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Information Technology Web Developer

Marietta, GA
October 06, 2017

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Swati G ore

*** * ******** * *, M arietta, G A * 0068

*****.********@*****.*** +1-312-***-****


Entry level developer with Masters in Computer Science, experienced in full stack web development with the passion to make a difference. Dependable, creative, hard-working professional with excellent communication s kills.


● The U niversity o f I llinois, C hicago I L Masters o f S cience, C omputer S cience Aug2010 - D ec 2 012

● The U niversity o f T echnology, B hopal, I ndia Bachelors o f E ngineering, C omputer E ngineering Aug 2 005 - J ul 2 009 CERTIFICATIONS

● The U niversity o f M aryland, C ollege P ark ( online)

● New V enture F inance: S tartup F unding f or E ntrepreneurs Mar 2 015

● Innovation f or E ntrepreneurs : F rom I dea t o M arketplace Feb 2 015

● Developing I nno vative I deas f or N ew C ompanies: The F irst S tep i n E ntrepreneurship Jan 2 015

● Johns H opkins U niversity ( online)

● HTML, C SS a nd J avascript f or W eb D evelopment Sep 2 016 TECHNICAL S UMMARY

● Programming: C++, Java, PHP, CSS (Bootstrap, Mobile first responsive design), HTML, Javascript, j Query, W ordPress

● Database: M ySQL, P HPMyAdmin

● Systems: W indows S erver 2 016, L inux/Unix, M ac O S X

● Computer s kills: P owerPoint, W ord, E xcel VOLUNTEER W ORK

Freelance w eb d evelopment F eb 2 015 - P resent Alessandra h ouse c leaner, A tlanta, G A A ug 2 017- P resent

● Ms. Alessandra runs a successful cleaning company and required contemporary website expand her c lient a nd b oost t o h er b usiness v alue.

● The w ebsite i s b uilt u sing W ordPress f unctionality t o d isplays b asic i nformation

● It i s a n e nhancement t o m y p revious w ork w ith a m odern l ook a nd f eel.

● Added a login feature giving different access points to the owner and the customers. Once the customer makes an appointment, automatic conformation is sends to the customer using PHPMailer. a nd u pdates o wner’s g oogle c alendar a s w ell.

● The c ustomer r eceives a t ext a nd/or e mail r eminder 2 4hrs b efore t he a ppointment.

● From a technology perspective hands-on experience with google calendar, Twilio, deep knowledge o f P HP, W ordPress, m obile f irst a pproach Hair I n S hape T hreading S tudio, L os A ngeles, C A F eb 2 015 D ec 2 015

● Ms Farida wanted to update her static website to a more interactive website so as to reach out to her c lients a bout t he n ew p romotions a nd u pcoming e vents.

● The w ebsite d isplays t he s alon's n ew p romotions u sing s everal c lickable f eatures.

● Javascript slide show used displaying information about upcoming and previous events. Facebook a nd y elp A PIs t o d isplay t he s alon's F acebook p age a nd u pload y elp r eviews.

● Javascript calendar and date-time function used to book appoints with a specific provider. Once the a ppointment i s p rocessed a c onfirmation e mail i s s ent u sing P HPMailer.

● From a technology perspective, the website was built from scratch using HTML, CSS, and javascript for front and PHP as backend and MySQL for the database. Hands-on experience with various A PI's


● Buying and selling industry is driven by merchants and not consumers which does not help online deal sites to sustain their popularity for long. My master’s project was focused on developing an application w hich w as r un o n d eal ‘ push’ m odel r ather t han d eal ‘ pull’ m odel.

● The a pplication a llows u sers t o i nitiate d eals r ather t han w ait f or d aily d eals.

● And was capable of electronically capturing the product information using a camera and barcode reader t o b id a t a p rice b elow t he l ist p rice a t a s tore.

● If this bid price gains popularity among other users they will join the bid. If enough people join the bid the merchant will be notified and he can choose to either act on the deal by accepting it or rejecting i t.

● From a technology perspective, the project involves understanding in several areas including Network Programming for Android Application to server communication, Database Management for deal data storage and retrieval, User Interface Design for implementing a simple easy to use interface.


The C entre f or D evelopment o f A dvanced C omputing

(CDAC) P une, I ndia Mar 2 010 - J ul 2 010

● CDAC is the premier Research and Development Organization in India formed by the Department of Information Technology and Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT) for carrying out research in areas like High-Performance Computing, Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial I ntelligence e tc.

● It is best known for constructing India’s first and fastest Supercomputer – “Param”, which until today ranks among the top 200 supercomputers in the world. It was this exposure to Param and high-performance c omputing t hat I c herish t he m ost.

● Joined a s a p roject t rainee o n a m edical i nformation s oftware

● This group was responsible to develop a software that would computerize the medical history of the p eople a nd m ake i t a vailable t o a ll h ospitals n ationwide.

● From a technology perspective, hands-on experience to an industrial software, the project was based on C++ and Java. Learned how to test a software on different platforms and write test cases.

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