Steven R. Houser, P.E.
Senior Civil/Structural Engineer
Professional Registrations
Professional Civil Engineer – Colorado #34627, Nevada #21991, North Dakota # 10003, Pennsylvania # 083393 - Ohio # 79986, Texas #119813, West Virginia # 21226, Wisconsin # 44270-6
Distinguishing Qualifications
●Many years experience in structural design and engineering
●Primary background is in the major industrial area, with extensive engineering experience in the design of many diverse steel, concrete and masonry structures (Pipe/pipe rack supports, pump foundations, large elevated and flat bottom tank foundations, elevated and at grade fan foundations, electrical building and equipment foundations, substation and dead end structures and foundations, crusher/mill and vibrating screen support structures and foundations, multi-level building structures and process structures containing various equipment along with some connection design as required, crane support structures and foundations, tall vertical vessel support structures and foundations, concrete and steel water/corrosive containment structures, bins and hopper support structures, truck load-out foundations, miscellaneous access platform structures, intake structures and pump pit foundations, steel “H” pile and drilled concrete pier foundations along with spread footing and grade beam type foundations) .
●Structural types of projects worked on include; pipeline, power, mining, petrochemical, gas processing, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, substation, and Department of Energy projects along with multi story buildings and process structures associated with these projects
●Received management training class
●Tasks included troubleshooting complex forensic issues on structures supporting vibrating equipment, tall vertical vessels, tanks, and also on buildings with corrosion and fire damage along with designs requiring explosion/blow out panels as well. These tasks included evaluating the problem, providing solutions to the problem and writing reports.
●Lead Engineer on many projects; developing specifications, managing human resources, evaluating design cost, scheduling, developing scopes of work, proposal estimating, solving engineering problems and construction problems.
●These projects required engineering hand calculations, steel 3D modeling software, and spread-sheet methods on many large structures incorporating
●AISC Manual, ACI Codes, along with ASCE and IBC requirements in low and high seismic areas in the US and other countries in the world.
Civil Engineer
BS, Civil Engineering, Metropolitan State College
AS, Drafting and Design Technology, Trinidad State Junior College
Professional Organizations/Affiliations
AISC – American Institute of Steel Construction
Honors and Awards
Dean’s List at Trinidad State Junior College, Trinidad, Colorado
Employment History
Tetra Tech - Rooney Eng. Englewood, Co. (direct hire) (2014 - 2016)
CH2M HILL (VECO USA, Inc.), Greenwood Village, CO (direct hire) (1998 - 2014)
Flour Daniel Corp. (contract)
Bechtel Engineering Group (contract)
VECO Pacific, Inc., Bellingham, WA (contract)
Rapley Engineering Services, Inc., Englewood, CO (contract)
Bechtel Engineering Corp.(contract)
Bateman Engineering Inc. (contract)
Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Denver, CO 9 (direct hire)
Specialized Computer Skills
STAAD PRO 3D Analysis, Word, Excel
Personal Contact Information
607 E. 3rd Avenue
Castle Rock, Co 80108
Phone and Email:
Email Address: **************@*****.***
Representative Projects of Involvement
(Tetra Tech-Rooney) PIPE LINE AND PUMP STATION PROJECTS - Western Refining, Sunoco, and Enbridge Pipe Line Inc. at several locations in northern, southern, and eastern US.
Structural Engineer of Record and Lead Engineer responsible for design of large flat bottom tanks on concrete ring wall foundations and tank on piles with 3ft concrete cap on steel driven piles, valve access platforms, vertical pump foundations, horizontal pump foundations, pipe supports and pre-engineered building foundations. Other tasks included; developing human resources forecasts, developing/reviewing specifications, supervising drawing production, scheduling work and fielding construction questions.
Lead Structural Engineer and EOR responsible for design of ball mill foundation, vibrating screen support structure, crusher support structure, floatation/miscellaneous equipment support structures, fine ore bin support structure. The mine equipment was inside of a tunnel in the mountain above 10,000ft elevation. Other tasks included; developing human resources forecasts, supervising drawing production, scheduling work and fielding construction questions.
(CH2MHILL-Veco) PDWTP MINING PROJECT-Climax Molybdenum Corporation-Climax, Colorado
Structural Engineer responsible for quality review of the design of the (290ft x 88ft) filter building consisting of three 50ft diameter interior tank foundations, 10ton bridge crane, filter process equipment support structures, building steel/concrete, and miscellaneous access platforms/walkways.
(CH2MHILL-Veco) PROCESS BUILDING UPGRADES FOR GOLD MINE PROJECT-Round Mountain Gold Corporation, Smoky Valley, Nevada
Lead Structural Engineer of record responsible for structural steel support design of additional vibrating screens and hopper/distributer units in an elevated existing multi-level gold process building along with design of miscellaneous pump, pipe support foundations, and elevated lay down platform in existing structure.
Lead Structural Engineer responsible for 100’ tall vertical vessel foundation design, elevated fin fan structure support, various piperack and vessel support structures.
(CH2MHILL-Veco) REFINERY UPGRADES, Suncor Inc. Commerce City, Colorado
Lead Civil/Structural Engineer primary responsibilities consisted of writing/reviewing specifications, developing scope of work, managing human resources, as well as developing forecasts, supervising drawing production. Responsible for supervision of engineering and drawing of pipe racks, tank foundations, large (50’ diameter) vessel foundations, concrete vaults, equipment foundations and pipe bridge trusses.
(CH2MHILL-Veco) GAS PLANT UPGRADES, El Paso, Inc. Raton, New Mexico
Lead Civil/Structural Engineer primary responsibilities consisted of writing/reviewing specifications, developing scope of work, managing human resources, as well as developing forecasts, supervising engineering and drawing production. Provided supervision of engineering and drawing of substation steel/foundations and water disposal facility consisting of pump/building foundations, pipe supports and 500 BBL tank foundations.
Structural Engineer assisted BP’s Natural Gas Liquids Business Unit which is comprised of over 30 various compressor stations. Responsible for compressor building foundations, pipe racks, and equipment foundations. Troubleshooting dynamic design problems for compressor station foundations and piping.
Structural Engineer at a Beta Carotene plant responsible for design of foundation design for a 12 ft. dia. x 35 ft. tall vertical vessel built on legs able to withstand hurricane wind forces.
(Veco) AC7 HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE, Amgen, Inc. Longmont, Colorado
Structural Engineer responsible for design of foundations and structures for remodeling of hazardous storage rooms and cabinet foundations.
(Veco) COMPRESSOR STATION PLANT EXPANSION, BP Florida River Durango, Colorado
Lead Structural Engineer primary responsibilities consisted of writing/reviewing specifications, developing scope of work, managing human resources, as well as developing forecasts, supervising drawing production. Responsible for compressor building (including a 75 ton crane), amine building foundation, tank foundations, pipe racks, large compressor foundation including dynamic analysis and equipment foundations.
(Veco) WATER PURIFICATION PROCESS PLANT, Xenomosis Pueblo, Colorado
Lead Structural Engineer responsible for design of building (steel and concrete foundations), tank foundations, pipe supports along with foundations, truck load-out road and containment area foundations.
(Veco) FRACTIONATOR, WINGATE PLANT, Conoco Phillips Gallup, New Mexico
Structural Engineer responsible for foundation repair for 40’ diameter gas storage sphere and nano-filtration building foundation.
(Veco) PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT STRUCTURES, Roche Colorado Corp. Boulder, Colorado
Structural Engineer responsible for on-site design and field supervision of vessel support foundations, pipe support steel along with foundations, blast walls and architectural details. Design for truck loadout, fire protection, safety fall protection.
(Veco) BUILDING ADDITION, DSM Catalytica Pharmaceuticals South Haven, Michigan
Structural Engineer responsible for design of multi-story building addition. Vessel supported steel framing with concrete/decking floor slabs. Some areas required design of exterior blast walls.
(Veco) PLANT DIESEL FUEL POWER, Utilicorp, Inc
Structural Engineer responsible for design of diesel generator skid foundation on steel H piles, miscellaneous pipe supports and fan foundation on H-piles.
(Veco) VARIOUS MANUFACTURING PROJECTS, Goodrich Corporation Pueblo, Colorado
Structural Engineer responsible for the design of large condensate tank foundation with containment and pipe supports for an aircraft brake manufacturing plant. Design foundation and floor steel framing to support a furnace, oxidizer and miscellaneous equipment. Analyze building frame (superstructure) for distress due to foundation settlement and document finding in a report.
(Veco) NATURAL GAS PLANT PROJECTS, Various Clients and Locations
Structural Engineer responsible for the structural design of natural gas compressor stations including: pipe racks, compressor foundations (Including dynamic analysis), buildings with bridge cranes including their foundations, and miscellaneous equipment foundations.
(Veco) UNDERGROUND COAL FACILITIES, Thunder Basin Mine, Thunder Basin Coal Co. Wyoming
Structural Engineer responsible for the design of underground coal mining hoppers with support structures, apron slabs, wind walls, and stilling building sheds. These coal hoppers serviced a four-hundred-ton dump truck.
(Veco) MANUFACTURING PLANT DESIGN, Johns Manville Various Projects and Locations
Structural Engineer responsible for the design of a multi-story Perlite manufacturing plant including miscellaneous equipment platforms and hoppers (requiring 3D computer analysis modeling).
Structural Engineer designed various structures in a concentrator on a approximately $3 billion dollar copper/gold mine project located in a seismic zone three. Design responsibilities consisted of multi-story concrete electrical building, pipe racks, large tank foundations, heavy crane support structure, steel support for vibrating equipment and a three level heavy filter press steel support structure design using 3D computer analysis modeling.
(Bechtel) YANACOCHA GOLD PROCESS PLANT, Newmont Gold, South America
Silver Bell -Copper Processing Mine, Marana, Arizona
Structural Engineer responsible for the design of several structures in the process area of a heap leach gold project located in a seismic zone four. Design responsibilities consisted of pipe rack with support foundations, large tank/hopper foundations, large concrete containment sump, miscellaneous equipment foundations, access platforms with foundations, large masonry process buildings with foundations and drawing review.
(Veco) POLYMER PLANT EXPANSION, Advanced Silicon Materials, Inc. (ASiMI)
Lead Structural Engineer primary responsibilities consisted of writing/reviewing specifications, developing scope of work, managing human resources, as well as developing forecasts, supervising drawing production, engineering steel and concrete structures that supported various vessels, pumps, equipment, piping systems and a concrete containment structure.
Lead Structural Engineer responsible for design of structures in a soda ash process plant. Designed an eighty- foot-high support structure for processing equipment (requiring 3D computer modeling) with drilled shaft column foundations, a large fan enclosure building with large fan foundations, and a free standing steel stack with mat and drilled shaft foundation. Also supervised drawing production for these areas of the project.
(Bechtel) COPPER PROCESSING PLANT STRUCTURES, Toquepala Peru, South America
Structural Engineer Responsible for steel and concrete calculations, and provided drawing production supervision for many areas of a copper processing plant project. Major work on this project was design of large main building located in seismic zone 4. Building contained a bridge crane and under-hung crane supports integral with the rigid building frame, electrical/equipment rooms, platforms and equipment support steel. Also reviewed structural fabrication drawings.
Structural Engineer responsible for specification review, preparation of structural steel and concrete calculations, and drawing supervision in many areas of the projects. Designed cooling tower basins (structural slab on piles), discharge flumes and intake structures with pump pits. These projects included design of multi-story steel structure (duct, equipment pipe supports) and foundation for a coal conversion process plant (converting coal to a slurry-transmittable by pipeline); design of multi-story steel structure foundation in cold region for (supporting boiler, equipment, ducts, pipes and turbine) clean coal fossil fuel power plant.
(Stone and Webster) KEALAHOU 69KV SWITCHING STATION, Hawaiian Electric Co. (HECO) Hawaii
Structural Engineer Responsible for the structural design of substation steel support structures and foundations for 3-Phase 69KV Switch Stands. Dead weight, seismic, wind and short circuit load cases were checked using HECO design criteria with AISC/ACI standard practices.
(Stone and Webster) SUBSTATION, Western Area Power Authority Mead, Colorado
Structural Engineer Responsible for the structural design of substation steel support structures/foundations for PT & CT Stands, and Dead End steel structures. Dead weight, ice, seismic, wind, and short circuit load cases were checked using Western Area Power Authority design criteria with AISC/ACI standard practices.
(Stone and Webster) S.E. Polk Substation, Iowa Power
Structural Engineer responsible for the structural sizing/design of 345KV buses checking dead weight, ice, and wind load cases. Designed substation steel support structures for 345KV Loading Trees along with CCVT High Stands checking dead weight, ice, seismic, wind and short circuit load cases. Responsible for the structural design of Dead End Structures and their foundations checking dead weight, ice, seismic, wind and short circuit load cases using Iowa Power design criteria with AISC/ACI standard practices.
(Stone and Webster) GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS, Hawaiian Electric Maui, Hawaii
Structural Engineer responsible for the structural design of Transformers and 50MW Diesel Generator foundations.
(CH2MHILL-Veco) Various Projects (Field Assignments), Various Clients and Locations
Structural Field Engineer responsible for trouble shooting/design of structures on several projects including: gold processing plants, oil/gas refinery, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, mining and power plants.
(Stone and Webster) ROCKY FLATS (Department of Energy), EG & G Colorado.
Senior Designer responsible for Preparation of structural steel and concrete calculation/sketch packages in various areas of the facility.
(Stone and Webster) Rock Island and Rocky Reach Hydroelectric Power Plant, Chelan County PUD, Washington
Diesel Turbine Driven Geothermal Power Plant, Hawaii
Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Plant Project, Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska
Senior Designer responsible for preparation of drawing/layout of steel, concrete, architectural, and civil drawing efforts on the projects stated above. Received three weeks of 3D CAD training and two months of 3D CAD experience in structure drawing.