William P aterson U niversity, N ew J ersey: L iberal A rts
AVEDA I nstitute, N ew Y ork: S tudy o f E sthiology Experience
April 2 017 - J une 2 017 N J F ertility A cupuncture M ontclair, N J Office M anager
● Reorganized d aily o perations a nd r eservation s ystems December 2015- April 2017 Direct Depot Kitchen
Wholesalers, L ittle F alls, N J
Receptionist a nd A dministrative A ssistant
● Scheduled c onsultations f or c lients a nd d esigners
● Created a nd M aintained C lient C ontracts
● Responsibilities including light housekeeping for showroom, g uest c afe, a nd o f o ffices.
Happy D ogs N YC
April 2 015- N ovember 2 015
Front D esk, C ustomer S ervice
2013- 2 015 U rban N irvana M t. P leasant, S C Spa M anager
● Staff o f 2 5
All managerial responsibilities including
scheduling, hiring, training, reviews,and
termination o f e mployees.
● Accounting u sing q uick b ooks f or d aily t ransactions
● Retail s ales, r e-ordering a nd q uarterly i nventory
● Client C oordinator
Scheduled a ppointments
Reconciled t ransactions
Responsible f or a ll c ustomer s ervice i ssues 2012 - 2 013 T he S pice a nd T ea E xchange C harleston, S C Assistant M anager
Plans a nd d irects t he d ay t o d ay o perations o f a s tore. S erves c ustomers b y providing, o btaining a nd r eceiving m erchandise; t otal b ills a nd a ccept p ayments; supervising s taff.
Establishes r apport w ith c ustomers t o e nsure t heir r eturn a nd/or w ord o f m outh advertising.
Completes s tore o perational r equirements b y s cheduling/assigning e mployees; following u p w ith w ork r esults.
Markets m erchandise s tudying t heir m arket t rends a nd s etting u p a dvertising displays o r a rranging h ighlighted m erchandise o n c ounters a nd t ables t o p romote sales.
Maintains a nd m anages s tore s taff b y s cheduling, r ecruiting, s electing, o rientating, and t raining e mployees.
Follows u p o n w ork a nd j ob r esults b y c oaching, c ounseling, a nd d isciplining employees; p lanning, m onitoring, a nd a ppraising j ob r esults.
Sets a nd m aintains s tore b udget a nd m eets o r e xceeds e xpected s ales g oals.
Balance a nd r econcile r egister a t o pen a nd c lose o f b usiness. 2009- 2 011 m ilk + h oney s pa A ustin, T X Front D esk C oncierge
● Concierge
● Reservations C oordinator
● Uphold c urrent c lient i nformation a nd a ccounts
● Direct M ailings
● Manage T ransactions a nd D aily R eports
● Control h eavy c all v olume a nd r espond t o a ll e mail r equests
● Provide e xceptional c ostumer s ervice
● Therapist/Client/Management L iaison
● Retail S ales a nd i nventory c ontrol
Rancho M astatal E nvironmental R etreat &
Learning C enter M astatal, C osta R ica Two Six Month Term Internships 2007 & 2009 One Year Residency Running the Intern/Volunteer/Guest Programs 2011-2012
Studied a nd a pplied n atural b uilding t echniques
Scheduled Guests/Intern/volunteer stays, Maintained all shift schedules and d esigned c ourses o f s tudies.
Head o f G oat c are t aking a nd d esigned r elated n ew s ystems.
Candle m aking u sing n atural, l ocal m aterials
Design a nd s ow p erma-culture g arden a nd e rosion c ontrol l andscaping
Kitchen responsibilities to create health conscious meals, utilizing local produce a nd s upplies, t o f eed u p t o 5 0 g uests t hree t o f ive s hifts a w eek
Spa treatments (natural ingredient whole food facial treatments; reflexology)
Scheduling Learning Seminars; Organizing Town Meetings & Workshops for the Mastatal C haritable F oundation
Reservations coordinator; hospitality manager for the “environmental retreat” section o f R ancho M astatal
2008 E merald C ity P ress ( coffee s hop) A ustin, T X Assistant manager. Assisted in the set up and organization of the Grand Opening. Job Responsibilities include: opening and or closing shop obligations; quick and efficient c ustomer s ervice; c leaning; s tocking a nd i nventory; “ agony a unt” 2005-2008 F ountain D ay S pa _ Hackensack, NJ
Esthetician/ S upervisor o f E sthetic D epartment
Creator and instructor of training course for new hires. Manager of a staff of 20 Estheticians. Responsibilities including: Hiring/Terminating, Training, Scheduling, Inventory C ontrol, O rdering, S trong R etail S ales
Front Desk Support (High Volume, Multi-Line Phone System; Scheduling Appointments; G reeting C lients; C lient L iaison; a nd C ashier)
Provide Clients with appropriate skin care procedures including: Micro-dermabrasion, Alpha Beta “Peels”, Glycolic Treatments, Facial Treatments, Skin A ssessments, a nd S uggested H ome C are S kin R outines.
Suggested and implemented new procedures; skin care products; literature; promotional e vents & a dvertisements
2004- 2 008 D avid L aveton P rivate C atering H ackensack, NJ
Server/Bartender supplemental
Provided assistance in set up and breakdown of party, food services, Bartending
2005-2007 T he U nderpass B ar E lmwood P ark, NJ
Bartender supplemental
Served p atrons, r esponsible f or c ash r egister, s tocking b ar, & clean u p 2004-2005 Elysium D ay S pa Montville, N J
Provided Clients with appropriate skin care procedures including: Micro-dermabrasion, Alpha Beta “Peels”, Facial Treatments, Skin Assessments, and Suggested Home Care Skin Routines for retail sales; High Call Volume Front Desk R eception, s cheduling a ppointments, c lient c oordinator, a nd c ashier. 2002-2003 Metric ( Hoffman L aRoche) Ridgewood,
Provided Clients with appropriate skin care procedures including: Micro-dermabrasion, Glycolic “Peels”, Facial Treatments, Suggested Home Care Skin R outines f or r etail.
Skin Assessments (Including Ultra Sound Machine, Video Microscope Derma scan & C onsultation).
A Hoffman LaRoche Project to develop their own skin care line, based on scientific “ proof” o f t he c hange i n t he c lient’s s kin. 2001-2002 Spa a t P ort L iberte Jersey C ity, N J Spa M anager/ E sthetician
Managed a staff of ten, opening and closing responsibilities, inventory control, merchandizing, organization of special events, and direct mailings, Payroll Reports, Interpreting weekly performances, client relations, scheduling appointments.
Provided Clients with appropriate skin care procedures including: Micro-dermabrasion, Glycolic “Peels”, Facial Treatments, Suggested Home Care Skin R outines f or r etail.
Bella D erma M icro-Dermabration C ertificate; T rained o n t he f ollowing s kin c are l ines: AVEDA; J erlique; E minence O rganics C ertified; D DF; J an M arini; Y onka S kin C are A dvanced Certificate; M D F ormulations; B . K amin’s; P harmagel; a nd C omfort Z one.