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Houston, TX
October 05, 2017

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**** * ***** * *. ( 337-*-**-****

Houston, T X 7 7049 M *************@*****.*** To o btain e mployment a s a W arehouse A ssociate, L aborer a nd/or C onstruction. I ncludes a ll unskilled m anual l aborers.

Construction L abor/ 5 y ears

Helpers- I nstallation, m aintenance a nd r epair w orkers/1 y rs. 3 m os. Laborers a nd F reight, S tock a nd m aterial m overs, h and/ 2 y rs. Sheet m etal w orkers/ 1 y r1 m o.

Order S elector/ S tand-up F orklift – K roger D istribution C enter – M arch 2 013 – J anuary 2 017 In G rocery:

● Pallet j ack o perator

● Select g roceries a nd p ut o n p allet

● Wrap a nd s tack p allets 8 ’ h igh

In F reezer:

● Stand-up f orklift o perator

Warehouse A ssociate – S alvation A rmy – S eptember 2 012 – D ecember 2 012

● Cleaned o r p repared c onstruction s ites t o e liminate p ossible h azards

● Loaded, u nloaded o r i dentified b uilding m aterial, m achinery o r t ools, d istributing t hem t o the a ppropriate l ocations a ccording t o p roject p lans o r s pecifications

● Gathered a nd e mptied t rash’

● Cleaned b uilding f loors b y s weeping, m opping, s crubbing o r v acuuming

● Recorded n umbers o f u nits h andled o r m oved u sing d aily p roduction

● Moved f reight a nd o ther m aterials t o a nd f rom s torage o r p roduction a reas, l oading docks, d elivery v ehicles, s hips o r c ontainers b y h and o r u sing t rucks, t ractors o r o ther equipment

Forklift O perator – M emco S taffing – A pril 2 012 – J une 2 012

● Inspected p roduct l oad f or a ccuracy a nd s afely m ove i t a round t he w arehouse o r f acility to e nsure t imely a nd c omplete d elivery

● Weigh m aterials o r p roducts a nd r ecord w eight o r o ther p roduction d ata o n t ags o r l abels

● Manually o r m echanically l oad o r u nload m aterials f rom p allets, s kids, p latforms, c ars, lofting d evices o r o ther t ransport v ehicles

● Move l evels o r c ontrols t hat o perate l ifting d evices, s uch a s f orklifts, t o l oad, u nload, transport o r s tack m aterial

● Perform r outine m aintenance o n v ehicles o r a uxiliary e quipment s uch a s c leaning, lubricating, r echarging b atteries, f ueling o r r eplacing l iquefied g as t ank

N orth S hore S enior H igh S chool, H ouston T X High S chool D iploma/ G ED

Automotive S ervice T echnician


● Follow c hecklists t o e nsure a ll i mportant p arts a re e xamined, i ncluding b elts, h oses, steering s ystems, s park p lugs, b rake a nd f uel s ystems a nd o ther p otentially t roublesome areas

● Perform r outine a nd s cheduled m aintenance Rosemary A rroyo ( 713-*-**-**** Co-worker P ilot T ravel C enters

Thomas K elly ( 832-*-**-**** Mentor F luor D aniel

Tim M cNeil ( 405-*-**-**** Supervisor H awk C onstruction

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