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Supply Chain Professional

Logan, UT
fair market value
October 17, 2017

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Katie B erigan-Anderson

phone 8-01-209-****



I a m a S upply C hain O perations p rofessional e xperienced i n m ultiple f unctions, i ncluding M aster S cheduling, Demand P lanning, P rocurement, G lobal O perations,and L ogistics. I h ave w orked i n c orporate H Q e nvironments as w ell a s m anufacturing a nd w arehousing f acilities, w hich h as a fforded m e a u nique p erspective a nd a b road s kill set. A reas o f e xpertise:

● Process


● Data


● Global O perations

● Supply and Demand




● Cross-Functional



Ultradent P roducts, S alt L ake C ity, U T ( Feb 2 015-Aug 2 017)

M aster S cheduling & S IOP M anager

● Transformed i nternal b usiness p rocesses, r esulting i n 8 5% r eduction o f d aily b ackorders a nd i ncreased efficiencies a cross P lanning, S ales, a nd L ogistics f unctions

● Led c ross-functional t eam i n d eveloping K PI’s a nd r obust m onthly S &OP a nd e xecutive r eview m eetings

● Reduced n on-value a dded w ork t hroughout t he s upply c hain b y i nitiating a nd i mplementing s ystem enhancements

● Liaison b etween i nternal S ales a nd O perations a nd e xternal c ustomers a nd s ubsidiaries Greencore U SA, S alt L ake C ity, U T ( May 2 014 – J an 2 015) Supply C hain M anager

Oversaw M aterials a nd F inished G oods P lanning, W arehousing, a nd D istribution

● Improved S upplier a nd C arrier P erformance t hrough e stablishing B id P rocess a nd R eport C ard p rograms

● Led L EAN i nitiatives t o g enerate s ignificant m anufacturing a nd l ogistical c ost s avings

● Implemented r ecycling p rogram r esulting i n c ost s avings a nd i ncreased s torage c apacity

● Achieved 9 9.98% I nventory a ccuracy t hrough n ewly s tructured c ycle c ount p rogram Graphic P ackaging I nternational, S alt L ake C ity, U T ( Nov 2 012- A pril 2 014)

P urchasing a nd S ervices M anager

Accountable f or O perations, L ogistics, a nd P urchasing f unctions f or t he p lant a nd t wo w arehouses

● Selected, t rained, d eveloped, m otivated a nd e valuated t he p erformance o f s taff

● Oversaw a ll p lant p urchases, s upplier r elations, a nd m ulti-modal s hipping a nd r eceiving a ctivities

● Managed l abor a nd p erformance o f h ourly a nd s alaried, u nion a nd n on-union e mployees

● Standardized t raining a nd d ocumentation o f b est p ractices f or s ustainability

● Improved c arrying c osts o f r aw m aterial a nd f inished g oods i nventory t hrough m onthly a nalysis a nd K PI t racking Katie B erigan-Anderson p age 2

General M ills, G olden V alley, M N ( 1997-2012) Logistics B usiness P lanner

Procured a nd m anaged p ackaging a nd i ngredients f or a ssigned b usiness u nits, r esponsible f or $ 450MM i n s pend

● Managed a nd a pproved p ackaging c ontent, f low, o bsolescence, a nd s eries t ransitions.

● Procured o rganic i ngredients a nd e nsured a dequate s upply t o s upport p roduction.

● Recognized b y S enior L eadership f or s haring b est p ractices a cross D ivisions

● SME f or n ew s ystem i ntegration a nd m ember o f S AP a nd A PO t raining a nd d ocumentation t eams US D eployment T eam L eader

M anaged a t eam o f 5 e mployees i n I ndia, r esponsible f or t heir t raining, d evelopment, r esults, a nd r etention

● Provided c lassroom a nd v irtual s ystems t raining

● Initiated a nd i mplemented a n ew t ool t o a ssess n ew h ire p roficiency a nd i dentify l earning a nd t raining g aps

● Monitored m etrics u sing K PI’s, s haring b est p ractices f or p ositive r esults a nd c orrective a ctions f or o pportunities

● Participated i n m onthly S &OP’s, P &L R eviews a nd C I e vents Logistics O perations P lanner, D eployment

Planned a nd e xecuted p roduct D eployment t o m eet C ost a nd S ervice g oals a cross m ultiple b usiness p latforms

● Improved f reight c osts b y 1 8%, a $ 1.7MM s avings, o ver p revious y ear t hrough h igher o ptimal m ode u tilization

● Reduced p roduct R epositioning c osts b y 2 1% ( $450M) a nnually f or a ssigned b usiness u nits

● Recognized b y t he G eneral M ills C ontinuous I mprovement L eadership f or Best C ost S avings I dea d uring a corporate C I e vent.

Logistics D emand P lanner

Forecasted d emand a t n ational, p lant a nd d istribution c enter l evels

● Analyzed a nd c ommunicated t rend r eport i nformation a nd m ade a djustments t o f orecasts a s n eeded

● Executed o ngoing f orecast a djustments a s n eeded f or t urn a nd p romotional d emand u sing m arket i ntelligence

● Collaborated w ith D eployment a nd C ustomer S ervice o n c ustomer r ealignments r esulting f rom n etwork c hanges to e nsure t he f orecast r eflected a ccurately b y s hipping l ocation Production S cheduler

Planned p roduction a nd d istribution f or G reen G iant c anned a nd f rozen p rodcuts a t m ultiple c o-pack l ocations

● Led W eekly p lant c alls t o d iscuss p roduction s chedule, c apacity, a nd a ddress c oncerns

● Created a nd t racked a nnual p re-build p lan, i ncluding t imelines, v olumes, a nd s ourcing s trategy

● Coordinated r aw m aterials p lacement w ith p roduction p lants a nd s ourcing

● Reviewed p lant s corecard w ith p lant p ersonnel a nd i nternal b usiness t eam EDUCATION

B.A. C ommunications S tudies

University o f I owa, I owa C ity, I owa


APICS- P rinciples o f S &OP S eminar S eries Positive M anagement L eadership ( PML) A lum

CI M ethodology- s eminar, G eneral M ills

Cultural A gility – w orkshop, G eneral M ills Advanced C ommunication T raining – Y our M ain P oint w ith B ill W allisch Business P rocess I mprovement- o n l ine c lass Inclusive L eaders/Managers w orkshop, G eneral M ills TECHNICAL S KILLS

ERP/MRP: S AP, O racle,and A PO s ystems

Microsoft O ffice / P owerPoint

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