**** * **** * **** C T., U NIT * 19, A USTIN, T X 7 8753 5 12.468.5602 T ****.*.*****@*****.*** EXECUTIVE A SSISTANT
Determined, goal driven, strategic thinker with over 30 years in the Business World. Ten of those recent years contributing to multi-million dollar wins for businesses reporting directly to C-level executives in the fast-paced, highly competitive Government contracting world. Dedicated and technically skilled business professional with a versatile administrative support skillset developed through experience dedicated to making the lives of busy high-level executives easier. Serve as an effective gatekeeper; prepare well-researched and accurate documents; manage and maintain multidimensional complex calendars for C-level executives; and efficiently handle daily office tasks. Detail-oriented, meticulous, and focused with a proven track record of providing superior editing, proofreading and administrative skills. Possess exceptional written communication, grammar and editing skills with strong ability to express thoughts clearly and effectively in written form. Experience in managing multiple projects and meeting deadlines. Strong leader and motivator who excels in teaching, training and empowering employees. Expert ability t o m eet o rganizational o bjectives, s trategic p lanning, m aintaining d igital c ontent d atabase a nd m anaging d ocumentation. AREAS o f E XPERTISE
● Handling H R R esponsibilities
● Proofreading/Editing
● High l evel c onfidentiality
● SharePoint 6 0%
● MicroSoft O utlook 1 00%
● Manage C alendars & T ravel
● Technical W riting
● Document C ontrol
● MicroSoft W ord 1 00%
● Adobe I llustrator 3 0%
● Team M anagement
● Manage F iles, R ecords, E tc.
● Communications
● MicroSoft E xcel 7 0%
● Adobe I nDesign 5 0%
● Project M anagement
● Time M anagement
● DropBox 1 00%
● MicroSoft P roject 5 0%
● Adobe A crobat 1 00%
● Created m ultiple c entral S harePoint a nd D ropbox w ebsites c ontaining s pecific p rocedures a nd p olicies.
● Maintained m ultiple p rojects a nd t imelines o n m icrosoft p roject.
● Produced h igh-level c ommunications r anging f rom c onfidential m emos, i nternal c orrespondence, t o p olicies a nd p rocedures
● Superior k nowledge o f g rammar, s pelling, a nd p unctuation, w ith t he a bility t o p roofread a nd e dit s o d ocuments a re c ompliant b oth technically a nd g rammatically.
● Team-oriented l eader s killed a t s uccessfully j uggling m ultiple p rojects, w orking w ithin t ight d eadlines a nd e ffectively communicating t o M anagement a nd E xecutives.
● Coordinated E xecutive o ff-sites a nd c orporate e vents f or a n a verage o f 2 00 t o 6 00 e mployees.
● Maintained m ultidimensional c omplex c alendar e vents a nd c reated h ighly e ffective o rganized f iling s ystem.
● Strong a bility t o a nalyze a nd g ather n ecessary i nformation t o p roduce w ritten c orrespondence.
● Exemplary t rack r ecord o f c reating, w riting, p roofreading, e diting, a nd d elivering h igh-level p resentations.
● Design, p repare, w rite, p roofread, a nd e dit m arketing, m anagement a nd o perational r eports f or d igital p resentations. PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE
EARNHART & A SSOCIATES, I NC., A ustin, T X 2 017-2017 Executive A ssistant
● Worked f or t hree C -level E xecutives: P resident & C EO, a nd t wo C hief D irectors o f D evelopment
● Used a utomated s ystems a nd s oftware a pplications t o d esign, d evelop, w rite, p roofread, e dit, c reate d ocuments a nd p rocedure manuals f or C DC a nd n on-CDC r eal t ime a mbulatory s urgery c enters ( “ASC u rgent c are c enters, o ncology r adiation f acilities, infusion c enters, f reestanding e mergency r ooms, a nd o ther h ealthcare r elated s ervices.
● Managed C alendars a nd E xpense r eports f or t hree t op l evel e xecutives.
● Prepared a nd d istributed m inutes f or e xecutive a nd c lient m eetings. PHOENIX M ANAGEMENT, I NC., A ustin, T X 2 016-2017 Proposal C oordinator
● Develop p roposals t hrough o rganization o f c oncepts, s taffing, c lassifications o f e mployees, e quipment, m aterials, m anagement systems, w orkflow, a nd i nnovative m eans o f a ccomplishing t he w orkload.
● Maintained h igh l evels o f c onfidentiality w ith C -level e xecutives ( CEO, C OO, C FO, E xecutive V P, a nd C orporate L awyer) w hile providing m emos, c orrespondence, e xecutive t ravel, p roposals, a ssistance w ith e xternal s taffing, l egal i ssues, l awsuits, c ontracts, building d esigns a nd o perations.
● Use a utomated s ystems a nd s oftware a pplications t o d esign, d evelop, w rite, p roofread, e dit, c reate g raphics a nd o ther p roposal a nd bid m aterials. P repare p roposals f or s hipment a nd p rovided p ickup a nd d elivery c ourier s ervice.
● C reated, w rote, p roofread, a nd e dited m arketing m aterial f or d igital c ontent i ncluding w eb c ontent f or t he w ebsite.
● Proofread a nd e dit t ext, g raphics, a nd o ther p roposal m aterials. 1
● Drafted c orrespondence, c onducted o nline r esearch.
● Managed e xecutive d atabase – f iles, d ocumentations a nd e lectronic r ecords.
● Booked c onference r ooms, a rranged o ut o f t own c onferences, t ravel a nd h otel a ccommodations
● Accurately w rite a nd p roofread s tories/feature a rticles t o b e p ublished i n t he p rinted e dition o f t he q uarterly n ewsletter. COBB, F ENDLEY & A SSOCIATES, I NC., A ustin, T X 2 015-2016 Proposal C oordinator
● Maintain C alendars, t ravel a rrangements, a nd s et-up m eetings b oth i nternal a nd e xternal, f or V ice P resident a nd E ngineers i n regards t o p roduction o f c ompany c ontracts.
● Coordination a nd p roduction o f p roposals, S tatements o f Q ualifications ( SOQs), i ntroductory p ackages, i nterview p resentations, and g eneral c orrespondence.
● Prioritized e mails a nd r eceived i ncoming c alls, f or V ice P resident.
● Scheduled b oard a nd o ffice m eetings f or V ice P resident a s r equested.
● Maintain m arketing i nformation ( calendars, p roject i nformation) i n t he c ompany-wide D eltek V ision d atabase.
● Research a nd m onitor v arious l ocal a nd g overnment w eb s ites f or R equest f or P roposals ( RFPs).
● Prepare p roposals f or s hipment a nd p rovided p ickup a nd d elivery c ourier s ervice.
● Booked c onference r ooms, a rranged t ravel a nd h otel a ccommodations f or V ice P resident, s taff e ngineers, a nd V IPs.
● Support d evelopment o f m arketing s trategy a nd b usiness d evelopment a ctivities.
● Assist c orporate c ommunications i n c reation a nd d issemination o f p ress r eleases.
● Interview a nd a ssist w ith h iring o f a ll c lerical a nd a dministrative o ffice p ersonnel f or a ll d epartmental m anagers. T.D.DOYLE C ONSULTING, A ustin, T X 2 014-2016 Executive O ffice C oordinator
● Monitor a nd a nalyze c urrent m arket c onditions f or C -level e xecutive c lients.
● Write, p roofread, a nd e dit m arketing m aterial f or d igital c ontent.
● Provided e ducation h ow t o C -level e xecutives o n h ow t o i ncorporate t ime m anagement a nd t eam b uilding f unctions f or o ffices.
● Formulate s trategies f or e xisting a ccounts t o g enerate b usiness.
● Develop a nd p repare p resentations f or p rospective c lients.
● Follow u p r egular m eetings w ith b oth a ctive a nd p rospective c lients.
● Create a nd u pdate C -level e xecutive c lient’s d igital c ontent p rofiles.
● Initiate p lans f or c lient c ompanies t o a chieve p rofits a nd r educe l osses.
● Create, d evelop, p roofread a nd u pload w eb c ontent f or t he w ebsite.
● Private E SL C onsultant s trengthening E nglish c ommunication s kills f or S panish-speaking e xecutives a t I nternational c ompanies. Key A ccomplishment: S treamlined c apability s tatements a nd p roposal d atabanks f or f uture p reparation a nd s ubmittals f or s mall companies. B y s etting u p p rocedures a nd p rocesses, t his p rovides s avings t o t he b ottomline. J&J W ORLDWIDE S ERVICES, A ustin, T X 2 007-2014 Business D evelopment A ssociate I II
● Maintained h igh l evels o f c onfidentiality w ith C -level e xecutives a nd B oard o f D irectors w hile a ssisting w ith a ll l evels o f D oD proposals, s taffing, b udgets, b onus d istribution, c ompany p arties, e xecutive t ravel, q uarterly a nd y early d epartment c ontract h ours.
● Prepared a ll c onfidential i nteroffice m emos a nd c orrespondence f or t he P resident a nd C EO a nd t he E xecutive V ice P resident.
● Analyzed s olicitations, i nvitations f or b id, a nd r equests f or p roposals i n r esponse.
● Developed p roposals t hrough t he r equirements o f t he r eleased G overnment S olicitation/Invitation t o B id.
● Write, p roofread, a nd e dit m arketing m aterial f or d igital c ontent.
● Booked c onference r ooms, a rranged o ut o f t own c onferences, t ravel a nd h otel a ccommodations.
● Proofread a nd e dit t ext, g raphics, a nd o ther p roposal m aterials p repared b y o thers.
● Prepare p roposals f or s hipment a nd p rovide p ickup a nd d elivery c ourier s ervice.
● Interact, p repare t ravel a nd p resentations f or B oard o f D irectors a ttending q uarterly a nd a nnual m eetings.
● Create, d evelop, p roofread a nd u pload w eb c ontent f or t he w ebsite. Key A ccomplishment: I nitiated a nd d eveloped a t ask o rder p roposal t emplate i ncorporating a s treamlined p rocess. T his p rocess exceeded t he r equirements o f t he R FPs f or t hree p rimary G overnment c ontracts h eld b y J &J t hus a llowing t he w riting p rocess t o be c ut i n h alf. B y i mplementing t he t emplates, t his p rovided f or m ore t ask o rders t o b e w ritten i n l ess t ime, a nd t herefore, r esulting in m ore c ontracts a warded. T his p roduced a n i ncrease o f 3 2% i n t ask o rder r evenue. EDUCATION & L ICENSES
Bachelor o f A rts ( BA), E nglish w ith m inor i n J ournalism & P ublic C ommunications, U niversity o f A laska ( 3.78/4.0) State o f T exas N otary P ublic L icense # 130510339 ( expires 1 /25/2020) 2