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Simpsonville, SC
October 02, 2017

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Devin D elozier

*.**********@*****.*** *** C oburg L ane

214-***-**** S impsonville, S C 2 9680 WORK E XPERIENCE

America’s H ome P lace, G reenville, S C D ecember 2 016 - P resent Project M anager

• Responsible f or m anaging a ll a spects o f t he c onstruction o f h omes f rom d esign t o c oordination o f s chedules, inspections d uring v arious c onstruction p hases, m onitoring p ermits, a nd d aily o versight o f s ubcontractors t o e nsure the d elivery o f a q uality h ome f or t he c ustomer.

• Develop p roject s chedules, p lan m aterials, a nd p urchase o rders, e nsuring w ork i s w ithin p roject s cope.

• Oversee t he c onstruction s chedule, b udget a nd e nsure p roject i s c ompleted w ithin d eadline a nd b udget.

• Ensure a ll b uilding c odes a nd A merica’s H ome P lace s tandards o f q uality a re m et.

• Conduct w alk-through i nspections a nd o ther s cheduled i nspections w ith t he h omeowner.

• Communicate s afety s tandards t o l aborers a nd s ubcontractors; e nforce s afety r egulations o n a ll j ob s ites.

• Responsible f or m aintaining a c lean a nd o rganized j obsite.

• Interact d aily w ith v arious d epartments o f c ompany, s ubcontractors, c ustomers, a nd c ounty i nspectors. Terracon C onsulting E ngineers, D allas, T X January 2 013 – D ecember 2 016 Field P roject M anager

• Responsible f or p roviding f acilities a nd e ngineering s ervices t o c lients, d evelopers, c ontractors a nd a rchitects i n commercial, o ffice, h ospital a nd e ducational f acilities. D evelop p ositive w orking r elationships w ith c lients, contractors, e ngineers, d evelopers a nd m anagement.

• Responsible f or p lanning a nd s cheduling c onstruction i nspections t o c omply w ith l ocal b uilding c odes, c onstruction documents a nd c lient s pecifications.

• Perform b asic f ield t ests a s d irected w ith m inimal a nalysis o f d ata. U nder t he d irection o f o ther t echnicians o r s taff professionals, p erform r outine f ield i nspections t o e nsure q uality a ssurance o f t he c ontract.

• Directs t he e fforts o f a s mall g roup o f c ompany p ersonnel o n a s ingle p roject a nd e nsures t hat a ll s ervices a re responsive t o t he c lient’s n eeds, i ncluding b eing o n t ime a nd w ithin a n i dentified s cope a nd b udget.

• Continually r eviewed t he p roject’s p rogress a nd e valuated t echnical d ata r eceived f rom p roject s taff f or d ecisions t o be m ade b y c ompany c onsultants, t he c lient, t he c ontractor o r o ther d ecision-making b odies i nvolved i n t he project. B ased o n c onclusions d rawn f rom p roject d ata, o btained a pproval a nd d ecisions f rom t he c lient o r t he client’s r epresentatives i n a t imely m anner t hat a llows t he p roject t o f low s moothly a nd p rogress o n s chedule.

• Mediated a ny d isagreements t hat d eveloped b etween t he t echnical d isciplines a nd/or c lient’s r epresentatives o r contractors c ontributing t o t he p rogress o f a p roject, a nd a ssisted i n d eveloping m eans b y w hich d isagreements were s ettled a nd d ocumented.

• Participates i n p eriodic r eviews o f t he p roject w ith r espect t o i ts s chedule, d esign a nd/or c onstruction c ost, a nd prepares p rogress r eports o n a r egular b asis t o c ompany m anagement a nd t he c lient’s r epresentatives a s n eeded.

• Act a s a l iaison b etween a ll c ompany r epresentatives, m anagement, c ontractors a nd a ny o ther p arties i nvolved i n the d esign o r c onstruction p rocess.

• Directed t he i nspections a nd m aterials t esting r eviews n ecessary a t t he c lose o f a p roject t o e nsure t hat t he p roject documents w ere r etained, c osts a nd q uantities h ave b een s ummarized, a nd s pecial h istory d ata i s r ecorded. Servant R emodeling, D allas, T X A ugust 2 010-December 2 012 Construction L aborer

• Responsible f or v arious a spects o f t he r emodeling p rocess i ncluding b ut n ot l imited t o d emolition, f raming, h anging drywall, p ainting, a nd f inished c arpentry.

• Worked t ogether s uccessfully w ith o ther e mployees a nd s ubcontractors t o c omplete t he j ob i n a s atisfactory a nd timely m anner a nd p leasing t o t he c ustomer. The H ome D epot, P rovo, U T M ay 2 008 – D ec 2 009/ P lano, T X J an 2 010 – A ugust 2 012 May 2 008 – A ugust 2 012 Electrical D epartment S upervisor/Flooring S ales A ssociate

• Assisted c ustomers b y e ducating t hem o n d ifferent p roducts, s howing t hem p ros a nd c ons a bout e ach p roduct a nd helping t hem u nderstand p roper u sage a nd/or i nstallation.

• Conducted i n s tore d emonstrations a nd h ow t o c lasses t o h elp c ustomers l earn h ow t o c omplete h ome improvement p rojects t hemselves.

• Organized a nd m aintained d epartment i nventory u sing H ome D epot s oftware t o o rder n ew p roduct w hen s tore stock w as d ecreasing.

Monster F raming, U tah C ounty, U T January 2 007 – M ay 2 008 Framer

• Collaborated i n s uccessful c ompletion o f s mall c ommercial a nd s ingle a nd m ulti-family p rojects.

• Determined l ayouts f rom p lans t hen b uilt w alls, s tairs, a nd f loor a nd r oof s tructures. Gifford H ardwood F looring, R exburg, I D August 2 005 - D ecember 2 005 Floor I nstaller

• Installed, s anded, a nd f inished h ardwood f loors.

• Developed a nd m aintained k nowledge o f o peration f or a ll e quipment a nd t ools a ssociated w ith h ardwood f looring installation.

Flooring F irst, W inston-Salem, N C May 2 004 - F ebruary 2 005 Floor T echnician

• Installed c arpet, v inyl, a nd l aminate f looring i n b oth c ommercial a nd r esidential b uildings.

• Provided c arpet-cleaning s ervices t o c ustomers. EDUCATION

Utah V alley U niversity

Bachelor o f S cience i n T echnology M anagement A pril 2 009 Emphasis: B uilding C onstruction/Construction M anagement Overall G PA: 3 .4

Extra C urricular A ctivities:

Associated S chool o f C onstruction, 2 009 S tudent C onstruction C ompetition, R eno, N V Competitor – T hird P lace

• Collaborated w ith t eam m embers i n w orking o n a p roposal f or a m ulti-family h ousing d evelopment.

• Generated t he s chedule f or t he p roject a ccording t o t he g uidelines s et f rom t he c ompetition c ommittee.

• Worked w ith t eam m embers i n c reating a b id p acket w hich i ncluded b uilding a nd l and d evelopment e stimations w ith return o n i nvestments a nd m arketing/customer r elations. 2008 I nternational B uilders S how, S tudent C onstruction C ompetition, O rlando, F L Competitor – S econd P lace

• Coordinated w ith t eam m embers i n d eveloping a p roposal f or a s ingle f amily d etached h ome.

• Developed c onstruction s chedule f or s ingle f amily d welling w hile f ollowing c ompetition g uidelines.

• Participated w ith o ther t eam m embers o n g enerating n ew p lans a nd c ompleting i tem t ake-offs t o p roduce a ccurate construction c ost e stimates.


• Blueprint R eading

• Scheduling ( Primavera & M S P roject)

• Estimating ( Timberline)

• Microsoft O ffice

• Six S igma G reen B elt C ertification, A pril 2 009

• Level 1 U nbonded P T – F ield I nstallation

• ACI C oncrete F ield T esting T echnician – G rade 1 REFERENCES

Jeff S eria, G SA L ease C ontracting O fficer 214-***-****

Bruce B lacker, V ice P resident a t A nalysis G roup 214-***-****

Drew B aze, T erracon P roject M anager


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