********@*****.*** 929-***-**** 86-02 P ark L ane S outh, A pt. 3 B4 W oodhaven, N Y 1 1421
* **.***.**** * dedicated, detail-oriented Office Manager offering 12 years of experience handling a wide range of administrative, and support tasks. Excelling at resolving employer challenges with innovative solutions, systems and process improvements that increase efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Skilled at team building with the proven ability to work with different personality s tyles. A dvanced c omputer s kills i n M S O ffice S uite, Q uickbooks, a nd o ther a pplications/systems. Key S kills
Office M anagement Spreadsheet & D atabase C reation Accounts P ayable/Receivable
Record M anagement Report & D ocument P reparation Promotional S kills
Budget M anagement
Calendar M anagement
Teambuilding & S upervision
Staff D evelopment & T raining
Communication S kills
Bi-lingual: E nglish & S panish
ALLIANCE L OCK ‘ N’ D OOR S outh O zone P ark, N Y 2 012 - C urrent OFFICE M ANAGER
Provided support overseeing all office activities. Served as the contact for clients calling to retain services. Additionally, provided f ree c lient c onsultations. O ffering a c omprehensive s ervice p lan t o m eet t hose n ecessities.
● Answered m ulti-phone l ines, p rioritizing c ustomer r equests.
● Created d etailed i nvoices, a nd m aintained f inancial r ecords f or t he c ompany.
● Assisted w ith c ustomer e stimates a nd o n-site a pprovals. SMART S OURCE S unnyside, N Y 2 010 - 2 011 ADMINISTRATIVE A SSISTANT
Offered excellent administrative support in a variety of aspects including: drafting documents, data entry, answering the phone a nd r outing c alls t o t he a ppropriate t eam m ember.
● Provided key assistance in the shipping and distribution of items to clients, tracking orders and ensuring items were delivered s afely.
● Coordinated and planned corporate functions, securing locations, inviting guests and engaging in contract negotiations w ith v arious v endors.
● Efficiently managed the calendar on behalf of several senior staff members, prioritizing meetings and optimizing the day t o m aximize r esources.
Austin M edical A ssociates P C F orest H ills, N Y 2 002 - 2 009 MEDICAL O FFICE M ANAGER
Effectively managed medical practice of 5 physicians, oversaw daily scheduling and booking. Supervised a team of 11 staff m embers. A ssisted w ith m edical p rocedures a s n eeded.
● Overseen f inances i ncluding c ash f low, c harge e ntry, c opayments, a nd a ccounts p ayable.
● Checked p atients i n a nd o ut, p repared f iles, a nswered p hones, s cheduled a ppointments a nd m edical r ecords.
● Verified insurance coverage, received authorizations for medical procedures, called in prescriptions, and acted as personal s ecretary f or 2 p hysicians.
● T rained a nd h ired p ersonnel.
● Ensured t he p ractice m et c urrent m edical l aws, r egulations a nd e thics.
● Lead t he t eam o n c onverting o ffice f rom m edical f iles t o e lectronic m edical r ecords ( EMR). EDUCATION
Associate o f A rts
PLAZA C OLLEGE J ackson H eights, N Y 2 008