Adikali H K amara
**** * ******** * * H erndon V irginia 2 0171
To o btain a nd g row i n a p harmacy p osition t hat s ignificantly i mproves p atients’ healthcare.
August 2 016-May
May 2 017- P resent
June 2 016 - August
May 2 015-March
W algreens P harmacy, M anassas V A
F loating P harmacist
Manage p harmacy t echnicians f ill p rescription d aily
Manage p rescription o rder e ntry, t hird p arty a djudication, a nd m edication verification
Consult w ith p hysicians a nd p atients w ith r egards t o m edication d osage,drug interaction, m edical e quipment, d isease m anagement a nd p otential s ide e ffects o f prescription a nd O TC m edications.
Contact t hird p arty p roviders a nd p ractitioners t o c orrect c laims a nd o ptimize patient d rug r egimen.
Manage a nd r esolve a ny c ustomer c omplaints o r c onflicts.
Enroll p atients i n p harmacy r ewards p rograms l ike B alanced r eward p oints a nd Rx m essaging
Walgreens P harmacy W arrenton, V A
Staff P harmacist
Manage p rescription o rder e ntry, t hird p arty a djudication, a nd m edication verification
Provide s uperior c ustomer s ervice w hile c ounseling p atients o n b oth p rescription and o ver t he c ounter m edications
Apply d etailed p harmacological k nowledge i n c onsultation w ith p hysicians on d rug-disease d rug-drug i nteractions t o e nsure p atients’ s afety a nd c ost effectiveness.
Counsel, e ncourage a nd a dminister v accination t o p atients t o i mprove p ublic healths.
Fill o ver 2 00 p rescriptions p er n ight a nd p erform o ther f unctions a lone.
Compound a ctive a nd n on-active p harmaceutical i ngredients p er p atient n eeds
Review, r ecord, a nd s tore C ompounding R ecords NOVA P sychiatric s ervices, P arkway M edical T ower, R eston V A Administrative M edical A ssistant
Record p atient h istory a nd p ersonal i nformation
Schedule p atients a ppointments a nd a nswer t elephone c alls
Set u p p atients r efills t o e nsure a dherence t o t herapy
Bill p atients i nsurance a nd c ollect c o-payments
Received a nd t ransferred t elephone o rder p rescriptions
Resolve p rior a uthorizations b y c ontacting i nsurance p lans
Perform a ll o ther a dministrative d uties
Walgreens P harmacy-11234 M anassas, V A
I ntern P harmacist
Assisted p harmacists w ith p rescription o rder i nterpretation
Answered m edication r elated q uestions ( u nder R Ph s upervision)
Received a nd t ransferred t elephone o rder p rescriptions
Prepared p atients’ m edication o rders
January 2 013-May
March 2 013-May
September 2 009-
June 2 012
February 2 001-
August 2 006
February 2 011-
April 2 011
September 2 008-
July 2 009
Counseled p atients o n m edication u se a nd d rug i nteractions
Advised m edical p ersonnels ( doctors a nd n urses) o n o ptimal p atient a dherence.
Assisted i n r ecording a nd m aintaining a dequate i nventory
Assisted i n t he p roper h andling, u tilization a nd s torage o f d rugs i n t he p harmacy
Accurately b illed t hird-party i nsurance p lans a nd r esolve a ny p roblem t hat m ay occur
Assisted a nd c ompounded p rescription o rders Genoa, a Q oL H ealthcare C ompany, N orthwest M ental H ealth C enter, C hantilly, V A Consumer m edication c oordinator
● Enrolled p atients i nto t he G enoa p harmacy s ervices
● Facilitated t he c ollection o f p rescription t o b e f axed t o t he p harmacy f or dispensing
● Compliance m onitoring b y c ontacting p atients a nd d etermined t heir r efill n eeds
● Ensured t imely r efills o f p rescriptions b y c ontacting d octors
● Collaborated w ith d octors a nd n urses o n p atients’ m edications h istory a nd treatment p lans.
● Assisted i n p roper b illing a nd r esolved p rior a uthorizations b y c ontacting b oth t he doctors a nd i nsurance p lans
C VS P harmacy-1403 V ienna V A
P harmacy T echnician
● Provided e xcellent p atient c are s ervices w ithin h igh-volume r etail s ettings
● Swiftly a nd c orrectly c alculated d osages a nd d ispensed m edications.
● Used t he p harmacy c omputer s ystem t o a ccess p rescription i nformation i ncluding patients, p rescribers, d rug s election, p rescription i nterpretation a nd i nsurance billing.
● Accurately p repared p rescription l abels a nd f illed p rescriptions f or a pproval b y pharmacists.
● Organized d rug i nventory a nd p rocessed d aily m edication r eports
● Resolved d osage c onflicts, i nsurance i ssues a nd e nsure p atient s afety
● Trained n ew P harmacy T echnicians.
S ierra P harmaceutical E nterprises, F reetown, S ierra L eone
P harmacy I ntern/ P harmacist
● Supervised P harmacy T echnicians
● Assessed p rescriptions f or a uthenticity a nd a ccuracy
● Checked a ll f illed p rescriptions t o e nsure t he c orrect m edication d ispensed
● Maintained p atients’ p rofile a nd c ounseled p atients o n c urrent m edications
● Controlled d rug i nventory
Masters o f S ocial M edicine a nd H ealth M anagement ( Public H ealth) China M edical U niversity, S henyang, C hina
T hesis “ The r elationship b etween o ccupational s tress a nd d epressive s ymptoms a mong doctors: A n e mpirical s tudy o f p sychological c apital a s a m oderator”. ( China M edical University)
Bachelor o f P harmacy w ith h onors ( BPharm) College o f M edicine a nd A llied H ealth S ciences
D issertation T opic “ T he p revalence o f N eisseria M eningitidis a mong p rimary s chool children i n c entral F reetown”.(College o f M edicine a nd A llied H ealth S ciences, U SL) Pharmacy T echnician C ertificate
Institute f or t he c ertification o f P harmacy T echnician, V A, U SA Advanced L evel C hinese L anguage C ertificate Beijing L anguage a nd C ulture U niversity, B eijing, C hina July 2 000
July 2 016
March 2 016
April 2 014
July 2 018
November 2 016
April 2 011
July 2 000
October 2 007
High S chool D iploma
Prince o f W ales S chool, F reetown, S ierra L eone Licensed P harmacist, V A
Registration # 020*******
Certified i mmunizing p harmacist,
APhA P harmacy-Based I mmunization D elivery A merican P harmacists A ssociation Foreign P harmacy G raduate e quivalency E xamination C ertificate ( FPGEC) Passed t he F oreign P harmacy G raduate E quivalency E xamination ( FPGEE) a nd m et a ll requirements e stablished b y t he N ational A ssociation o f B oards o f P harmacy ( NABP) f or its F PGEC c ertification
Basic L ife S upport ( CPR a nd A ED) C ertified American H eart A ssociation
HIV T esting C ertification
Pharmacy T echnician L icense, V A
Registration # 023*******
High S chool D iploma
Prince o f W ales S econdary S chool, F reetown, S ierra L eone Professional
Sierra L eone P harmacy B oard C ertified P harmacist Pharmaceutical S ociety o f S ierra L eone, C ertified M ember Excellent w ith c omputers p rograms i ncluding M icrosoft w ord, e xcel a nd p ower p oint. Excellent c ommunication a nd r eporting s kills Outstanding a nalytical a nd p roblem s olving s kills Remarkable c ustomer s ervice a nd t eam p layer Operates v arious d evices a nd e quipments i n t he p harmacy ( Evi) Available u pon r equest