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Audio Visual technician

Los Angeles, CA
October 05, 2017

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Assistant D irector

Julian D elgado

**** * ****** * *.

Los A ngeles, C A 9 0065




● Audio/Visual

● Bilingual- E nglish a nd S panish

● Qualities: g reat c ustomer s ervice

● Leadership s kills

● Intuitive

● Quick l earner



PSAV/ L ead T echnician

05/31/1998 - 2 003, C entury P laza H otel

I w as i n c harge o f t he n ight c rew, m y r esponsibilities w as t o m ake s ure a ll the A V r equests w as s et a nd s triked p roperly. I g ained m anagerial s kills and g eneral e vent t echnology s kills.

PSAV / D irector

2003 - 2 013, I ntercontinental H otel

My r esponsibilities w as t o c ommunicate w ith o ther h otel s taff a nd provide e xcellent c ustomer s ervices. T o g uarantee s uccess i n a ll t he events a nd p rovide g reat l eadership a mongst m y p eers. T he b enefits I gained w orking a s a n A udio V isual D irector w as a cquiring g reat relationships w ith s taff a nd c lients.

PSAV / A ssistant D irector

2013 - 0 6/30/2017, W estin L AX H otel

I w as r equired t o A ssist t he D irector. I m anaged a nd a ssist t he t echnicians during s et u ps a nd s trikes. I w ould g reet c lients a nd m anagement d uties such a s b illing a nd o ther p aper w ork. I b enefited w hile w orking a s a n Assistant D irector w as g aining m ore s kills a nd i mproving m y s kills. Certificate E mployee o f t he m onth a t t he W estin L AX H otel Certificate E mployee o f t he m onth s everal t imes i n P SAV

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