Alexandre S ame
**** * * ******** * ve C hicago,IL,60608 r ***********@*****.*** 3 12.931.0117
I a m s eeking a f ull t ime p osition a s C hemical e ngineer i n m anufacturing e nvironment w here I c an a pplied m y a nalytical and p roblem s olving s kills t o f ind t he m ost c ost e fficient a nd b est e nvironmental p rocess i mprovement. Education i n C hemical E ngineering ( ABET A ccredited) ( GPA: 3 .61) M ay 2 015 I llinois I nstitute of T echnology, C hicago, I L
● Techniques a nd K nowledge: P &ID d evelopment; L ab p rototyping ; E quipment s izing,Design optimization,Heat I ntegration,Thermodynamics,Fluid d ynamics,heat a nd m ass t ransfer , Unit Operations,OSHA, P SM r egulation, I SO 9 001, T roubleshooting , d ata a nd c ost a nalysis,GMP, v alidation process, q uality c ontrol, p roject m anagement, m aterial a nd e nergy b alances,polymer c hemistry, P rocess F low diagram.
● Software: M icrosoft O ffice ; P LC P rogramming; M S P rojects; V isual B ascis; C ; M icrosoft E xcel; Solid W orks ; A utoCad; M atlab; D CS s ystem; L abview; A spen H ysys;Matlab; M icrosoft p owerpoint .
● Language: F luent i n b oth w ritten a nd o ral E nglish a nd F rench.
W ork E xperience
Progress R ail ( manufacturing) C hicago, I L ( May 2 016- S eptember 2 017) Process e ngineer C ontractor.
● Worked a s p art o f a t eam t o t roubleshoot p rocess p roblems and m echanical m alfunction.
● Analyzed p rocess t o i dentify o pportunities f or i mprovement t o o ptimize q uality, p erformance a nd p roductivity.
● Conducted s alt s pray t est o n b rackets, r etainers, l evers, a nd a nalyzed r esults w ith r espect t o c orrosion r esistance
● Decreased 7 -15% e quipment m alfunctions b y i mproving e quipment s pecifications a nd w ork p rocedures.
● Drafted r eports o f c ollected d ata d uring p roject e xecution.
● Responsible f or t he t echnical r eview o f d ocuments/drawings f or d eviation a nd c ompliance.
● Communicated w ith a nd t rained p roduction o perators.
I llinois i nstitute o f t echnology ( Natural G as L iquid R ecovery-school p roject) ( January 2 015-May 2 015) Lead E ngineer
● Designed v iable, b oth t echnically a nd e conomically, c hemical p lant t hat o perate u nder O SHA P SM regulation.Detailed s weetening d esign u sing H ysys t o e liminate C O2 s o t hat t he p roduct s team h as o nly 0.5
● Worked w ith H SE t eam t o r esolve s afety/environmental i ssues.
● Attended i n c lient m eetings, p repared s cope o f w ork, p roposed c reative s olutions t o r esolve c onflicts a nd best s erve c lients' n eeds.
● Prepared c onstruction b udgets b y a nalyzing b uilding p lans w hile u pdating s pecifications a nd p rojecting c osts f or each e levation.
A wards/ A ctivities
● Active m ember o f N ational S ociety o f B lack E ngineers ( NSBE) 2010- P resent
● Active m ember o f A merican I nstitute o f C hemical E ngineers 2 011- P resent
● Active m ember o f T he N ational S ociety o f L eadership a nd S uccess 2 011- P resent
● Dean’s A ward f or S cholastic E xcellence 2 011- 2 015