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C Inventory Control

Youngsville, LA
October 10, 2017

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Jackie L . W atson

*** * ******* * *****

Broussard, L A 7 0518


Mobile ( 337-*-**-****




Competently served as Land and Offshore Pump, Frac and Flow back operator. Also inventory control. I am very dependable, self-motivated and work well with others. I handle my own pre-job planning with custom and equipment logistics. Also tested, pull and load equipment sandblasted and painted for jobs as needed. I can operate and maintenance forklifts, fluid pumps, hydraulic and manual chokes,valves ie{frac valves,2x2 valves. I also can operate and maintain Hydra-Rig Nitrogen Pumps 90K and 180K offshore skid u nits, a nd c oil u nits.

Work E xperience

M&J E NERGY G ROUP A ugust-2014-February-2015

O perator/Inventory C ontrol

Ruan L ogistics/ O neal S teel February 2 014- A ugust-2014 Lafayette, L A

CDL D river

Swift T ransportation A ugust-2013-February 2 014

O TR d river

Oil S tates E nergy S ervices May 2 010- M ay 2 013 Shreveport, L A

Frac a nd f low b ack S upervisor

Supervised F rac, d rill o uts a nd F low b ack j obs f or l and c ustomers

Worked a longside c oiled t ubing c rews d uring d rill o uts Warrior E nergy S ervices August 2 008- M arch-2009 Broussard, L A

Pump o perator/ C DL d river

Drive a nd o perated d ouble p ump u nit m ounted o n a t ractor-trailer a nd b obtail u nit f or land c oil t ubing

Allis-Chalmers E nergy, R ental D ivision Broussard, L A M arch 2 008–August 2 008

Pump S upervisor/ C DL d river

Supervised stand-alone pump jobs for land and offshore customers. Also worked alongside coiled tubing crews when pumping services were needed. Drive and Operated land pump unit mounted on a t ractor-trailer

Specialty R ental T ools & S upply ( STS - G ravel P ack), N ew I beria, L A O ctober 2003-February 2 008

Pump a nd F rac S upervisor/ C DL d river

Supervised s tand-alone p ump a nd F rac j obs f or l and a nd o ffshore c ustomers. A lso w orked alongside c oiled t ubing c rews w hen p umping s ervices w ere n eeded. D rive t ractor-trailer w hen needed

Repacked P umps, r ebuild v alves ( 2x1, 2 x2, 4 ” a nd g ate v alves). R ebuilt F rac-heads, a nd 3 x4 hydraulic m anifolds.

Sandblast a nd P aint E quipment f or j obs w hen n eeded Schlumberger W ell I ntervention, C oiled T ubing, M aurice, L ouisiana S eptember 1999–October 2 003

Equipment O perator

Assisted in coiled tubing rig-ups, and operated equipment as needed, coil units, fluid pumps, and nitrogen p umps. A lso p erformed p re- a nd p ost-job e quipment m aintenance a nd p reparation.

Supervised s tand-alone n itrogen j obs w hen n eeded. Education

Morgan C ity H igh S chool, M organ C ity, L ouisiana – C ollege P rep, M ay 1 984 Oilfield R elated T raining


Well C ontrol S chool – b y W ell C ontrol S chool

Offshore H ydraulic C ranes – b y O ccupational S afety T raining, I nc.

Rigging – b y O ccupational S afety T raining, I nc. REFERENCES S UPPLIED U PON R EQUEST

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