Velma G . S anchez 806-***-**** *** W .**t h S t. s ******.*********@*****.*** Plainview, T exas 7 9072
Objective: T o b e t he b est, t hat I c an b e i n l ife. T o u se m y k nowledge, s kills a nd w isdom t o benefit t he c ompany I p ursue, a s w ell a s b eing s elf-efficient i n e verything I d o. Qualification: I h ave w ork w ith t he p ublic b efore i n p revious j obs t herefore, I h ave g reat communication s kills. I h ave k nowledge i n d ifferent t ype o f s oftware s uch M ilner, C MHC, W eb Care, T -Plus P atient A ccounting, M edisoft A dvantage P atient A ccounting a nd M edamed P atient Accounting s oftware a s w ell i n v arious s ecretarial d uties. Education:
1 981-Graduate P lainview H igh S chool P lainview, T exas
1 992-1994 W ayland B aptist U niversity P lainview, T exas Skills S ummary: E xperience e ntering d ata i nformation a nd m aintaining c ustomer i nformation in c omputer. F amiliar w ith H CFA- 1 500 f orms a nd C PT C oding. A lso, f amiliar w ith h ealth insurance, a uto P rotection, M edicare, M edicaid, W orker’s C ompensation C laims a nd E lectronic Billing. E xperience w ith a ll g eneral o ffice e quipment, i ncluding C omputer, F ax M achine, X erox Copy M achine, 1 0-Key M achine, M ulti-line p hone s ystem a nd N ovus M achine C redit C ard d ebit. Experience a s a r eceptionist a nd d ealing w ith c ustomer s ervice i n p erson. T rained i n v arious areas s uch a s N uerometer C PT ( sensory N erve/Conduction T hreshold S tudy) a nd T herapeutic Exercise/Activity. R esponsible f or p lanning, o rganizing a nd c oordination o ffice w ork f low. Employment: C entral P lains C enter P lainview, T exas Sept. 2 015-Present
Position: U M U nitialization C ase M anager
Duties: D ata e ntry, r equest I nsurance A uthorization f or c onsumer. W hen r equested s ent a ll copies t o m edical r ecords. C heck d aily a nd m onitor S QL B atching e rrors. A nswer p hones d aily. Help i n o ther a reas a s n eeded.
Employment: C argill M eat S olution P lainview, T exas June 2 007-February 2 013
Position: M eat P acker
Duties: W ork w ith d ifferent t ype o f m eat p roduct. T rim m eat, t hen p ack i n d ifferent t ype o f plastic p ocket, t hen l abel s ome w ith R umba l abel o n e ach p ack. T hen, w hen p acked t hey w ere sent t o g et s hipped t o t he f reezer. D id s ome r ework i f n ecessary Employment: H ome M edical E quipment P lainview, T exas July 2 005-February 2 006
Position: O ffice M anager
Duties: I n c harge o f p atient c harts, i nvolved r ecorder k eeping a ll p atient d ate i nformation. Keep u pdate w ith t heir p rimary a nd s econdary i nsurance. R esponsible f or C MN ( Certificate o f Medical N ecessity) a nd A nnual R ecertification C MN f or o ur r ecords. I n c harge o f C VO ( Doctor’s Order) f or o xygen p atient. R esponsible f or c ollecting m onthly p ayment f rom p atients. T ake telephone c alls a nd i nvolved d ealing w ith p atient t hat w ould n eed D ME s upplies o r o xygen tanks. R esponsible f or p lanning, o rganizing a nd c oordinating o ffice w ork f low. R esponsible f or payroll f or o ur s taff. R esponsible f or w eekly, m onthly, q uarterly a nd a nnual r eports. Employment: A merican H ome P atient B illing C enter P lainview, T exas October 2 003-June 2 005
Position: B ill C ollector
Duties: I n c harge o f d aily A TB r eports. U pdate e ach p atient c harts a nd i nsurance i nformation. Check s tatus f or e ach p atient’s o utstanding A R b alance. M ake s ure e ach a ccount w as c urrent. Work a ll i nsurance E OB d enial w eekly. A t t he e nd o f e ach m onth r an A R r eport t o c heck s tatus and m ake s ure t hat n o a ccounts r ollover m ore t han 1 20 d ays. Employment: P lainview C hiropractic C linic P lainview, T exas August 1 995-september 2 003
Position: R eceptionist/Office M anager
Duties: R eschedule p atient a ppointments. R esponsible f or a ll c ash f low a nd E OB i nsurance payment. V erify i nsurance b enefits. E lectronic b illing. A ttend t o p atients t hat r equire p hysical therapy. R esponsible f or p lanning, o rganizing a nd c oordinating o ffice w ork f low. Employment: P lainview I ndependent S chool D istrict P lainview, T exas August 1 981-May 1 993
Position: T eacher’s A ide/Clerical
Duties: W ork i n c lassroom w ith t eacher g rade p aper a nd r an d aily p aperwork f or t he r est o f the w eek. R esponsible o f a ttendance r oll e very m orning. L unch D uty ( daily). A s a c lerical a ide work i n t he o ffice a nd a nswer t he t elephone w hen o ffice r eceptionist w as o ut. W ould h elp M r. Mc N utt ( Principal) w ith A RD M eeting a nd p arent m eeting t o h elp t ransplant a nd h ave a b etter communication w ith t he p arent.