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C Management

Moorpark, CA, 93021
October 03, 2017

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Lavenia S adler

Email: l ******.******@*****.***


Currently l ooking f or a c areer o pportunity t hat w ill p rovide a c hallenging a venue t o s ignificantly c ontribute t o a n o rganization's e fficiency, growth, a nd p rofitability a nd w ill m ake b est u se o f e xisting s kills a nd e xperience g ained w hilst e nabling f urther p ersonal a nd professional d evelopmental , i deally w ith T ravel a dministration & T ravel m anagement, f inance, a nalysis, d ata p rocess m anagement, and E vent a dministration.

Professional P rofile

Innovative B usiness P rofessional w ith e xperience P lanning a nd f ollow t hrough a re p aramount t o m ove forward strategies and fulfill goals. Effective solutions and delivering them successfully is always my goal. I’m driven with passion for producing c ost s avings f or a ny c ompany t hru l istening a nd u nderstanding t he d ifferent d emands f or a ll l evels o f e mployees. Effectively handles multiple and concurrent responsibilities with discretion, with all levels of management. Excellent leadership skills, and time management, project management, interpersonal communication, problem-solving, written and verbal communication. Extensive on-line computer experience including Concur, broad Internet research and advanced skills with MS Office Suite. Comprehensive background in all areas of business administration, (travel, meetings and credit cards corporate development, finance, and accounting). Quick study with the ability to easily understand and implement new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies. Innovative a nd s elf-motivated t eam p layer/builder. Concur Administrator, advanced Bu siness Administration, Sabre Back Office, Business Development, Project Management, MS Office Suite, process improvement, interpersonal relationships, i nteractive strategy a nd administrative development. I’m a self s tarter, in b oth s tructured a nd u nstructured e nvironments, w ith e ntrepreneurial s kills a nd a p roven t rack r ecord. Enjoy w orking o n t eams ( BPM, f ocus g roups, e tc.) t o e stablish a nd e nforce p olicy a nd p rocedure c hanges t o m aintain t he u ltimate benefits a nd c ost s avings f or a ny c ompany. E xperience i n v endor/contract n egotiations, T &E a nd p urchasing C ard ( Concur) a udits, a nd credit c ard p rocesses, o ffice s ervices a nd m eeting p lanning f or m ultiple l ocations. Credited f or j udiciously i dentifying p rocess i mprovement o pportunities t hat a dded v alue. I mplemented m ultiple p rojects t o e nforce t he process i mprovements a nd e nsure t hat p rocedures w e f ollowed f or v arious p rojects. Computer S kills

Microsoft O ffice S uite, C oncur A dministrator, a dvanced ( processing, r eporting, a pproving a nd a uditing, S harePoint, T M1, P 2P, O racle, Ungerboeck ( 0nline p ayment a nd r egistration s ystem), A ccess, S harePoint, P ayPal, S abre, M agnatech, a nd G RASP Social S kills

• M aintain s trong r elationships w ith c lients, t heir r epresentatives, i nternal e mployees, c ontractors, v endors, a nd t he h otel t o e nsure f ull participation

• K ey p layer i n e ffectively t ransitioning t he c ompanies t ravel, c redit c ards ( Amex t o V isa), c ellular d evices a nd t he o ffice s ervices a nd meeting p lanning d epartment f rom J .D. P ower p rocesses a nd p rocedures t o M cGraw H ill's p rocesses a nd p rocedures.

• A ble b uild a nd m aintain e ffective i nternal a nd e xternal c lient r elationships, t hrough l istening, u nderstanding a nd o pen c ommunication and e stablish t he n eed o f a ll c lients c learly, u nderstood a nd a ddressed i n a n a ppropriate t imeframe.

• M anaged c ompanies w orldwide s mall/large-scale e vents, r ide a nd d rives, v ehicle t ransportation, t raining g roups, e tc. F acilitated online r egistration s ite, c ontract n egotiation, b udget p re/post, e xpense r econciliation, v enue f inalization, v endor s election, s taffing p lans, timelines, o n-site m anagement, p ost e vent a nalysis, a ll l ogistical d etails i ncluding t ravel, r oom s et-up, a udio v isual, t ransportation, F /B. Hired, t rained a nd d eveloped a s taff 6 t o 2 5. ( depending o n d emand)

• M anaged t he G lobal H otel P rogram i ncluding t he R equest f or I nformation ( RFI), R equest f or Q uotations; ( RFQ), R equests f or Proposal ( RFP) a nd c oordination o f m aintained c ommunications b etween s uppliers a nd b usiness i nternal a nd e xternal s takeholders during a ll p hases s t hat w ere a ffiliated w ith t he e vent.

• E fficiently l iaised w ith t hird p arty v endors t o e nsure m aximum e fficiency a nd m inimum c ost t o c ompany. Lavenia S adler

Email: l ******.******@*****.***


• P ivotal w orking w ith g roups a nd t he i mplementation o f m ultiple c ompany p rograms g lobal o nline t ravel ( authorization a nd b ooking), event r egistration a nd c redit c ard s ystem f or e vents a nd e commerce s ales e lectrically, a llowing t he c ompany t o e ffectively p rocess credit c ard s ales g enerating m illions i n r evenue p er y ear.

• C oncur A dministrator, i nterfaced w ith t he c lients i nternally a nd e xternally, C oncur c onfiguration, A dministration k nowledge a nd implementation a nd t roubleshooting C oncur, b ackend a nd c hanging k nowledge t hrough " checklist" t ype p rocess, s ome t ravel i ndustry knowledge a nd e xperience w ith i mplementing c orporate t ools o r a pplications.

• S houldered t he r esponsibility o f m anaging t he e mployees T ravel,Policy & E xpenses t hrough t he C oncur r eporting t ools. G ained invaluable e xperience i n c ost/benefit a nalysis, p rocess a nalysis, d ata a nalysis s olutions a nd i mplementation t hrough t raining, r eview and a pproval o f t ravel r equests, a udits o f T &E e xpenses f or a dherence t o p olicy..

• S houldered t he r esponsibility o f m anaging t he e mployees T ravel,Policy & E xpenses t hrough t he C oncur r eporting t ools. G ained invaluable e xperience i n c ost/benefit a nalysis, p rocess a nalysis, d ata a nalysis s olutions a nd i mplementation t hrough t raining, r eview and a pproval o f t ravel r equests, a udits o f T &E e xpenses f or a dherence t o p olicy.

• I nstrumental i n d eveloping c onsistent o ffice p rocess a nd p rocedures a nd d ocumenting a ll p olicies i nto f ormal m anuals f or t he organization.


Office S upport A dministration, C orporate T ravel C enter Corporate T ravel C enter A ugust 2 015 – F ebruary 2 017 Moorpark, C A

● Generated P olicies B usiness E xpense, A gent D uties a nd D ue D iligence p olicies f or C ompliance, R epetitional D iligence, Anti-Corruption ( ACDD) a nd P rivacy.

● Reporting: g enerated m onthly, b iweekly, a nd w eekly, s ales, r efunds, c ommission, e tc.

● Manages a ll a dministrative n eeds f or t he o wner, w as a l iaison to t ravel a gencies, w here r egular u pdates a nd f ollow-ups a re made w hen d eadlines a re p ending.

● Performed a w ide r ange o f international a nd d omestic t ravel p lanning i ncluding acquiring visas, a nd p assports.. K nowledge o f airports, carriers, h otels and t ransportation.

● Plan m eetings and e vents, b oth o n a nd o ff-site, w ith d etailed c oordination

● Constant interpersonal v erbal a nd w ritten c ommunication w ith m anagement, a gents, e xternal c lients a nd s uppliers.

● Regularly p roofread, e dited, and tracked c hanges f or c orrespondence o f a ll f orms.

● Builds p resentations i n M icrosoft P ower P oint f or c lient p roposals a nd s ales m eeting

● Maintained f iles (hard-copy and electronic) to assure easy a ccess t o t imely a nd a ccurate i nformation J.D. P ower, M cGraw H ill C ompanies ( February 1 990 – D ecember 3 1, 2 013) 2007-12/2013 S r. M anager, M cGraw H ill F inancial ( JD P ower) 2005-2007 S r. M anager, M eeting P lanning, J .D. P ower a nd A ssociates, M cGraw H ill C ompanies. 1991-2005 M anager, M eeting P lanning, J .D. P ower a nd A ssociates 7/1990- 1 991 S upervisor, E vents, M eetings a nd R egistration, J .D. P ower a nd A ssociates 2/1990 - 6 /1990 R egistration C oordinator, J .D. P ower a nd A ssociates Managed t he T ravel, M eeting P lanning a nd O ffice S ervices D epartments i n W estlake V illage, C A a nd T roy, M l. I dentified p rogram resources; e stablished t eam r oles a nd r esponsibilities, a nd p rovide c lear d irection o n p rogram r equirements t o e xceed e xpectations o f business; d rove i mplementation o f p rograms b y e stablishing s trategies t hrough c ommunication a nd p rocesses. H ave a b alance between w ork a nd e veryday l ife. C reated a nd m anaged s chedules a nd b udgets, i dentified r isk a reas a nd m ade r ecommendations regarding a ppropriate r isk. M onitored a nd r eported p roject s tatus. C ommunicated u pdates a nd r eviews w ith t eam a nd a ll l evels o f management.

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