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Goose Creek, SC
October 10, 2017

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Director o f M arketing & S ales

Healthcare A dministration

● Maintain c urrent d ata r egarding m arket a reas, c ompetitors, a nd m arketing s trategies.

● Implement c ommunity a nd o rganizational p rograms a s r equested t o p romote p rofessional g rowth a nd e nhance comprehension o f p roduct a nd s ervices ( internal a nd e xternal).

● Organize s trategic p lanning a nd a nalyze a ssigned t erritory i n c onjunction w ith t he i nternal s takeholders f or a n a ccurate business p lan.

● Participates i n t he q uality a nd p erformance i mprovement p rocess f or c ollaborative p rogram w ith p otential p artners.

● Coordinate w ith c linical m anagement s taff i n p lanning i n-services, p resentations, a nd a ddressing i ssues w ith r eferral sources.

● Initiates a nd m anage c ontract n egotiations w ith i nsurance c ompanies a nd o ther o rganizations.

● Promote p ositive p ublic r elations w ith e xternal s takeholders, p atients, a nd f amily m embers.

● Tracking a nd a nalyzing s ales o f p roduct t o i dentify n ew b usiness o pportunities. Charge N urse

License N o. K Y 2 046717

● Highly s killed c areer p rofessional w ith m ore t han 1 0 y ears p ractical e xperience i n t he h ospital, l ong t erm c are, m edical office, a nd p rison e nvironments.

● Charge N urse R esponsibilities i ncluding d elegation, m edications a nd t reatment,EKG, C PR, p atient t eaching, l ab o rdering, phlebotomy, b lood s toring p rocess, t racking/ m onitoring v accines a nd i nfectious/communicable d isease(s), d ocumentation with c are p lan f or d iagnosis, M ental H ealth s creening, O B/GYN a ssessment, a nd a dministration o f t reatment p rocedures. Admission a nd d ischarge p atients t o u nit.

● Computer s killed, m anaging h eavy d aily p atient v olume i ncluding t elephone t riage, a ppointment s cheduling, s ign l anguage, Trach i nsertion/ r emoval, I V c ertified, L TV 1 100 a nd 1 150 v entilators e xperienced, M IC K EY b utton a nd G -tubes, a nd patient r eferral. P roficient i n a ll d ocumentation/transcribing P hysician's o rders/record m aintenance/paperwork t o e nsure accuracy a nd p atient c onfidentiality.

● Established i n S TD a nd A IDS p atient s upport i ncluding a ssessment, c ounseling, a nd e ducation CREDENTIALS

Bachelors i n I ntegrated S tudies-

Health C are A dministration

Board E xamination-


License, S tate o f K entucky



Director o f M arketing & S ales

Heartland o f H anahan

Hanahan, S C

Director o f M arketing & S ales

McCracken N ursing a nd R ehabilitation

Paducah, K Y


Jackson P urchase M edical A ssociates

Paducah, K Y

Professional C ase M anagement N urse


2 015-2016


Home H ealth 2 012-Present Denver, C O

Charge N urse ( LPN) 2011-2015

Parkview N ursing & R ehabilitation C enter, P aducah, K Y 1 V . H OLLAND

Care P artner

Vanderbilt C hildren’s H ospital, N ashville, T N Nashville, T N

Heath U nit C oordinator



Western B aptist H ospital, P aducah, K Y

Patient C are T echnician 2003-2005

Saint T homas H ospital, N ashville, T N


Masters, P ublic A dministration

Murray S tate U niversity, M urray, K Y

Bachelors, H ealthcare A dministration


M ay 2 015

Murray S tate U niversity, M urray, K Y

Diploma, L icensed P ractical N urse

West K entucky C ommunity a nd T echnical C ollege, P aducah, K Y AFFILIATIONS

International N urse A ssociation

McNabb E lementary P TO, P resident


HOSA, P resident 2010-2012

Illinois N urses’ A ssociation

National A ssociation o f P rofessional W omen 2008-2009



American R ed C ross V olunteer

Paducah, K Y

Young A dult O utstanding A ward

● Launched v olunteer s ystem i n A frican A merican C ommunity a nd W est K entucky C ommunity & T echnical C ollege Campus a nd B lood b ank w ith H OSA o rganization. P rovided c ounseling, i nformation r egarding a vailable d onations and o ther s ervices. C oordinated s everal b lood d rives w hich g ranted m e t he A merican R ed C ross Y oung A dult Volunteer A ward i n 2 010.

International N urse A ssociation

New Y ork, N Y

Kentucky’s T op C harge N urse 2 014

● In h onor o f N ational N urse W eek 2 014, I NA s elected a nd a pproved t he n omination f or T op N urse i n K entucky. T he approval s potlight a ccomplishments w hich a re p ublished i n t he r enowned p ublication W orld L eaders i n H ealthcare. References o n R equest


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