Michael J. Walenczyk
** ******* ****** ****; Unit #6
Shelton, CT 06484
914-***-**** (Cell)
203-***-**** (Home)
SUMMARY Software/Systems Engineer with over thirty-four (34) years of experience
with a variety of assignments. Experience includes, Web based Applications, Client/Server Applications, Small Business Applications, Blackberry Applications, Real-time embedded communication systems, real-time automated testing and test systems, and all levels of documentation development.
CAPABILITIES Has successfully worked on both large scale systems, down to small individual
OVERVIEW unit product(s), and much in between. Has working experience in all phases of the classic Waterfall Model including writing Functional Requirements Specifications, development of Preliminary Design Documentation, Detailed Design Documentation, Review Meeting Materials, Coding, Testing, and User Manual Development. Now capable of developing complete Applications Software on my own, or within a development team.
Besides specific Work Experience, have developed a number of complete Windows based Applications for a Radiology Equipment Maintenance business, a Sports/Theatre Ticket business, three (3) Driving Schools in CT, and a Rain Water Treatment Process Tool (A.P.L.E.T.S) . All of these projects were initially completed using Microsoft’s Visual Basic 4.0, and upgraded to Microsoft’s Visual Basic 6.0.
TECHNICAL Intel Pentiums, 8086, 80186, 286, 386, 486, AMD, Zilog Z80, HP 310, 1000,
EXPERIENCE Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8500, 8250, 11\7xx, MicroVAX II, (Hardware) PDP 11 Series, Apple Macintosh (Quadra, IIsi, and Radius), and Custom
Designed Hardware.
(Software) Microsoft Visual BASIC (VB (4, 6, and .Net), C, C++, C#, Java, Java 2E,
MS-DOS, Linux, Unix, SCO Unix Microsoft MASM Assembler, VAX/VMS, MicroVMS, RSX-11M, HP, Ada, Pascal, Fortran, VAX Basic, HP Basic, Microsoft Quick Basic, Assembler, SIR Assembler, Framework, Schema III, AutoCAD, STP, Visio, MicoGrafx Designer, and many other commercial software products.
Also have some limited experience with programming PIC Micro-Controllers using C and Assembler (Ron’s special project – Remote X-Ray Machine Controller).
(Processes) Top-Down and Object Oriented Design, Full Life Cycle Software Development,
Fully Experienced with Engineering Standards for System/Software Development.
EMPLOYMENT/ See Employment History Below.
EDUCATION Rockhurst College, Kansas City, MO.
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science; 1982.
Continuous Education through Seminars, Books, Special Courses, and
Personal Experimentation and Training Projects.
January 2002 to Present. Member of Trolley Bridge Software, LLC.
Shelton, CT.
Specified, designed, implemented, tested, deployed, and maintained…
-A Driving School Management System (DSMS). Application has been operating in three (3) separate locations for over ten (10) years.
-A water treatment tool for a civil engineer called “Assessment of Pollutant Loads and Evaluation of Treatment Systems” (APLETS)
-A Ticket Inventory Management System (TIMS)
-A Radiology Asset Management System (RAMS)
-All the development, maintenance, and upgrade support tools for the above.
-Provided support to some special projects (e.g. Remote X-Ray Controller).
April 2013 to November 2013. Development Consultant.
Evax Systems, Inc. Branford, CT.
Contract assignment through own company to implement a Sales Invoice Entry and Processing “system” for their field sales agents and distributors. Resultant design was two separate applications, one for the field, and one for the back office. The interface between them was to be simple email. First version of Back Office application was completed and under “system” test. Field version required updated design due to miscommunication with the client. Ran out of time before “sytem” was able to be put into use. Concurrent effort was the implementation of an internet interface to their products for control and status acquisition. This capability was implemented in C and operated on their custom boards for Fire and Notification equipment.
February 2001 to March 2012. Member of Technical Staff (MTS).
Verizon Communications. White Plains, NY.
Note that during this period, there were two mergers (NYNEX into Bell Atlantic, and Bell Atlantic and GTE into Verizon). Was individually responsible for specific functions of the Blackberry Client using Dexterra’s Concert 5.0 (formally the RDS (Rapid Development System)) for the Blackberry device. Over this period was the primary person for maintenance of the IFAS product (Integrated Field Access System). The IFAS was a DOS based application that operated on a custom designed “brick” computer for the company’s Field Technicians. The IFAS allowed the Techs to receive, process, and report on all phone service calls. This system was first upgraded to a Web Based application operating on a Toughbook, then secondly to a custom application operating on a Blackberry system. During this time was involved in all aspects of maintaining the legacy program while assisting in defining and developing the upgrades.
My greatest personal accomplishment was the complete redesign and implementation of the HHT NY 129/130 Application. The significance of this effort (in my opinion) was not really appreciated. The degree of the problem was definitely not understood. The HHT NY Application was, for all practical and intensive purposes, “dead”. The design had collapsed under it’s own weight. I redesigned the entire base data structures was able to (with an effort that lasted 4 months – 7 days a week make it work BETTER than it’s predecessor (NY 127). Not only did I make the new application do everything it was supposed to (while being approximately 34% lighter in total “lines of code”), I repaired MANY “bugs” that were present in the previous (127) application.
All software released to the field did not generate a Maintenance Request (MR) for any element/function that had already been repaired. Established some basic coding (formatting) standards for the Maintenance Group.
February 1997 to February 2001. Software Engineer (Consultant)
Computer Generated Solutions, Inc. New York, NY.
Assigned to NYNEX, then to Bell Atlantic Science & Technology, Inc. Maintained an application written in C/C++ that implements the remote portion of their Intelligent Field Access System (IFAS). This remote (handheld computer) contained a 386 microprocessor, line testing capability, and modem. The application contained functions required to support field service operations, which included the reception and resolution of work requests, line and circuit testing, technician communications, and employee record keeping.
August 1996 to February 1997. Principal Engineer II
V BAND Corporation. Elmsford, NY.
Modified existing software for the introduction of a new product called the Hard Key Module to the Power Deck and DXi lines. Target platform is a 186 Microprocessor based Micro-Controller Card. Also performed "System"
testing, TR Fixes, and Build Support operations while waiting for prototype hardware delivery.
July 1995 to August 1996. Technical Consultant.
Norwood Computer Services. New York, NY.
Completed Specification, Design, Code, Testing, and Delivery of a Generalized Message Interface System between their WIZARD System running on DEC Equipment, and their AMAPS Accounting System running on the IBM 3270 Mainframe. Also assisted in the design, code and testing of new Application Software Functions for their enhanced Warehouse Management System (WMS). All development was done in VAX Basic for a VAX System and DEC Alpha.
August 1993 to July 1995. Software Engineer.
Advanced Mitek System, Inc. (AMSI). Astoria Queens, NY.
Specifed, designed, coded, and tested a Real-Time embedded 186 based "system" software in "C" and Microsoft MASM 6.0 for an X.25 compatible "Line Multiplexer Unit (LMU)" product. The LMU software system performs all major LMU functions of managing a number of asynchronous lines connected to modems.
Designed, coded, and tested both the main operational and User Interface software package in "C" and Microsoft MASM 6.0 for a 186 based board for an X.25 Packet Assembler/Disassembler (PAD). This 186 application package includes a system controller and level 1 router for the PAD. During the development of this PAD software, became familiar with the X.25 protocol.
Specified, designed, coded in "C" and Microsoft MASM 6.0, and tested a package of Standalone Diagnostics software for an 80186 Motherboard. Package includes a Full Memory Test (both Data and Address Lines), Front
Panel Controls and Indicators Verification, and 186 Hardware Verification (DMAs, TIMERS, Real-Time Clock, etc.).
Performed customized Operating System debugging (80186 resident) and enhancement. Completed OS Drivers for the User Interface hardware.
Developed the User Interface procedures and software in "C" and MASM 6.0 for Local operation of the PAD Control functions.
October 1992 to August 1993. Systems Test Engineer.
Structured Technology Corporation (STC). Niantic, CT
Wrote Test Procedures, Collected Performance Data, and Conducted Operational and Acceptance Tests for a VAX based SONAR System Simulation Software Package. Also assisted fellow Engineers in debugging Real-Time VMS routines in VAX Fortran.
December 1990 to November 1991. Software Technical Consultant.
IMI Systems, Inc. New York, NY.
Specified, Designed, Coded, and Tested a set of Application Software Functions for a Warehouse Management System (WMS). These functions were developed in VAX Basic for a VAX 8500 System. Functions required VMS
interface code and work with a variety of DEC products including RMS, FMS, Datatrieve, and the VAX Debugger.
December 1982 to March 1990. Software/Systems/Test Engineer.
Norden Systems. Norwalk, CT.
Specified, Designed, Coded, and Certified a Test Set Software Package for a Radar Antenna Subsystem Test Set. This package provided a complete Test Set-up, Execution, and Analysis Capability. Package provided both On-Line Control and Automatic Test capability.
Successfully completed a great variety of Engineering Tasks for several large scale Military Systems projects. Tasks included Specification development to Acceptance Testing. Projects included 3 Automatic Test Equipment Assemblies (Environmental Chamber Testing), 2 Engineering Development Test Sets, 1 Radar System Test Set, 2 Radar Sub-System Test Sets, 4 Radar Automated Box Test Sets, and 2 Command and Control Test Sets.