Donna G riffin
*** * ***** * ***** R oad
Daleville, A labama 3 6322
United S tates A ir F orce
June 1 986 - O ctober 1 988
● Apprentice E lectronic C ommunication a nd C ryptographic Equipment S pecialist.
United S tates A ir F orce R eserves
O ctober 1 988 - M ay 1 994
● Electronic C ommunication a nd C ryptographic E quipment Specialist.
● Honorable D ischarge
Army F leet S upport - A .E.& I . M echanic L ead P.O. B ox 6 20309, F t. R ucker, A labama 3 6362 May 1 996 - M arch 2 017
● Assign a nd d irect w ork p erformed b y t echnicians
● Monitor w ork i n p rogress t o s ee t hat e stablished s tandards o f safety, q uality a nd p roduction a re m et.
● Review w ork o rder r equirements a nd i nform t echnicians
● Assist t echnicians i n t ime a nd l abor d ata c ollection a s n eeded
● Working k nowledge o f a ll f orms a nd r ecords i ncluding maintenance, s upply a nd a dministrative
● Insure t hat t echnicians h ave a ccess a nd u se o f p roper t echnical data
● Review a ll f orms a nd r ecords f or l egibility a nd a ccuracy
● Relate k nowledge o f f orms, r ecords a nd c ompany r eports t o other p ersonnel
● Order a nd m aintain a uthorized s tock o f r epair p arts a nd/or supply’s
● Maintain s upply e conomy a nd d iscipline
● Responsible f or t he t imely s cheduling o f c alibration requirements o f e quipment
● Responsible f or c ompleting p aperwork o n d amaged a nd/or unserviceable e quipment
● Assist m anagement w ith o vertime r equirements
● Work c losely w ith u pper m anagement o n p roblem s olving a nd how t o a ssign w orkload
● Ensure t hat t echnicians h ave p roper t ools a nd e quipment t o perform a ssigned w ork
● Review m anuals a nd p rocedures f or a ccuracy a nd a pplicability and s ubmit n ecessary c orrections
● Work w ith o ther d epartments t o e nsure t hat a ny c ompany updates a nd/or p olicy c hanges w ere r elayed t o t echnicians SKILLS
● Proficient i n a ll
microsoft o ffered
● Work w ell w ith o ther
team m embers a nd
associates a s w ell a s
capable o f w orking b y
myself i f r equired
● Quick l earner a nd
enjoy t raining
● Enjoy l earning n ew
skills, p rocesses, a nd
● Take p ride i n m y
work w hich a llows
me t o w ork m y
hardest t owards
achieving a nd
surpassing a ny g oal
presented, i n b oth
singular a nd g roup
oriented p rojects
● Enjoy m aking
connections w ith
customers, c lients
and c o-workers.
● Secretary o f S tudent
Association i n C ollege
● Graduated M agna
Cum L aude
● Air F orce T raining
Northview H igh S chool
Dothan, A labama
August 1 982 - J une 1 986
● General S tudies
● Electives i n p ursuit o f m edical d egree
● Diploma r eceived
Wallace C ommunity C ollege
Dothan, A labama
August 1 988 - M ay 1 990
● In p ursuit o f n ursing d egree
Alabama A viation a nd T echnical C ollege
Ozark, A labama
Graduated N ovember 1 994
● Studies i n E lectronics a nd A vionics
● Associates D egree i n A pplied S cience