Neil P eter A . S antos
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** 9-17-3-257-*** 6-32-8-803***
** * * **** * t., L igid,
Tipas, T aguig C ity
Metro M anila, P hilippines 1 638
Career P rofile:
More t han 7 y ears i n t he I T/BPO i ndustry f ocused o n d igital m edia h aving e xperienced f lash d evelopment, quality a ssurance, c onsulting s ervices, t eam m anagement, a ccount m anagement, o perations management, p roject m anagement a nd t raining. C urrently h andling f amily b usiness f ocused o n transportation a nd c onstruction w here I a lso s tarted d oing f reelance I T p roject m anagement. A ll i n a ll, I have 1 0 y ears w ork e xperience w ith 8 y ears o f m anagerial e xperience, i ncluding 5 y ears m id l evel position a s a n e mployee a nd 3 y ears t op l evel i n f amily o wned b usinesses. Key S trengths I ncludes:
● Leadership
● Operation M anagement
● Risk M anagement
Core C ompetencies:
● Issues M anagement
● Change M anagement
● Performance M anagement a nd C oaching
● Leads a nd M etrics
● Quality A ssurance
● Process I mprovement
January 2 014 t o P resent F reelance
October 2 006 t o J anuary 2 014 W IDEOUT W ORKFORCES, I NC. January 2 014 - P resent
Freelance P roject M anager
● Responsible f or p lanning a nd e xecuting a ccepted p rojects
● Ensures t hat t he t eam c ompletes t he p roject o n s chedule, w ithin s cope a nd d elivered i n b udget
● Ensures q uality i s w ithin s tandard
● Responsible f or t he c ommunication b etween t he c lients a nd t he 3 rd p arty c ontractors a nd contracted s taffs
● Secures a cceptance a nd a pproval u pon c ompletion f rom t he c lient
Projects H andled:
Architectural p lan c onversions
● Autocad t o R evit
Neil P eter A . S antos
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63 9-17-3-257-*** 6-32-8-803***
Office n etwork a nd c omputer s etup
Digital S olutions
● HRIS f or a m idsize c ompany
● Online B usiness C atalog W ebsite
● E-Commerce W ebsite
● Digital m edia a dvertisements
Construction a nd R enovation
● Houses
● Barangay H alls
● Schools
● Food S talls
July 2 013 J anuary 2 014
Project M anager ( Band I V)
● Responsible f or p lanning a nd e xecuting a ccepted p rojects
● Ensures t hat t he t eam c ompletes t he p roject o n s chedule, w ithin s cope a nd d elivered i n b udget
● Manages t he t eam’s p erformance o f p roject t asks
● Manages t he c ommunication b etween t he c lients, i n-house d evelopers a nd 3 rd p arty c ontractors
● Manages t he p roject t imeline
● Ensures t he p roper d eployment o f t he p roject
● Secures a cceptance a nd a pproval o f d eliverables f rom t he P roject S ponsor a nd S takeholders
Pioneer o f a rchitectural p rojects
Pioneer o f m obile a pplication p rojects
E-commerce m obile a pplication
Inventory s ystem t hrough G oogle A PK
Informational w ebsites
Minor p rojects c onsisting d igital m edia t asks
Digital m edia a dvertisements
October 2 010 - J uly 2 013
Shift M anager ( Service D elivery M anager) ( Band I V)
● Operates a s t he h ead p oint o f c ontact f or a ll m atters s pecific t o t eams/accounts h andled
● Build a nd m aintains s trong r elationships w ith c ustomers
● Manage c lient e xpectations a nd a ccount e scalations
● Ensures t he t imely a nd s uccessful d elivery o f r equests f or t he t eams/accounts h andled
● Generates m onthly, q uarterly a nd y early r eports; a nd a ccount m etrics
● Identify o pportunities w ithin a cceptable r isks a nd c oordinates t o s ervice d elivery t eam t o e nsure attainment
● Improves o perational s ystems, p rocesses a nd p olicies i n s upport o f o rganizations m ission
● Manages a nd i ncreases t he e ffectiveness a nd e fficiency o f t he t eams a nd a ccounts h andled 2
Neil P eter A . S antos
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63 9-17-3-257-*** 6-32-8-803***
● Assists o n h igh s everity r equests o r i ssue e scalations a s n eeded
● Plays a s ignificant r ole i n l ong-term p lanning, i ncluding a n i nitiative g eared t oward o perational excellence
● Supervises a nd p rovides c oaching t o t eam l eads o n a w eekly b asis
● Collaborates w ith o ther d epartment f or o ther n eeds
In c harge f or t he w hole o peration o f t he E MEA a ccount a nd o ther t eams t hat f alls u nder t he EMEA s hift
Supports n ot o nly t he g rowth o f m y a ccount b ut a lso t he a ccounts h andled b y o ther s hift managers. A ll p rocess c hanges a re c entralized a nd a pproved b y a ll s hift m anagers a nd department h ead.
Handled 7 t eams w ith 1 1 d irect r eportees a nd 5 5 i ndirect r eportees a t t he m ost
All t eams f ocused o n D igital M edia b ut n ot l imited t o t echnical w ork
Team i ncludes:
Technical S upport
Campaign M anagement
Live I ssues M anagement
February 2 009 - O ctober 2 010
Team L eader ( Band I II)
● Handles a ssigned w ork g roup/team
● Does t he c reative r eviews f or t he t asks h anded t o t he t eam a nd p rovides t imelines f or t hem
● Assigns t asks a nd e nsures c ompletion w ithin t he p rovided e stimated t ime o f c ompletion
● Act a s t he m ain p oint o f c ontact o f c lient f or q ueries a nd s upport r egarding t asks h anded t o t he team
● Provides m otivational a ctivities t o t he t eam
● Manage t eam p erformance a nd p rogress
● Provides m onthly t eam r eports a nd a ssessments
● Assists a ccount m anagers a s n eeded
Handled t he E MEA t eam t hat i ncludes b oth D evelopers a nd Q A w ith 1 0 d irect r eportees
Assisted i n W ideout T raining p rogram f or n ew h ires
Trained f or t he n ew p latform t o b e u sed a nd p rovided t raining t o a ll W ideout d evelopers
Pioneered t he Q A O nly P rogram t hat b ecame a b ig h it f or t he c lient a nd s oon m ade b ig i mpact o n the e mployee n umbers
Established a g ood p artner r elationship w ith t he C lient t hat l ed t o t he g rowth o f t he t eam 3
Neil P eter A . S antos
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63 9-17-3-257-*** 6-32-8-803***
October 2 008 - F ebruary 2 009
Acting T eam L eader ( Band I I)
● Provides a ssistance t o t he T eam L ead
● Handles t he t eam w henever t he t eam l ead i s n ot a vailable
● Does c reative r eviews f or s ome t asks h anded b y t he T eam L ead a nd p rovides t imelines f or t hem
● Assigns t asks a nd e nsures c ompletion w ithin t he p rovided e stimated t ime o f c ompletion April 2 008 O ctober 2 008
Senior F lash D eveloper ( Band I I)
● Develops R ich M edia A ds u sing p rovided p latform ( basic t o e xpert l evel)
● Provides t he s upport n eeded t hat r esulted t o t he g rowth o f t he t eam
● Assists j unior d evelopers a nd p rovides t hem t he t raining t hey n eed
● Collaborates w ith t he t eam l ead a nd Q As t o e nsure t hat q uality i s m et October 2 006 - A pril 2 008
Junior F lash D eveloper ( Band I )
● Develops R ich M edia A ds u sing p rovided p latform ( basic t o i ntermediate l evel)
● Creates b asic R ich M edia A d t emplates
● Provides t he s upport n eeded t hat r esulted t o t he g rowth o f t he t eam EDUCATION & C REDENTIALS:
2003 – 2 006 D e L a S alle C ollege o f S t. B enilde Bachelor o f S cience i n B usiness A dministration, M ajor i n C omputer A pplication
2001 – 2 003 D e L a S alle U niversity
MENG C ivil E ngineering
1997 - 2 001 S an B eda C ollege
High S chool
Management A cceleration P rogram, W ideout ( 2011)
Advanced P eople H andling S kills, b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2010)
Managing f or R esults, b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2009)
Performance M anagement P rogram, b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2009)
Organizational C ommunication b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2009)
Effective P roject M anagement b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2008)
People H andling S kills, b y G uthrie J ensen C onsulting ( 2008) 4
Neil P eter A . S antos
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63 9-17-3-257-*** 6-32-8-803***
A g oal o riented i ndividual w ho i s c omfortable i n w orking f or o r l eading a t eam i n h igh p ressure environments.
Has t he a bility t o m ake e ffective, a nd s trategic d ecisions i n d ynamic s ituations.
Works e ffectively i n a c ross f unctional w ork e nvironment.
Flexible a nd e ager t o l earn n ew t hings.
Principled, p ersonal, p rogressive a nd p rofessional w ho w ill n ever c ompromise t he q uality o f h is work.
Other i nterests i ncludes m usic, p hotography, a utomotive a nd g adgets. 5