ANDREA L . S amuel
*** * ******* * ***** B uffalo N Y 1 4211
To s ecure a F ull t ime p osition a s a L icensed P ractical N urse w ithin y our f acility. W hich will g ive m e a n o pportunity t o e xpand m y p ractical e xperience a t t he s ame t ime providing q uality h ealthcare t o r esidents.
0 9/2017- P resent
L ifetime M osher h ealth g roup
P osition: F ront e nd L PN
R ooming p atients o btaining v itals,
H ealth h istory, i mmunizations a n
E ntering i nformation i nto E MR.
0 6/2017 - 9 /2017
H umboldt h ouse
B uffalo N Y
P osition: L PN s upervisor
G eneral s upervisor o f C NA s taff.
A dministration o f m edication a nd
T reatments. M onitor a nd r ecord
I n E MR s ystem. 11/2015- 0 6/2017
UBMD J efferson F amily
Buffalo N Y
Position: L icensed P ractical N urse
Responsibilities: O btaining p atient v ital s igns a nd e scorting t hem t o t heir r ooms. Interviewing p atients a nd r ecording t heir m edical h istory. A dministration o f c orrect injection m edications a nd i mmunizations v ia d octor’s o rder. T riage l ine a nd p rior authorizations f or p atient’s m edication i n a t imely m anner.
1 1/2011- 0 7/2015
E rie C ounty M edical C enter
P osition: L icensed P ractical N urse
Responsibilities: A ssisting w ith A DL’s V erifying a nd a dministration o f m edications. Monitoring p atients o verall h ealth. P erforming w ound c are,Leading h ealth a nd w ellness group s essions a nd a ssuring e nvironmental s afety o f p atients. A mbulating p atients w ho are o n f all r isk p recautions. D ocumenting p atient c onditions a nd c are p rovided w ithin the e lectronic m edical r ecord.
7 /2010-9/2011- E rie 2 BOCES, S chool o f P ractical N ursing Special S kills:
PCMS s elf-defense t rained
CPR c ertified b y V ital B reath I NC