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Sr.QA Automation Tester

Carrollton, TX
45 to 60 per hr
October 12, 2017

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Email ID - ****.****@*****.*** Contact No – +1-214-***-****

Professional Summary:-

Over 8+ years of experience in IT, extended expertise in QA and Automated Software Testing using QTP/UFT, SOAP UI, HP/ALM/Quality Center and Selenium and Mainframe Environment.

Experience in Manual and Automation Testing of Web Services/Mobile Apps, Client Server and Web based Applications in different domains using Point of Sales (POS), QTP/UFT, SOAP UI, ALM and Selenium, VSTS, Coded UI Test, C# and Service Oriented Architecture

Proficient in Java, C, C# and have sound knowledge on OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept.

Experienced with SOA, Web Services, SOAP, Soap UI, RESTFUL, WSDL technologies.

Exhaustive Experience in Designing & implementation of Automation Frameworks including BDD, data driven, keyword driven, and hybrid using Selenium WebDriver.

Used Eclipse IDE to develop & debug the code.

Experience in understanding the code written in different programming languages VB Script, Java Script and databases like Oracle, SQL Serb APIver.

Experiences with test JCL on mainframes. Tested the online IMS screens.

Extensive experience in using Automated tools like Ruby Cucumber test framework for Client/Server, Web and database applications

SOA Testing, Validation and Virtualization, Extended Web Services Tests in a Low -impact way using CA LISA.

Proficient as Mobile App Tester in testing Web applications and Mobile applications on IOS and Android Platforms and responsible for development HP QTP and Perfecto Mobile automation strategy.

Created and Maintained Server side Integration Test using Python and Selenium Web driver

JavaScript based test framework using cucumber JS, web driver IO, node.js, angular.js.

Involved in setting of QA Test environment with simulated POS test environment.

Knowledge of Agile methodology along with Automation Tools and Protractor.

Experienced in SQA (Software Quality Assurance) including Manual and Automated testing with tools such as Selenium RC/WebDriver/IDE/Grid, HP Quick Test Professional and Junit/TestNG, Load Runner and Junit/TestNG, Load Runner.

Hands on experience in Quality Assurance including Functional, System, Smoke, Regression, and Integration, User Acceptance Test (UAT) and Compatibility Testing of Web and Client server based Applications.

Experience in all phases of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Bug life Cycle and Methods like Waterfall and Agile.

Experience in Developing N-tire application using ASP.NET2.0/3.5, C#, VB.NET, JavaScript, VB Script, Ado.Net, Windows Form, Web Form Visual Studio.NET(2005,2008,2010), XML .

Worked with .NET Server Controls, Web User Controls, Grid view, Form Validation Controls and Custom Controls.

Expert in Health Care testing, FACETS product, EDI transactions.

Expertise in documenting defects with high level of detail, accuracy, and informative recreation steps using Quality Center, JIRA, IBM Clear Quest, BugZilla.

Developed test scripts to automate process of testing in Protractor Web Driver JS.

Experienced in load and performance testing tool JMeter.

Experience in Black box testing with a complete QA cycle from testing, defect logging and verification of fixed bugs.

Excellent analytical, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills along with a good attitude for learning.

Technical Skills:-


Internet Explorer 9,10 and 11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Programming Languages

Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Shell Script, VBScript, C, C#, Python, Pega, Django, HTML and XML, Groovy

Web Development Tools

XML, HTML, Ajax, Angular JS, VB Script, ASP, JSP and Java Servlets, PHP, Jenkins, JSON, Ruby, .NET, Perfecto.

Webservers/Application Servers

IBM Web Sphere, BEA Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, and IIS

Testing tools

Selenium (IDE, RC, Web Driver, and GRID), SOAP UI, SOA, JUnit, Appium, JMeter, Coded UI, Cucumber, Firebug, FirePath, Fitnesse, HP Load Runner, Apache POI, Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio, HP UFT and IBM RFT,QTP/UFT.

Reporting tools

JIRA, Bugzilla, HP-ALM, Rally

Operating Systems

Windows NT, Windows 2000 Server, Solaris, LINUX,UNIX

Data Access Languages

MySQL, Oracle DB, PL/SQL.


Sybase, Oracle, Access,Ingres, Microsoft SQL server

GUI / Tools

Eclipse, Jbuilder, IntelliJ


JUnit, TestNG, Appium,TDD, BDD, Data Driven, Keyword Driven

Hybrid and Modular Frameworks, JBehave, ATF (Automation Test Framework), Page Object Model, and Backend Testing.


Bachelors in computer Science and Engineering from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh India.

Professional Experience-

Test Automation Engineer


Austin, TX Feb 2016 – Till Date

Description: - Q2e is a leading community banking franchise, headquartered in Austin TX. Project was initiated with the intent to advance and improve existing version of the online banking application currently in use. Subsequent releases added new features and functionalities with the final aim of regaining market share improve customer loyalty and derive benefits from a service oriented architecture which helped expose individual business processes across multiple channels as per business demands to their customers.


•Finalized the Business Requirements Document (BRD), developed Test cases and Test scripts for the application under test.

•Followed Agile methodology thorough out the project

•Involved in Automation Environment setup using Eclipse, Java, Selenium Jar files.

•Designed the automated test cases using the Selenium WebDriver for UI web Elements using Java programming features and TestNG Annotations.

•Used Selenium Grid to run test cases in multiple browsers and platforms.

•UI validation i.e. tested Angular JS based application using protractor.

•Wrote internal and external API services using Node.js modules.

•Developed Automation Scripts using HP UFT/QTP.

•Cucumber used as a secondary Tool for entire Regression Testing and Functional Testing with primary tool as Selenium.

•Testing REST API’s using JSON messaging format and automated test cases using Groovy.

•Performed automated acceptance tests written in Ruby implementing BDD Framework using cucumber.

•Using Eclipse to create methods and actions required for Fitnesse tests.

•Performing Regression test using automated testing tool Selenium and Fitnesse and UFT/QTP.

•Responsible for creating automated test scripts in UFT/QTP and updated the scripts as per requirement change.

•Created data-driven automation scripts for testing REST full Services using SOAP UI.

•Involved in conducting tests on Web services transactions like automatic bill payment, batch payments and Account transfers sent over HTTP or HTTPS by inspecting every XML request and response using SOAP UI.

•Used SOAP UI tool to test SOA based architecture application to test SOAP services and REST API with JSON/XML.

•Strong knowledge on Linux commands and automating them using Shell Scripting.

•Performed Load/stress testing through Jmeter.

•Worked with distributed version control system like GIT.

•Used MAVEN for building the project.

•Containerizing the application using Docker file, Docker image.

•Coordinated Web and Mainframe projects for schedules, requirements gatherings, timelines

•Worked on micro services for the delivery of software products across the enterprise.

•Documented project progress and tracked defects using JIRA.

•Maintained Metrics and participated in the Weekly Status Updates showing the progress of the testing effort and open issues to be resolved.

Environment: - Agile, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID, java, TestNG, SoapUI, SOA, Protractor, Cucumber, GIT, Maven, UFT/QTP, Jenkins, Firebug/Fire-path, JIRA, Groovy.

QA Engineer/Mobile Tester

Weis Market Inc.

Sunbury, PA Sep 2014 – Jan 2016

Description: - Weis Market Inc. is a Mid-Atlantic food retailer Supermarket chain exclusively operates 204 stores. Their store has been noted as "revolutionary", as it did not operate on credit sales were only for cash. At the time, similar stores operated on credit, allowing customers to build a tab that would be paid periodically. Cash sales were a sign of a growing working class earning steady paychecks and they also helped lower prices by up to 25%. This application contains different modules for which we developed test automation framework. We also developed a mobile App for both IOS and Android.


Analyzed the specifications from Business view and Functional view of the application. Participated in project kickoff and sprint planning meetings doing planning poker.

Participated in daily Scrum meetings, discussed with Business Analysts and Developers about requirement gaps, defects and blocking issues.

Took a leading role in mobile testing using Perfecto Mobile for testing client's mobile apps on the Android and iOS platforms.

Used Python and Selenium Web Drivers to automate the applications.

Worked on POS self-check-out / POS QA Testing was involved in setting of QA Test environment

with simulated POS test environment.

Tested different functions of the POS system like scanning, payments and returns. Moreover, make sure that the system met the requirements and expectations.

Tested Mobile Applications using various devices, Emulators and Simulators (such as Xcode, iOS simulator and Eclipse emulator).

Involved in Web Services Testing using SOAPUI with REST to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and load tests.

Performed automated acceptance tests written in BDD using cucumber.

Validated the customer account records and their order details with Databases using SQL Queries.

Worked on Selenium GUI Object / element verification is done through XPath, CSS Locators.

Involved in Designing & developing data driven framework using Selenium Web Driver, Testing and implemented Java Mail to send the regression result automatically.

Cross browser compatibility testing is executed by testing web applications.

Used Quality Center to track and report system defects and bug fixes. Written modification requests for the bugs in the application and helped developed developers to track and resolve the problems.

Involved in setting up continuous integration system using Jenkins and working knowledge with cloud based code repository system like GitHub.

Environment:- Agile, Selenium (WebDriver and GRID), TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, SOUPUI, BDD, HTML, XML, XPath, Rally, Web Services (SOAP & RESTFUL) Python, POS, Appium, Quality Centre, Firebug, SQL, PLSQL, Win SCP, SQL Navigator, Oracle, UNIX, Windows.

Selenium Tester/performance Tester

West Tennessee Health Care

Jackson, TN May 2013 - Aug 2014

Description: - West Tennessee Health Care is a healthcare system in the U.S. As a Selenium Tester my role is to test the UI of the web application and also do regression testing to the modified functionalities in the Application.


Strong knowledge on the SDLC, STLC models such as Waterfall and Agile (SCRUM) methodology

Used Agile methodology in developing the application, which includes iterative application development, 2 week-sprints, daily stand up meetings, Sprint Retrospective, Sprint Planning, Story Estimates and customer reporting backlogs(bugs).

Involved in defining test automation strategy and test scenarios, created automated test cases, test plans and executed tests using Selenium IDE.

Created C# based scripts for Selenium Web Driver with NUnit as automation frame work.

Vast experience with systems integration testing applications developed for the .NET platform

Developed application logic using C#, Power Script, VB .NET.

Identifying the correct GUI web elements by using different types by locators like Id, Name, Link Text, CSS, DOM, and XPath.

Developed and maintained automated regression test cases in Selenium Web Driver using C#.

Automated an data driven approach for creating journals with indefinite number of rows in the Journal template excel application in Coded UI Automation Prototyped test automation for the CODIS application using Coded UI and UI Automation.

Converted C# based web application into a web service for Integration and tested using Soap UI.

Analyzed the performance and load testing of the application through JMeter.

Performing Claims validation of facets application as required.

Provided interface between Excel sheets and selenium through Apache POI API.

Involved in Web Services Testing using SOAP UI Tool.

Knowledge in testing SOA Architecture, Web Services, UDDI, Network protocols (VOIP, TCP/IP) and IVR system testing.

Configured ANT builds scripts to run tests, develops reports and sends notifications.

Conducted backend testing to validate and retrieve data from Database using SQL queries for executing user specific Test cases.

Developed Unit Test Plan and Test cases by working with business clients. Conducted Unit Testing and Functional Testing.

Participated in Walkthroughs and Defect report meetings periodically.

Supported User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

Defect tracking, Reporting of test suite, project progress is monitored through TFS.

Environment: - Agile, Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, SOA, C#, Facets, Coded UI, ANT, TFS, JMeter, Silk Performer, PLSQL, and LINUX.

Automation Test Engineer

Sentry Insurance

Stevens Point, WI Nov 2012 – April 2013

Description:- Sentry Insurance is committed to provide foundation of service to our policyholders. Our products and services are made possible by a dedicated team of associates, many of whom have been with us for decades my responsibilities as a Test Engineer are listed below.


Developed and maintained automated test scripts for Regression testing using QTP, including parameterizing QTP/UFT Scripts.

Execution of smoke tests on each build using QTP/UFT and reporting the results to management

Performed integration testing & data validations using QTP/UFT for various interfaces.

Developed utility scripts in QTP/UFT to export data from different database tables to Excel.

Developed workarounds for many of QTP challenges by writing VB Script functions using "Effect a" automation framework

Executing test cases, ad-hoc product testing, reporting bugs and reporting tester status, writing test scripts, test automation using diverse testing tools like QTP/UFT, Win-Runner and Load-Runner.

Define, develop, and execute automation test scripts using Java that leverage black and white box testing across functional, non-functional and performance testing.

Developed SQL queries to query the database find out correct data for testing and to test the backend process of the application.

Involved in creating Test Case Scenarios, Test Case Execution and maintaining defects using JIRA Tool.

Created automated test suites that successfully tested ETL/data migration endeavors

Working knowledge of SQL, HTML, XML, JSON, and internet browsers.

Worked with the Web programming language HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON and selected web element by using Firebug and Fire Path.

Involved in Web Service testing and validating the XML files.

Developed Test cases based on the requirements, participated in implementation of Test Cases, and Test Script according to the Business Requirements, System Requirements.

Environment: - Selenium Webdriver, Eclipse IDE, Ruby, Microsoft Test Manager (MTM), Team Foundation

Server (TFS), Appium, DB2, Cucumber, QTP/UFT, TestNG/Junit, Corejava, Jira, Maven, SQL

QTP/UFT Tester

Red Bus

Chennai, INDIA Oct 2010 – Oct 2012

Description: - Red Bus is India's biggest online bus ticket and hotel booking company. The company also sells tickets through offline outlets. Performed manual testing initially on the website and then modified test scripts for Automation.


Developed this project using Waterfall methodology.

Involved in identifying the manual test cases for automation.

Maintained the Test data documentation based on business functions.

Executing test cases, ad-hoc product testing, reporting bugs and reporting tester status, writing test scripts, test automation using diverse testing tools like QTP/UFT, Win-Runner and Load-Runner.

Extensively used QTP/UFT integrated environment like Data Table, Actions, and Recovery scenarios.

Developed automated test scripts and parameterized QTP Scripts for Regression testing using QTP.

Enhanced and created QTP/UFT scripts using reusable actions, parameters and check points.

Responsible for testing and implementing service oriented architecture components.

Parameterization of test scripts in QTP to avoid duplication of input using Excel.

Worked with bug tracking tools like Quality Centre.

Created test planning and participated in execution for API Testing using SOAP UI.

Developed and executed SQL queries in the database to conduct Data integrity testing by checking the data tables on the server.

Experience in leading a Manual Testing assignment and successfully tracked progress of Manual testing effort.

Submit the Quality Assessment Report to the stakeholders.

Environment: - Waterfall, Win-Runner, QTP / UFT, Load Runner, Quality Center, Quick Test Pro, SQL, Web Logic, and Microsoft Excel.

Manual Tester


Hyderabad, India May 2009 – Sept 2010

Description:- It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life, non-life insurance, CapitaLand asset management. The bank has a network of 4,850 branches and 14,404 ATMs in India, and has a presence in 19 countries including India.


Understanding the Business Requirement document.

Well versed with Manual Testing life cycle process in both Agile and Waterfall methodology.

Generated data for execution of Test cases.

Developed Test Scenarios and Test Cases as per the requirement document.

Setting up Test Environment, Creating specifications for Test Data Requirements and Test Condition Matrix, Software Test execution Defect management.

Performed Functional Testing, Integration testing and System Testing.

Modified the Test cases and performed Regression Testing.

Experienced in problem solving ability and analytical skills including Root cause analysis to solve real time problem efficiently.

Performed Database testing by passing SQL Queries using MySQL, Oracle DB.

Prepared QA matrix and status reports.

Involved in identifying Manual test cases for automation.

Finding and reporting defect in defect tracking tool Quality Center.

Involved in giving daily and weekly status reports to clients.

Environment:- Waterfall Methodology, Windows Server 2000, Oracle 9i, MySQL, JBOSS, Quality Center, CSS, HTML5, XML, XSLT, UML.

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