Memphis, T N * 8109 • 9-01-201-**** • a ********@*****.*** EXPERT L EVEL A DMINISTRATIVE S UPPORT
O RGANIZATIONAL M ANAGEMENT A ND A CCOUNTS R ECEIVABLE Detail o riented r esearcher w ith a n e ducational b ackground i n E mergency M edical T echnology. E xceptional ability t o h andle A ccounts R eceivable w ork i n a n e fficient a nd p rofessional m anner. T horough u nderstanding of g eneral a ccounting p rinciple a nd c ash a pplication. CORE C OMPETENCIES
Accounts Receivable • Reporting • Process Improvement •Accounts Payable • Analytical Skills • Contract Management • Capital Budget • Microsoft Office • Time Management • Distribution Management • Cost Reduction and Avoidance • Cash Management• Reconciliation • Quarterly/ Year End Reporting • Policies & Procedures
Tuskegee I nstitute J ob C orps C enter 1986
Tuskegee, A L
Shelby S tate C ommunity C ollege 1985-1986
Memphis, T N
Partners C BO, M emphis, T N
December 2 016 - P resent
Credit B alance S pecialist
● Responsible f or r esearching, p rocessing p osting, a nd k eying i nsurance a nd p atients refunds o n t he p atient a ccount.
Sysco M emphis, L LC, M emphis, T N A ugust 2 014 – A ugust 2 016 Accounts R eceivable C lerk
● Responsible f or p osting p ayments, d ebits, c redits, o ffsets a nd l oading r eturn c hecks. UT M edical G roup, M emphis, T N F ebruary 1 999 – J uly 2 014 Payment A pplication S pecialist/Reimbursement C lerk
● Executed d aily o perations o f d ata e ntry r efunds & p ayment p osting. Artell H amilton
Page 2
● Wrote, d esigned a nd p roduced c ommercial i nsurance r efunds.
● Approved o r d enied r equests f rom c ommercial i nsurance c ompanies t o d etermine a ppropriate
● reimbursement.
● Researched p rocessing i nformation t o v erify t hat r ecords a dhered t o p atient’s s pecifications.
● Work w ith o ther e mployees t o r econcile a ccount b alances, f or t he c ompletion o f r efund
● transactions.
Lab C orp, M emphis, T N M ay 1 998 – D ecember 1 998 AR/AP C lerk
● Performed f inancial c alculations s uch a s a mounts d ue, i nterest c harges, b alances, d iscounts,
● equity, a nd p rincipal.
● Matched o rder f orms w ith i nvoices, a nd r ecorded t he n ecessary i nformation.
● Operated c omputers p rogrammed w ith a ccounting s oftware t o r ecord, s tore, a nd a nalyze
● information.
● Checked f igures, p ostings a nd d ocuments f or c orrect e ntry, m athematical a ccuracy, a nd p roper c odes.
● Prepared b ank d eposits b y c ompiling d ata, v erifying a nd b alancing r eceipts, a nd s ending
● cash, c hecks, a nd o ther f orms o f p ayment t o i nsurance c ompanies.
● Resolved d iscrepancies i n a ccounting r ecords. Cleo I nc. M emphis, T N M ay 1 995 – M ay 1 998 Claims S pecialist
● Executed d aily o perations o f r esearching d ebts, a nd a djusting a ccounts.
● Investigated c laims a gainst t he c ompany f or p roperty l oss a nd d amaged d eliveries.
● Assisted i n s ettling c laims o f o verage a nd u nder p ayment.
● Forwarded r eport o f c laims a nd c laim f orms t o t he c ompany f or d ocumentation.
● Supervised a nd m anaged m ajor c lient a ccounts f or t he c ompany.