity spreadsheets that brought about a productivity gain while minimizing the need f or e xcess c ontractors t o f ulfill s oftware o rders. BLUE A DOBE F INANCIAL S ERVICES – S anta C ruz, C A 2 005 - 2 007 Operations/Project M anager

Directed the build-out of a branch location for one of the regional leaders in mortgage industry. Coordinated office and technology systems, resolved IT equipment issues, tracked project timeline and designed marketing documents.

● Created operations processes including system continuity, service, repair, disaster recovery and end-user S LA t hat r esulted i n e fficient a nd p roductive o ffice e nvironment.

● Implemented all IT related systems that proved essential in attracting new sales agents, resulting in generating 4 0% o f t he c ompany’s s ales v olume. SOLECTRON – M ilpitas, C A 2 002 - 2 004 IT P roductions M etrics M anager

Served as Project Lead on the creation and presentation of global IT operational metrics and business measurements for the leading provider of electronics manufacturing services and integrated supply chain solutions. Chaired multiple weekly IT performance meetings, created IT processes and negotiated worldwide Service L evel A greements.

● Spearheaded the design and implementation of a global helpdesk tool that provided Solectron with greater t hird p arty m etrics v isibility a s w ell a s e nd-user s upport.

● Developed the Solectron Customer Satisfaction Index that enabled clients to easily communicate their IT e xperience t o e xecutive m anagement.

MOAI T ECHNOLOGIES, I NCORPORATED – S an F rancisco, C A 1 999 - 2002

Migration M anager, T echnical S upport M anager Brought on Recruited by this start-up software company specializing in e-commerce auction transactions to combine T echnical t echnical S upport s upport a nd H osting h osting f unctions i n a n effort t o i mprove c ustomer s ervice a nd r educe c osts.

● Managed a t eam o f f ive T ech s upport a nalysts, c reated b usiness p ractice d ocumentation a nd co-managed h osting b udget a nd P &L t racking.

● Single-handedly d eveloped t he T echnical S upport g roup i ncluding o perational d esign, s taffing, s ystem implementation a nd a uthoring p rocesses a nd p rocess.

● Skillfully b alanced d ual r esponsibility o f s erving a s l iaison b etween t he S ales, E ngineering a nd Professional S ervices g roups t o e nsure p roduct m et a ll c ustomer r equirements.

● Performed n ew c ustomer s et-up a nd s oftware i mplementation a nd m anaged a 2 4/7 i nternational customer s ervice a nd t echnical s upport h elp d esk.

● Effectively m anaged t he i nternal h osting f acility a s w ell a s t he c o-location c onfiguration t o b ecome t he company’s f irst p rofitable d ivision.

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