Helen M. Bergland, Ph.D.
Cheney, WA, 99004
Cell: 509-***-****
Education Ph.D. Education. University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho.
Education: Emphasis on postsecondary Education in Teaching, Learning & Assessment.
December 2005.
M.A. English. Eastern Washington University. Cheney, Washington.
June 2000.
B.A. Education and Music. Eastern Washington University. Cheney, Washington.
December 1980.
Dissertation “Scholars Learning Communities: An Investigation of Community as Bridge between Academic and Student Affairs.”
Academic Positions Interim Director for Assessment and Accreditation
Faculty Commons. Eastern Washington University.
February through current.
Interim Director, Faculty Commons
Faculty Support for Learning, Instruction & Assessment
Program Review
Faculty Commons. Eastern Washington University.
March – August 2016.
Academic Program Manager
Faculty Support for Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Program Review
Office of Academic Planning and Faculty Commons.
Eastern Washington University.
July 2009 – current (with two Interim positions above interspersed)
Interim Director and Interim Ex Officio, Research and Scholarship Committee
Teaching & Learning Center. Eastern Washington University.
Eastern Washington University.
August 2007 – June 2009.
Associate Director
Teaching & Learning Center. Eastern Washington University.
September 2000 – July 2007.
Teaching Experience Instructor. First Year Experience, ITGS 196
Eastern Washington University. Fall 2008 & Fall 2009.
Adjunct Instructor, English Department
Eastern Washington University. Fall 2000.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department
Eastern Washington University. Fall 1998 through Spring 2000.
Instructor. Private and public schools. Spokane, Washington. 1984 – 1991.
Publications Bergland, Helen. Book review: Into the classroom: Developing the scholarship of teaching and learning by Thomas Hatch. In International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Vol 1(2). July 2007.
Bergland, Helen. “Critical Moments at Eastern Washington University” (with Nanette Wichman). In The Critical Moments Project. Eds. Gillies Malnarich and Diane Gillespie. The Washington Center. 2004.
Presentations & Using Evidence to Improve Student Learning. Two faculty workshops. Co-
Events presenter. EWU. January 2017.
Norming and scoring training workshop for the Research and Scholarship
Committee’s work with EWU Faculty Grants for Research and Creative Works.
Co-developer and facilitator. EWU. October 2016.
S.M.A(3).R.T. Faculty and Staff Poster Session. Presenter. EWU. May 2016.
Grant Writing Brown-Bag Series. Co-developer with Grants Office. EWU. Spring 2016.
Civic Thinkers Partnership between the West Valley School District of Spokane, Washington, and EWU. Lead. 2007-17.
Faculty Commons Grand Opening. Organizer. Planner and lead on behalf of Faculty Commons. EWU. May 2016.
Faculty Discussion on Cultural Humility. Organizer. EWU. May 2016.
“Diversity Awakening the Classroom” Two forums for students, faculty, and staff. Co-planner and co-convener. EWU. April and May 2016.
Faculty Survey on Internationalization. Partner with Office of Global Initiatives on behalf of Faculty Commons. EWU. March 2016.
First-Year Experience (FYE) Workshop: Co-facilitator for assessment session. EWU. July 2015.
“Portfolio Fever.” Teaching & Technology Bootcamp. Co-facilitator. EWU. July 2015.
“Assessment of Student Learning.” Teaching & Technology Bootcamp. Invited facilitator for Round-Table discussion. EWU. July 2015.
Mathematics Assessment Retreat. Developer and facilitator. EWU. February 2014.
New Faculty Teaching Academy: Monthly Discussion Groups for New Faculty Development and Mentoring. Developer and facilitator. EWU. 2013-14.
2013 Spring Assessment Colloquium. Developer and co-facilitator. EWU. April 2013.
Chairs and Directors Workshop. Presenter. Assessment Planning for Spring 2015 NWCCU Accreditation Site Visit. Co-presenter. EWU. February 2013.
Preparing for Accreditation in the Education Department. Co-developer and co-facilitator. EWU. February 2013.
Are Students Learning What We Hope They’re Learning and How Do We Know? 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii. Presenter. January 2013.
Mathematics Department Assessment Workshop. Developer and presenter. EWU. September 2013.
English Department Assessment Workshop. Developer and presenter. EWU. September 2013.
How Can I Be an Informed Voter to Support My Home, Community, and School? Conference co-developer and facilitator with Spokane’s West Valley School District. EWU. October 2012.
OASIS: Faculty-led Discussion Groups. Developer, convener. EWU. 2012-13.
New Faculty Orientation. Developer, facilitator, presenter. EWU. 2001-13.
New Faculty Information Fair. Developer, facilitator. EWU. 2009-13.
Academic Integrity Workshop for New Faculty. Co-developer. EWU. 2001-13.
Getting Acquainted with Grant-Writing Resources at Eastern. New Faculty Orientation Workshop. Co-developer and presenter. EWU. September 2012.
The Essential Syllabus. New Faculty Orientation Workshop. Co-developer and presenter. EWU. September 2012.
Tips for Writing a Successful Research and Creative Works Grant Application. Oasis Faculty Discussion. Presenter and facilitator. EWU. July 2012.
Making Learning Visible. Teaching and Technology Boot Camp. Presenter. EWU. July 2012.
The Difficulties and Pleasures of Student Learning in the 21st Century. Workshop(s) co-developer with Dr. Pat Hutchings of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. EWU. April and June 2012.
“Creating a Submission Packet” or “How Writing a Book Proposal or Submitting a Manuscript is Like a First Date.” Workshop co-developer with Rachel Toor. EWU. April 2012.
How Can I Be an Active Steward in My Home, Community and School? Conference co-developer and facilitator with Spokane’s West Valley School District. EWU. October 2011.
Teaching with Technology Boot Camp. Co-presenter and co-developer. EWU. Summers of 2010, 2009, 2008, 2011.
How Can I Be the Difference Where I Live, Work and Play? Conference co-developer and facilitator with Spokane’s West Valley School District. EWU. May 2011.
Chairs Workshop. Co-presenter on findings from the eTextbook Taskforce. EWU. May 2011.
Framing Course Assessment: Globally and in the Thick of Things. Children’s Studies Online Learning Retreat. Presenter. EWU. April 2011.
Book-worthy: How Smart Academics Write to Get Published. Workshop co-developer. EWU. February 2011.
Women Blog the Academy. Poster Presentation. Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education conference. Co-presenter. Houston, Texas. October 2009.
Stress and Coping in Uncertain Times: Teach-In. Workshop co-developer. EWU. April 2009.
Pedagogical Success for English Composition Teaching Assistants. Workshop co-presenter. EWU. September 2008.
Offering Faculty-Oriented Resources and Support. QSI Conference. Session co-presenter. EWU. August 2008.
Developing a First-Year Experience Program for Students. Workshop co-developer and presenter. EWU. March and May 2008.
What Influences Student Learning? Workshop co-developer. EWU. February 2008.
Getting Serious Books Published: A Workshop for New(er) Faculty. Co- developer and presenter in collaboration with EWU Centers of Excellence, University Press, and College of Arts and Letters. EWU. January 2008.
Designing and Assessing Effective Writing Assignments: A Workshop for
Social Work Faculty. Co-facilitator. EWU. May 2007.
Improving Teaching: A Program-Level Review of Curriculum – Workshop for the College of Business and Public Administration. Co-facilitator. EWU. Feb 2007.
All Faculty / Staff Information Fair. Facilitator. EWU. Annually 2001-08.
Getting on Board: Workshop for New Faculty. Co-presenter. EWU. Annually 2005-08.
Surviving and Thriving: Workshop for New Faculty. Co-presenter. EWU. Annually 2005-08.
Scholars Learning Communities Retreats. Facilitator. Bi-annually. EWU. 2003-2008.
Access for All: Promoting Universal Access for Students with Disabilities and for Students, Faculty, and Staff from all Diverse Backgrounds. Co-developer and facilitator. EWU. May, June 2006.
bell hooks: all about love: New Visions. Faculty and student seminars with bell hooks. Seminar co-developer. EWU. April 2006.
Scholars Learning Communities: Their Potential in Supporting Diversity at EWU. Women’s Studies Program. Co-presenter. EWU. February 2006.
Scholars Learning Communities: An Investigation of Community as Bridge between Academic and Student Affairs. Scholars Learning Community Winter Retreat. Presenter. EWU. January 2006.
Working with Case Stories about Diversity Issues. Quality Service Initiative Conference. Co-presenter. EWU. August 2005.
Grant Writing Workshop: For Grant Writing at Any Stage. Co-facilitator. EWU. June 2005.
Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Scholars Learning Communities. Creating Effective Learning Environments: Pacific Northwest Higher Education Conference. Co-presenter. Spokane, Washington. May 2005.
Leading for Learning: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Presenter. Olympia, Washington. January 2005.
Critical Moments: Scholars Learning Community. Workshop for Scholars Learning Community on Diversity. Co-facilitator. EWU. March 2004.
Title III Faculty Teaching with Technology Showcases. Co-facilitator. EWU. Bi-annually 2001-06.
Math Across the Curriculum: Faculty Workshop. Co-developer. EWU. September 2003.
Program Leading to Undergraduate Success: Faculty Workshop. Co-developer and facilitator. EWU. July 2003.
Working Effectively with Cultures in the Classroom. Co-developer and facilitator. EWU. April 2003.
Critical Moments Case Teaching Diversity Workshop. Co-presenter. EWU. November 2002.
BlackBoard Hands-On Technology Workshops. Co-presenter. EWU. 2001-04.
New Faculty Mentoring. Workshop for New Faculty. Co-presenter. EWU. September 2002 and January 2001.
Using Writing to Teach at the Upper Division and Graduate Level. Workshop co-presenter. EWU. June 2002.
Critical Moments Project: Diversity Training Workshop. Workshop co-facilitator. EWU. March 2002.
Teaching & Learning Center Workshop for Integrated GECR (General Education Core Requirement) Options. Co-facilitator. EWU. December 2001.
Drafting Assessable Writing Assignments. Co-facilitator. EWU. April 2001
Grants Upward Bound Math and Science Program. U.S. Department of Education. Office of Postsecondary Education. Co-applicant. February 2017. $1,285,000 over five years. (not funded)
Eastern Washington University Start Something Big Grant for Civics Conference: How Can I Be the Difference? Applicant. $500. May 2011.
Eastern Washington University NEH Summer Institute 2010. National Endowment for the Humanities. Co-applicant. February 2008. (not funded)
Building Bridges: Dropout Prevention, Intervention, and Retrieval. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington State. January 2008. Co-applicant with Spokane, Washington’s West Valley School District. $250,000.
Promoting Retention of Diverse Students through Media. EWU. Board of Trustees Diversity Grant. Co-applicant 2007-08. $6,511.
Developing New Faculty Workshops on Effective Pedagogy. EWU. Academic Strategic Planning Grant. Applicant. 2007-08. Award: $8,000.
International Institute for New Faculty Developers. EWU Foundation Mini Grant. Applicant. June 2007. Award: $1,607.
Scholars Learning Community on Diversity. EWU. Academic Strategic Planning Grant. Co-applicant. 2004-05. Award: $18,200.
Scholars Learning Community on Diversity. EWU. Foundation Mini-grant. Co-applicant. 2004-05. Award: $3,000.
Scholars Learning Community on Diversity. EWU. Teaching & Learning Center. Co-applicant. 2004-05. Award: $7,000.
Scholars Learning Community on Academic Service Learning. EWU. Teaching & Learning Center. Co-applicant. 2004-05. Award: $6,500.
Critical Moments Grant. Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education. Co-applicant. 2002-03. Award: $934.36.
Professional Internship Task Force. Member. EWU. Launched in September 2017.
Teaching & Learning National Institute: Developing a New Faculty Mentoring Program.
Proposal Lead on behalf of Faculty Commons. EWU. May-July 2016 and 2017.
Student Success and Retention Committee. Graduation Gap Subcommittee. Member. January 2017 through present.
Academic Programs Assessment Committee (APAC), formerly titled the Advisory Committee on Academic Assessment (ACAA); and the Provost’s Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness and Accountability Committee (AIEA) EWU. Ex-Officio and Member. 2008 through present.
Faculty Commons Taskforce. Member. EWU. March 2016-February 2017.
University Program Review Committee. Ex-Officio. EWU. January 2016 through present.
EWU’s Research and Creative Works Symposium Planning Committee. Member. Spring 2010 through present.
Curriculum and Program Approval Committee (CPAC). Assessment liaison. September 2014 through current.
Council for Professional Educator Programs. Member. EWU. Fall 2014 through present.
International Journal for Academic Development. Review manuscripts.
2010 through present.
Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD). Review conference proposals. May 2006 through present.
2015 American Democracy Project/The Democracy Commitment/ National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (ADP/TDC/NASPA) Civic Learning & Democratic Engagement Meeting. Review Conference Proposals. February 2015.
To Improve the Academy. Primary journal for Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education. Review manuscripts. December 2012 through present.
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Advisory Group. Convene and facilitate for EWU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. 2011-13.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at EWU.
Accreditation Steering Committee. EWU. Member. 2004-2009 and 2012-13.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at EWU.
Accreditation Steering Committee. EWU. Ten-Year Full Self Study. Co-editor of final report and oversight of accreditation site visit. 2004-2006.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at EWU.
Created Annual Reports and Basic Institutional Data Reports. 2000-2006.
Provost’s eTextbook Taskforce. EWU.
Taskforce Chair, Spring 2011. Member. 2010-2011.
Military Service Committee: Providing Unified Support and Resources for Returning Veterans. Member. 2008-2011.
Scholars Learning Communities program. EWU. Coordinator for SLCs and events. 2003-2010.
General Education Curriculum Committee. EWU. Co-Ex-Officio 2008-2010.
Provost’s eLearning Committee. Co-chair with EWU’s Chief Information Officer. 2008-2009.
Roadmap to Redesign (R2R) program. EWU. Co-lead. National Center for Academic Transformation. 2007-2009.
Revitalizing Liberal Education program under the Liberal Education: Core Curriculum institutional leadership theme in connection with the Carnegie Academy’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). EWU. Co-lead. 2007-2009.
Eagle Scholars / SPARKS Grant work group. EWU. Co-developed First-Year Experience course program and taught. 2007-2009.
Graduate Certificate in Student Affairs Administration and Master of Science in Student Affairs Administration. Committee member. EWU. 2006-2007.
Teaching & Learning Center’s Mission and Strategic Plan. EWU. Co-author. EWU. 2004-2009.
Department of Education Title III Teaching with Technology five-year grant. EWU. Co-director. 2000-2005.
Memberships Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education. 2002 -2009.
Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society. Member. 2000-2007.