Michelle P ennell
Winnipeg, R 3R 2 E4
Please c ontact b y e -mail i f n o a nswer. ************@*****.***
To o btain a s ecure p osition w ith e ndless t raining o pportunities. I w ould l ike t o embark o n t his n ew j ourney u tilising t he s kills l earned i n o ffice a dministration and c ustomer s ervice. I h ave t he q ualities a nd g oals s et f or t his r ole. EXPERIENCE
See D irt R un, D awson C reek B .C. - S upervisor H ousekeeper Dec 2 016 - S eptember 2 8th
● Daily c leaning f or 3 0+ s uites
● Organizing a nd m ediating d uties f or i ndividual c oworkers. Black C lover P ub, P rince G eorge B .C. - S erver a nd B artender April 1 st 2 016 - N ovember 2 016
● Guest p rofessionalism a nd c are
● Various s oftware f ood a nd e tiquette k nowledge IDA P harmacy,Fort N elson B .C.- P harmacy T echnician A ssistant
● Paying a ttention t o d etail
● Full-time h ours s tanding a nd m ixing f ormulas a nd w orking a longside a professional p harmacist.
● Administration w ork a nd p atient c are.
Northern L ights C ollege, F ort N elson U pgrading Various w orkshops s uch a s C areer d evelopment, M ath a nd E nglish d iploma upgrading.
Various A ptitude t esting
Available u pon r equest.