Stephanie W atts-Cox M PA
Baltimore, M d
* * ******* * ************ a bilities a nd e ffective l eadership q ualities.
2 P roficient o rganizational a nd t ime m anagement s kills. 3 S upervision o f C hild P rotective S pecialist. 4 E xtensive e xperience w ith t he F amily C ourt s ystem. 5. E mpowered m others t o b etter c are f or t heir c hildren. 6. T en y ears o f c ustomer s ervice e xperience w orking i n r etail w ith S aks F Ifth A venue a nd L ord & Taylor.
May 1 999 t o O ctober 2 016
A dministration f or C hildren’s S ervices
Child P rotective S pecialist. S upervisor L evel I Reviewed w ork s ubmitted b y s ubordinates b y a ssuring f orms, r ecords a nd o ther data m et a gency g uidelines. M onitored a nd m ade r ecommendations o n w ork t o be s ubmitted. P rovided d irection a nd f ollow-up t o C hild P rotective S pecialist
(CPS). E xpedite t he w ork f low i n t he u nit b y i nstructing/assisting C PS w ith documentation. p repared r eports f or F amily C ourt a nd a ssisted t he C hild Protective S pecialist S upervisor L evel I I i n m eeting a ll r equired c ompliance a nd mandates. I w as a lso r esponsible f or a ssessing t he c asework p ractice g uidelines to a ssure t hat t he C hild P rotective S pecialist r eceived t he a ppropriate t raining and a ssisted C PS w ith c onducting i nvestigations a nd s afety a ssessments o n cases..
A dministration f or C hildren’s S ervice New Y ork, N Y Child P rotective S pecialist/ I nvestigative & R eporting Gathered i nformation f or F amily C ourt t o a ccurately r eport t he s ervices t he foster c are a gencies w ere p roviding t o t he c hildren i n f oster c are, a nd e nsure the p arents w ere c ooperating w ith t he s ervice p lan t hat w as i mplemented. I also w orked i n t he f amily
service u nit f or s ix y ears: w here I e valuated a nd a ssessed t he h ome environment w hich i ncluded s upervising f amilies f or F amily C ourt, t o e nsure parents w ere i n c ompliance w ith a ll c ourt m andates. C onducted f ace-to-face contacts, f ield v isits t o a pplicants, c lients, a nd a gencies. F ollowed p rocedures that g overned c onfidentiality, i n o rder t o o btain i nformation. R ecorded a nd entered i nformation o btained d uring i nterviews w ith f amilies w here I w as responsible f or e nsuring t hat r ecords w ere u p t o d ate a nd c urrent. Investigated c hild a buse a nd n eglect a llegations a nd c omplaints. K ept accurate d ocumentation f or f unding p urposes. D uties a lso i ncluded c ounseling individuals, f amilies, c hildren, a nd a doptive p arents, b y e ncouraging t hem t o express t heir f eelings, a lso w riting r eports, s ummaries a nd r ecommendations. Formulated a nd r evised s ervice p lans, c onferred w ith m edical p ersonnel. I w as a lso i nstrumental i n e mpowering p arents t o r aise t heir c hildren, i ncluded finishing s chool, o btaining e mployment o r s uccessfully c ompleting a d rug program.
M etropolitan C ollege o f N ew Y ork
N ew Y ork, N Y
2006 MPA i n P ublic A ffairs a nd A dministration Thesis: S ensitivity T raining f or S ervice I mprovement College o f N ew R ochelle
New R ochelle, N Y.
1997, B achelor o f A rt
Major P sychology M inor S ocial W ork
D eans L ist 1 995 a nd 1 996
References p rovided u pon r equest