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Pittsburgh, PA, 15210
October 13, 2017

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*** ******* ***

Pittsburgh,PA *****



Jaymee E nglish


Customer S upport ( 19 y ears )

Management ( 15 y ears )

Computer t yping ( 19 y ears )

Customer R elationship M anagement ( 12 y ears )

Microsoft O ffice E xcel ( 10 y ears )

Microsoft O ffice P owerpoint ( 10 y ears )

Customer C ommunications ( 17 y ears )

Optical K nowledgedid 6

Customer C are

Customer S ervice

Account M anagement

Materials M anagement


Csonka O ptometric, R oss T ownship P a - O ptician/Lab July 2 017 t o P resent: p art-time

Eyetique/3 G uys O ptical, P gh P a S tore M anager-Lead/Optician February 2 015 t o P resent

1) Human R esource M anagement: R ecruitment, s election, t raining, c ounseling, and d evelopment o f A ssociates.

2) Conduct P erformance A ppraisals a nd s alary a dministration. 3) Enforcement o f c orporate p olicies a nd p rocedures. 4) Create a c limate o f s ecurity a nd i ntegrity t o c ontrol i nventory s hrink from b oth i nternal a nd e xternal t heft.

5) Maintain f acility t o c orporate s tandards i ncluding b uilding, e quipment, parking l ot a nd g rounds a s w ell a s s afety r ules. 6) Provide p roper f low o f i nformation t o t he O ptometrist d irectly a ssociated with t he s tore

7) Develop a nd m aintain a g ood w orking r elationship w ith d octor/doctors associated w ith s tore l ocation a nd s erve a s l iaison b etween d octor a nd store p ersonnel

Walmart, R obinson P a D epartment M anager/Optician November 2 013 - F ebruary 2 015

1) Ensure c ustomer s atisfaction b y g reeting a nd a nswering t heir q uestions 2) Tour y our d epartment t o e nsure i t m eets o ur c ustomer's' e xpectations 3) Work h and-in-hand w ith s ales a ssociates t o g et t he j ob d one 4) Prepare a nd p lan f or u pcoming e vents t hat w ill i mpact y our d epartment 5) Ability t o c ommunicate, t ake d irection a t a ll l evels, a nd t urn i t i nto action

6) Use b asic m ath s kills t o m aintain a ccurate i nventory l evels 7) Provide p roper f low o f i nformation t o t he O ptometrist d irectly a ssociated with t he s tore

Vision W orks, W ashington P a - O phthalmic T echnician/Supervisor/Optician October 2 009 - N ovember 2 013

● Schedule a ppointments, c reate p atient c harts, e nter p atient d ata i nto E HR software, a nd i nterpret i nsurance b enefits f or s ervices a nd e yewear.

● Manufacture l enses t hrough a m ulti-step p rocess t o c reate f inished eyewear w ithin a o ne-hour d eadline

● Responsible f or o peration, c leaning a nd m aintenance o f l aboratory t ools and e quipment

● Dispense f inished g lasses, a djust a nd f it e yewear, t roubleshoot i ssues, and p erform r epairs


*ABO C ERTIFICATION; c urrently p reparing f or T he A merican B oard o f O pticianry Certification E xam ( ABO), E xam h eld N ovember 2 017 Robert M orris U niversity

Business a nd M anagerial E conomics, I nformation M anagement S ciences & Systems, M erchandising a nd B uying O perations 2001 - 2 003

Icm S chool o f B usiness

Associate D egree

Accounting a nd B usiness M anagement, A ccounting a nd C omputer S cience, Business a nd M anagerial E conomics

1998 - 2 000

Carrick H igh S chool

High S chool D iploma

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