February ****
February 2016
January 2017
Miami, FL
C: 786-***-****
Professional with ten years of experience in the field of information technology experience in all phases of software development, analysis, design and programming of computer systems. General knowledge about networking, hardware and software. Experience in the business computer analyst and programmer, designer, primarily on web technologies and desktop environment and database management.
Strong technical and analytical skills. Hard worker, quick learner. Good communication skills. Strong problem solving, goal oriented, careful with details, team player.
Skills Proficiency Total Years Last Used
C#; HTML; CSS; Asp.Net Web Excellent 7 Present Date Forms; Asp.Net MVC; Web Api;
Bootstrap; Visual Studio; WCF; Angular
MongoDB; IIS Good 1 Present Date
SQL Server; LINQ; Entity Excellent 4 Present Date
Framework; T-SQL
OpenERP; Odoo; Python; Excellent 6 January,2017
OpenObject; PostgreSQL;
PyCharm; Eclipse
Oracle; PLSQL; Servlets; Tomcat Good 1 January,2016 Java; Jsf; Hibernate; Spring; Excellent 6 August,2015 Richfaces
Truly Data Miami, FL, USA
Software Engineer
CRM Application that enables Web Services for a Medical Insurance Company. Technologies: NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, C#, Mongo DB, Web Api, Asp .Net, HTML5, IIS 10, Entity Framework, Web Services. Web Application that enables Web Services for different areas of Medical Insurance Company. Technologies: NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, C#, SQL Server, LINQ, Web Api, Asp .Net, HTML5, AngularJS 4, CSS, AJAX, Jquery, Boostrap, IIS 10, Entity Framework, Web Services.
Soltein S.A Quito, Ecuador
Web Developer
Business Management System of Mission Petroleum Technologies: Odoo8, Python, Technical Skills
September 2015
February 2016
October 2010
August 2015
February 2010
July 2010
OpenObject, PostgreSQL, OpenERP.
Latin American Software Corporation S.A. CORLASOSA Guayaquil, Ecuador Software Engineer
Computer system that allows managing the container terminal company TERCON Technologies: NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, C#, Oracle, Telerik Extensions for Web Form, Asp .Net, PLSQL, HTML5.
Implementation of algorithms for the communications company Claro. National Software Company DESOFT Havana, Cuba
Software Developer
Computer system that allows managing information from MINREX (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Implementation of algorithms for the accounting module of an ERP Technologies: OpenERP, Python, OpenObject, PostgreSQL.
Industrial accounting system for the communications company ETECSA Technologies: Java, Jsf, Hibernate, Spring, Richfaces, Postgres SQL, Servlets, Tomcat. Computer system of Automata 6050 Technologies: Java. Integrated transport system for the Spanish transportation company IASOFT Technologies: Asp.Net, Visual Studio 2005, C# y .NET 2.0, Cristal Reports, SQL Server 2000.
University of Computer Science UCI Havana, Cuba
Software Engineer, Intern
Analysis and design of an inspection module at the detention facilities and prisons for the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Cuba Technologies: Visual Paradigm, Axure RP.
Bachelor of Science Havana, Cuba
Computer Engineer 4.58
National Software Company DESOFT Havana, Cuba
Internal Courses: Advanced Python Language, Introduction to PostgreSQL Databases, Advanced OpenERP
Latin American Software Corporation S.A. CORLASOSA Guayaquil, Ecuador Internal Courses: Bash - Shell, Oracle Forms
Certified Developer Certification ORACLE PLSQL (2015) Certification ORACLE SQL Expert (2015) Languages and Technologies Education and Training