Darlen C unningham
(Local t o J acksonville, F L a nd i mmediately A vailable)
Supplier C omments:
● Darlen comes with extensive years of professional experience performing customer service and call center representative d uties
● Provided e xcellent c ustomer s ervice t o e mployees a nd d epartments u tilizing v ault s ervices
● Records a ll c ustomer i nformation a nd c all h istory i nformation a ccurately o n a ppropriate e lectronic s ystems
● Detail-oriented a nd r esourceful i n c ompleting p rojects; a ccustomed t o h andling s ensitive, c onfidential r ecords
● Advanced M icrosoft O ffice - P ower P oint, W ord, E xcel Summary:
● Experience i n p lanning, d irecting, a nd c oordinating s upportive s ervices o f a n o rganization, i ncluding r ecordkeeping, mail d istribution, t elephone o peration, a nd o ther o ffice s upport s ervices Education a nd T raining:
Coppin S tate U niversity May 1 983
● Bachelor's D egree
● Scientific M athematics
ADT – J acksonville, F L Mar 2 017 – A ug 2 017 Collections S pecialist l ll / C ustomer S ervice R epresentative
● Received i nvoices p repared b y b illing d epartment f or a ccuracy a nd i dentify t o d elinquent a ccount
● Initiate c ollections c alls a nd r eceived i nbound c alls
● Research a ccount d iscrepancies
● Assist a nd o riented n ew e mployees, g ive t raining t o u nderperforming c andidate s o t hat t hey c an a chieve t heir t argets and i mprove p erformance m easurement
● Highly e ffective i n e very a spects
● Received 3 a wards f or C ustomer S atisfaction f or g oing a bove a nd b eyond t o s atisfy t he C ustomer Reason f or E mployment G ap:
Actively l ooking f or n ew o pportunities
Wells F argo B ank - J acksonville, F L Apr 2 009 – S ep 2 015 Collections S pecialist / C ustomer S ervice R epresentative
● Collected o n p ast d ue m ortgages, l ine o f c redit a nd b usiness a ccounts
● Exceeded a ll d epartment g oals o n a m onthly, q uarterly a nd y early b asis
● Coached f ellow t eam m embers t o a ssist t hem i n m eeting c ollection g oal r equirements i n a ll a reas
● Negotiated r epayments p lans w ith d ebtors a nd h elped t hem f ind s olutions t o b ring o verdue a ccounts c urrent w hile adhering t o a ll f ederal, s tate a nd c ompany p olicies a nd g uidelines Citibank - J acksonville, F L Jun 2 007 – D ec 2 007 Fraud A nalyst
● Reviewed a ccounts f or f raud i ndicators t o d etermine a ppropriate a ction a nd a pply t reatment t o s top f raud i n e arliest stages
● Handles i nbound a nd o utbound c alls
France, H ill, W ortham & A ssociates - P ikesville, M D Apr 2 003 – A pr 2 007 Credit C onsultant
● General a dministrator d uties, d isputed a nd v erified c redit r eports, n egotiated d ebt f or c lients w ith c reditors, a nd pre-qualified a pplicants f or h ome a nd a uto l oans
● Prepared a ll s chedules f or C hapter 7 b ankruptcy f ilings
● Sold d ebt r esolution s ervices
● Called c lients w ith p ast d ue a ccounts a nd n egotiated p ayment a rrangements Credit C linic - B altimore, M D Apr 1 998 – F eb 2 003 Office M anager
● Oversaw d aily o ffice f unctions. S old c redit r esolution s ervices.
● Advised c lients o n b est r oute t o p ositive c redit s tanding.
● Negotiated d ebt w ith c reditors f or c lients.
● Prepared w eekly p ayroll f or a ttorneys. S upervised a dministrative a nd t ellmarketing s taff
● Called c lients w ith a ccounts 3 0 d ays o r m ore p ast d ue a nd n egotiated p ayment a rrangements Johns H opkins H ospital - B altimore, M D Sep 1 995 – A ug 1 997 Clinical D ocumentation I ntern
● Maintained m edical r ecords
● Interacted w ith e xternal a nd i nternal m edical s taff t o p rovide p atients m edical h istory