Alysia V arble
al **********@*****.***
Ogden, U t
4+ y ears a s a Q C s pecialist, w ith a s trong f ocus o f e nsuring t he q uality o f products. P roven e xcellence i n g oing b eyond t o e xceed t he s tandard o f company p olicy a nd p roviding c ustomer s atisfaction. A bility t o l earn a nd work i n a f ast p aced e nvironment.
Microsoft e xcel
Machine O peration
Microsoft A ccess
Microsoft O utlook
Quality A ssurance
10 k ey
Ability t o a dapt
Strong c ommunication a nd p eople s kills
Ogden W eber A pplied T echnology C ollege
05/13/2016 M icrosoft W ord 2 013
42 W PM w ith 9 7% a ccuracy
Completed p rogram w ith 4 .0 G PA
Two R ivers H igh
03/30/2016 H igh S chool D iploma
Ogden W eber A pplied T echnology C ollege
11/1 0/ 2 004 L aw E nforcement
Completed w ith M astery
Quality C ontrol S pecialist
Feb. 2 011 – S eptember 2 015
Newell R ubbermaid/ L evolor-Kirsch w indow f urnishings 1 330 w . 3 300 s . O gden, U t Inspect a ll p roducts t o e nsure q uality b efore f inal s hipment. E nter materials u sed a nd d efected p arts i nto d atabase u sing M icrosoft A ccess a s well a s M icrosoft e xcel. C reated a s uccessful, m ore p roficient e rgonomic based p rocess f or p roduction. B uilt a s econd s hift b y t raining 1 50+ p eople in t he p roduction p rocess. N amed C ell C aptain, s upervised t he a rea o f 8-10 p eople.
Line L ead
March 2 010 – F eb. 2 011
Cornerstone R esearch a nd D evelopment
Ran the line and supervised 30+ people. Responsible for completing daily product weight checks, recording data, machine operation, ordering materials and ensuring the safety of employees as well as quality o f v itamin s upplements.
Office T echnician
April 2 009- F eb. 2 010
Department o f W orkforce S ervices
Responsible for assisting all customers with inquiries. Helping them to complete online applications, complete phone interviews, and build resumes, p roviding t hem w ith a ssistance t o c opier a nd f ax m achines. Awards a nd A chievements
● Great p eople d oing g reat t hings- S ilver A ward 2015