Isaiah M arrow
Philadelphia, P a 1 9140
To b ecome s uccessfully e mployed u sing m y v ocational t raining s kills a nd e xperience, w hile acquiring n ew k nowledge i n t he P lastering f ield. Education:
Keystone J ob c orps
235 W est F oothills D rive
Drums, P a 1 8222
● Penn F oster I nternet H igh S chool D iploma P rogram
● Operative P lasterers & C ement M asons I nternational A ssociation P lastering T raining P rogram Employment E xperience:
Keystone J ob c orps
235 W est F oothills D rive
Drums, P a 1 8222
McGinn S ecurity
1341 N orth D elaware a ve
6/2/17 t o 8 /28/17
OPCMIA P lastering I ntern
● Exterior w alls o f c ampus r ecreation c omplex & n ewly c onstructed v isitor’s c enter
● Interior w alls o f c ampus c lassroom a nd o ffice b uildings Highlighted S kills:
● Proficient i n t he u se o f h and a nd p ower t ools o f t he t rade
● Wall p reparation b ase a nd f inish c oating, m ixing t echniques, a ll f acets o f v eneer
● Systems ( EIFS)- s tucco- d rywall- l evel 5 - ( marble v enation) f inish.
● Measurements, s afety, s caffolds e recting a nd p roper l adder u sage
● Loading, u nloading, a nd s torage o f m aterials a nd t ools. Certificates a nd A ctivities:
● NPIJATF P re-Apprentice C ertificate
● Osha 1 0 c ertification
● Scaffold S afety C ertificate
● Respiratory P rotection C ertificate
● Green A wareness T raining
● Dorm o fficer(Alt. S ergeant A rm)
Furnished u pon r equest