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Charleston, SC
October 10, 2017

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L. J oseph


** * * *** * t,

Charleston, S C



jraayers@gmail. com


My n ame I s J oseph A yers. P resently, I s tudy C omputer Science a t t he C ollege o f C harleston. I h ave a n e xceptional and i nnate a bility t o l earn n ew s kills a nd l anguages, a nd a constant h unger f or n ew i nformation. I e xcel w hen g iven new c hallenges b ecause o f a d rive t o s olve e very p roblem I’m g iven. I ’ve b een w orking i n C ustomer S ervice b ased industries s ince a ge 1 4, b ut I d eveloped a l ove f or C omputer Science u pon b eing e xposed t o P ython i n t he E ighth G rade. Outside o f C omputer S cience, I ’m a V isual A rtist w ith n early a d ecade e xperience a s a P hotographer


Porter-Gaud S chool

High S chool G raduation Y ear: 2 014

College o f C harleston

Undergraduate S tudies E xpected G raduation Y ear: 2018

Major: C omputer S cience

LANGUAGES ( Proficient)

● Java

● C


● Python

● Bash

● Git

LANGUAGES ( Familiar)



● C#

● Prolog

● Lisp


Taco B oy C harleston

Start D ate: A pril 2 017

P osition: H ead H ost

A s H ead H ost a t T aco B oy D owntown, m y responsibility m ore t han a nything i s t o d elegate t asks between t he h osting s taff a nd o rchestrate t he responsibilities o f s everal p eople, m yself i ncluded, a ll w hile maintaining a p ace t hat k eeps t he s ervers, c ustomers, a nd kitchen s taff a ll s atisfied a nd n ot o verwhelmed. A dditionally, I t rain a ll i ncoming h osting s taff o n t he b est w ays t o m anage the f low o f t he e ntire r estaurant.

Key S kills:

● Team L eadership & M anagement

● Spacial & S ituational A wareness

● New T raining I nstruction

● Customer S ervice

● Conflict R esolution

Special A cknowledgements:

● Employee o f t he P eriod, M ay 2 017

● Promoted t o H ost T rainer, J une 2 017

● Promoted t o H ead H ost, J uly 2 017



● American S ign L anguage

● Latin

Standardized T esting

● 32 A CT S core

● 162 S tanford-Binet S core


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