*** * **** * ****, A uburn M aine 0 4210
E-mail m ********@*****.***
Telephone: 2-07-5-13-6-641
**** – 2 005 University o f F ort H are “ South A frica" Bachelor o f S cience i n P ure M athematics a nd M athematical S tatistics 2001 – 2 002 East L ondon C ollege “ South A frica" Intensive A cademic E nglish P rogram
1993 – 2 000 Alingbwa C ollege “ D.R.Congo"
Jury C atholic H igher D iploma i n B iology a nd C hemistry National D iploma i n B iology a nd C hemistry 8 G CSE’s A-B
April 2017 - September 2017 P aper Soter, Panolam Surface System, Auburn Maine
Worked in a fast moving production factory in the build up department. Duties included memorizing and reading codes to build boards, and then shipping boards to the press room. I l eft t his j ob d ue t o a n u ncomfortable w ork e nvironment. February 2 011 – J uly 2 016 O perations M anager, C ENET L td., K inshasa, D .R.Congo Worked in a fast moving Import-export business environment. Duties included p lanning, directing and monitoring operations of the company; formulating policies, managing daily operations, planning the use of assets and human resources. Also in charge of all the supply chain a nd s ales m anagement.
February 2 011 – J uly 2 016 R etail G as S tation M anager, E NGEN P ETROLEUM L td.
K isangani, D .R.Congo
As t he r etail g as s tation m anager, m y d uties i ncluded o verseeing t he d ay-to-day o perations of t he s tation a nd t he l ocal c onvenience s tore, m anaging s taff, w orking w ith v endors a nd monitoring s ales.
November 2 007 - J anuary 2 011 Assistant M anaging D irector, S ICOR L td.
K inshasa, D .R.Congo
As assistant managing director, I performed administrative and organizational duties for the Managing Director. I also p rovided general support to the Managing Director, generating presentations for internal and external purposes, and supporting at the planning and administration of the investment budget. I was also responsible for handling customer complaints in a professional manner with high standard of customer orientation, and translating documents, correspondents, and contracts from English to French and vice versa..
January 2 004 – N ovember 2 006 T utor i n M athematics, U NIVERSITY O F F ORT H ARE
E astern C ape, S outh A frica As a tutor, I prepared high quality subject delivery and learning support materials using many web-based platforms and the library information systems and other teaching and learning systems developed for use in the University. I also organized the preparation and marking of assignments and all examinations; invigilating examinations; and submitting grades.
November 2 016 - A pril 2 017 L ewiston P ublic L ibrary Lewiston, M aine
I provided assistance in the computer lab with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Internet.
November 2 016 - A pril 2 017 Y MCA
A uburn, M aine
I was responsible for monitoring safe activity at the gym, including ensuring patrons follow rules and procedures, and checking for dangerous materials. I also assisted with closing activities, c hecking t hat t he f acility w as v acated a nd s ecured f or t he n ight. September 2 016 - N ovember 2 017 A uburn P ublic W orks
A uburn, M aine
I was part of a road crew that cleaned the park and other areas of the city, ensuring the sanitation a nd s afety o f p ublic a reas.
March 2 014 - J une 2 016 M UCE ( Christian c harity)
K inshasa, D .R.Congo
I began as an English-French translator for the volunteer coordinator. I was then promoted to a secretary position, processing and filing mail and email. I also helped research and determine a reas o f n eed f or d onations.
● Computer s kills: C ompetent i n M icrosoft O ffice p ackage, i ncluding W ord a nd E xcel
● Languages: E nglish, F rench, S wahili, L ingala
● Driving: F ull c lean I nternational d riving l icense a nd U .S. D riving L icense
● Assurance a nd B anking S tudies: S t. A cademy i n K inshasa D . R . Congo SKILLS D EVELOPED
● Report-writing and data handling; General business acumen and Accounting techniques
● Interpersonal s kills t hrough c lient i nteraction a nd w orking i n a t eam
● Research S kills, P roblem-solving; W orking o n o wn i nitiative
● Influencing a nd a dvising
● Time m anagement
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