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C Marketing

Denver, CO
October 05, 2017

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Samantha Y acobucci

**** * ****** * ** L akewood, C O 8 0215 ( 303-*-**-**** i *******@*****.*** Profile

An enthusiastic, conscientious team player and articulate communicator with excellent written, verbal, and listening skills with 12 years in agile environments working with cross-functional teams as QA, Scrum Master and Product Owner. Proven ability to prioritize multiple assignments and maintain composure in highly demanding situations. Able to analyze complex data and develop innovative solutions with great detail. Experience testing native and web-based mobile applications, backend platforms, and embedded firmware. Conversant in Russian and Scrum Master certified.


NOTION, D enver, C O D ecember 2 016 - A ugust 2 017 Product O wner / L ead Q uality A ssurance E ngineer

● Led t eam a s P O f or n ew m obile i ntegration; t eam i ncluded U X, M arketing, b ackend a nd m obile d evelopers.

● Duties i ncluded t ranslating d esign a nd c ustomer i nput i nto u ser s tories, c oordinating w ith t hird-party integration t eam, a nd c ommunicating s tatus t o k ey s takeholders.

● Coordinated t he q uality e ffort f or a ll s oftware d evelopment t eams i ncluding f irmware, b ackend, a nd m obile - requiring i ndividualized t est p lans, t est c ases, a nd r elease c ycles f or a ll 3 t eams. WAYIN, D enver, C O M arch 2 016 - N ovember 2 016 Senior Q uality A ssurance E ngineer

● Performed e xploratory, l oad, a nd a utomated t esting f or v arious t emplate a nd c ustom U I e xperiences a cross multiple b rowsers a nd s upported d evices.

● Supported p rofessional s ervices t eam t roubleshoot p roblems d uring l ive e vents.

● Led Q A e ffort f or c reation o f n ew c ombined p latform a fter a cquisition, r esponsibilities i ncluded u pdating u ser stories, p rioritizing w ork, a nd c ommunicating s tatus. READYTALK D enver, C O M arch 2 012 - M arch 2 016 Scrum M aster / Q uality A ssurance T eam L ead

● Directed t he e ngineering-wide e ffort t o m ove f rom a 1 2-week t o a 6 -week r elease c ycle.

● Led Q A e fforts o n g reen f ield c lient d evelopment w hich h it b oth B eta a nd G A d eadlines w hile e xecuting exploratory t esting a nd b uilding r epository o f a utomated s moke a nd r egression s uites i n C ucumber.

● Facilitated t he a gile p rocess f or a t eam o f s ix, i ncluding s oftware p lanning, b ug t riage, a nd r etro.

● Created S tabilization P lan; s uites i nclude: r egression, l oad, f ailover, t argeted t est c ases, a nd c lient s ide u ser scenario a utomation w ritten i n f itnesse a nd j ava. CISCO S YSTEMS ( formerly J ABBER), D enver, C O M arch 2 008 – M arch 2 012 Scrum M aster / Q uality A ssurance E ngineer

● Facilitated t eam o f d evelopers, P M, a nd A rchitect a s S crum M aster i n a gile d evelopment.

● Wrote a nd e xecuted m anual t ests a s p art o f t he c lient t eam. C reated b oth t he f ull a nd ' lite' r egression t est s uites.

● As t he s ole Q A m ember o f t he c lient l ibrary t eam ( IM c lients t o w ork w ith t he X CP S ervers), w rote a utomated functional a nd u nit t ests i n j avascript t o t est t he A jax l ibrary.

● After t he a cquisition b y C isco, t ransitioned t o t he s erver t eam, w orked m ainly w ith t he a utomated t est t ool written i n p ython. A lso a t t he h elm o f t he R elease T eam, r esponsible f or t he 3 -month i nternal r elease c ycle. MORTGAGE C ADENCE, G reenwood V illage, C O J une 2 007 – M arch 2 008 Quality A ssurance E ngineer

● Integral m ember o f t he U pdate T eam, r esponsibilities i nclude c ommunicating w ith i nternal a nd e xternal stakeholders, d ocumenting c hange r equirements, a nd p rioritizing n ew w ork.

● Worked i ndependently t o i ntegrate t hird p arty p rograms w ith p roprietary s oftware. T asks i ncluded i nstallation, troubleshooting, d ocumentation, a nd c reating t est c ases w ith v ery l ittle d irection o r p rior d ocumentation.

● Worked w ith a c ross-functional t eam t o i mplement n ew f eatures. A s t he Q A r esource, n eed t o c reate documentation t hat i ncluded s cope, t est p lans, d efects, a nd e xecution r esults. MAVERICK S YSTEMS, D enver, C O F ebruary 2 005 – J une 2 007 Software T est P rofessional

● Used S QL a nd S QLPlus t o v alidate d ata, c reated q ueries, a nd v erify d efects. U se S QL t o e xamine s tored procedures a nd l og f iles t o p inpoint t he p roblem a nd b ring t o t he a ttention o f d evelopers.

● Worked w ith t he p rogrammers a nd D BAs t o h elp i dentify t he c orrectness, c ompleteness, s ecurity, a nd q uality of d eveloped s oftware; d etermined t he r oot c ause o f t he p roblem w ithin t he s ystem; p erformed a nalysis a nd provided s uggestions a nd r ecommendations o n h ow b est t o r ectify p roblems.

● Created t est p lans a nd s cripts t o t rack a nd c ommunicate t he q uality a nd p roblems f ound. Achievements a nd A ffiliations


North A merican C hampion, 2 016

● Competed in and won the North American division of the Software Testing World Cup and traveled to Potsdam Germany t o c ompete i n t he F inals:

t esting-world-cup-300367120.html

● Competition included testing a previously unknown phone or web application in 4 hours and submitting both a bug r eport a nd s ummary o f f indings a nd r ecommendations. CHARITABLE C ONTRIBUTIONS C OMMITTEE

Readytalk, 2 013 - 2 016

● Helmed the 5 person committee to distribute $80,000 per year to charitable organizations recommended by employees

● Organized and participated in volunteer events for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Wild Animal Sanctuary, Habitat for H umanity a mong m any o thers.

● Dedicated v olunteer a t N orth H igh S chool E ngagement c enter h elping s tudents i mprove m ath s kills SCRUM A LLIANCE

Certified S crum M asters ( CSM), N ovember 2 011 INTERNATIONAL I NSTITUTE O F S OFTWARE T ESTING, G olden V alley, M N Certified S oftware T est P rofessional ( CSTP M arch 2 007 Education

UNIVERSITY O F M ARYLAND, R obert H . S mith S chool o f B usiness C ollege P ark, M D B.S. ( Dual M ajor): D ecision a nd I nformation S ciences a nd M arketing, M ay 2 003 ( GPA: 3 .1).

● Graduate of University's two-year Scholars’ Program, B usiness, Society and the Economy; selected for Beyond the C lassroom P rogram f or a cademic a chievement.

● Awarded P resident’s S cholarship a nd t he U M S cholarship t o a ttend t he U niversity o f M aryland.

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