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Senior Release Manager

Park Ridge, NJ
October 04, 2017

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Ella R aber

Woodcliff L ake, N J * ****; ( 201-*-**-****; e mail: ********@*****.***

Senior P roject M anager

Ambitious a nd h ighly e ffective p rofessional w ith o ver 2 0 y ears o f P roject, P roduct a nd R elease M anagement experience i n P harmacy B enefits M anagement f ield. C onfident a nd p roactive l eader w ith a p roven t rack r ecord of d riving a ll p hases o f l arge-scale I T p rojects t o s uccessful c ompletion. E xcellent i nterpersonal a nd communication s kills f or b uilding s trong a lignment b etween b usiness, t echnology a nd o perational s takeholders. Professional E xperience

EXPRESS S CRIPTS, F ranklin L akes, N J

Senior P roject M anager, R elease a nd C hange M anagement 2012-2017 Led a g lobal c hange m anagement t eam i n p lanning, p rioritization, m onitoring a nd d eployment o f o ver 60 a pplications o n v arious p latforms, i ncluding e -Service D elivery, I nteractive V oice R ecognition, Business t o C onsumer, M ail S ervice P harmacy, a nd P oint o f C are.

K ey A ccomplishments:

● Supervised p roduction r eleases f or a 1 4 o f c ompany’s s oftware i mplementation v olume, e ncompassing emergency, u nplanned, s cheduled a nd e nterprise w ide r eleases

● Minimised m anual i ntervention b y t ransforming R elease M anagement p rocess f rom S harePoint t o orchestrated p latform u sing J IRA/XL R elease

● Managed r elationships w ith I T l eadership a nd B usiness p artners i n o rder t o i mprove p rocesses, r educe failure p oints a nd d rive m eaningful m easures f or q uality i mprovements

● Eliminated d uplications a nd I ncreased r esource e fficiency 7 0% b y i mplementing d edicated C oordinator role i n a ll a reas p articipating i n C hange A dvisory B oard

● Reduced s oftware i mplementation l ead t ime b y 5 0% b y i mplementing n ew s tandards f or A gile S oftware Development M ethodology

● Improved q uality a nd s tability o f p roduction r eleases b y 4 0% b y e ffectively m anaging r isk, c ollisions and d ependencies b etween c oncurrent r elease c ycles

● Reduced e mergency r eleases b y 2 5% b y i mplementing s trict p roduction v alidation p rocess t o e nsure timely i ssue m itigation w ith m inimal d isruption t o p roduction e nvironment

● Minimized r ecurring d efects b y p erforming t horough r oot c ause a nalysis a nd i mplementation o f preventative m easures

MEDCO H EALTH, F ranklin L akes, N J

Development M anager, H ome D elivery P harmacy O perations 2008-2012 Managed a g lobal t eam o f s oftware e ngineers o n m ultiple d evelopment p rojects f or H ome D elivery Pharmacy s ystem t hroughout v arious s tages o f S DLC. O versaw s cheduling, t echnical d irection, p roject planning a nd s tandard d evelopment p ractices.

K ey A ccomplishments:

● Managed a nalysis, d esign, d evelopment, t esting, i mplementation a nd m aintenance s tages f or m ultiple concurrent p rojects, i ncluding:

LPAR r edesign – r e-architecture o f M Q m anagers, D B2 d atabases a nd C ICS r egions

MIPS R eduction – r educe M IPS u tilization b y s treamlining p rocessing p aths i n C ICS p rograms

Predictive r egression t est – c apturing p roduction M Q m essages i n o rder t o p lay t hem b ack using P LAYBACK s tation i n l ower e nvironments

● Coordinated c omplex d eployment p aths t hrough v arious p roject s tages a nd m ultiple e nvironments

● Hosted u ser m eetings t o d evelop r equirements, d etermine p roject s cope a nd d efine t imelines

● Developed a nd m aintained d etailed p roject p lan w ith m ilestones a nd r oll o ut p lan f or m ultiple p rojects of v arious c omplexity, c ost a nd t ime-constraints t o i nsure t imely i mplementation w ithin b udget

● Prioritized p roject s taffing p lans b ased o n t he e stimated l evel o f e ffort t o p roperly l evel r esources Page 1 o f 2

Ella R aber

Technical L ead / S enior A pplication A rchitect 1990-2008 Led a t eam o f u p t o 1 2 d evelopers i n s upporting v arious u pgrades f or t he H ome D elivery P harmacy s ystem. Defined a nd i mplemented t echnical s olutions f or n ew f eatures w ithin C ustomer S ervice, M anaged C are a nd Master F iles A pplication. L iaison b etween b usiness u sers a nd d evelopment t eam f or c ross-functional p rojects.

● Analyzed a nd i nterpreted b usiness r equirements i nto t echnical s pecifications

● Provided d esign s olutions a nd c reated t echnical d ocumentation

● Managed H ome D elivery a pplication c onversion t o t he n ew H IPAA c laim l ayout ( D.0). T he e ffort encompassed e xtensive a nalysis, c oordination, d evelopment, t esting a nd i mplementation o f o ver 500 p rograms a nd 9 00 c opybooks

● Designed, d eveloped a nd i mplemented I ntegrated D rug F ile s ystem t o a utomate u pdated f rom t he Blue B ook a nd R ed B ook d ata s ources a nd a ssist b usiness u sers i n m aintaining c urrent d rug information a nd p ricing

● implemented n umerous b usiness, t echnical a nd r egulatory e nhancements i ncluding n ew W orry F ree R efill, Pended R efill a nd F ederal E mployee P rogram ( FEP) Core C ompetencies

Waterfall & A gile P roject M ethodology Full S DLC E xpertise Business A nalysis & R esolution Requirements, g ap a nalysis Cross-functional t eam l eadership HIPAA r egulatory s tandards User S tories / U se C ases / F RD’s Programming & D atabase D esign Systems A nalysis & D esign Cross-Functional C ollaboration Business p rocess i mprovement Change M anagement

R elease M anagement Enterprise S olution A rchitecture Technical P roficiency

MS O ffice ( Word, E xcel, V isio, P roject, P owerPoint, O utlook) ● S harePoint ● S QL J IRA ● X L R elease ● S erviceNow ● R emedy Clarity ● S crumWorks ● R ally E ndevor M ainframe ( COBOL, D B2, C ICS, V SAM, e tc.)

P rofessional E ducation/Certification

PMP C ertification A gile s oftware d evelopment The A rt a nd F undamentals o f P roject M anagement Project M anagement f or S oftware D evelopment EDUCATION

Manhattan S chool o f C omputer T echnology - C omputer P rogramming Fashion I nstitute o f T echnology - A AS F ashion D esign Page 2 o f 2

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